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Personally, I'm hoping that Year Zero/The Dark Ages refer to the state of Earth following the invasion by demons.


Perhaps some sort of coup would happen and the player would wake up not very long after the ending of TAG2, compared to the beginning of 2016.

Edited by Trigsy

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1 minute ago, VoanHead said:

hell yeah, let’s get a 3D platformer, Commander Keen 64-esque title where the graphics look like the shitty polygonal look back in those days. 


Jumping Flash but with Commander Keen

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3 hours ago, 8088mph said:

can we just get like a new commander keen or wolfenstein game pls

I mean, they did try back in 2019, but everyone disliked it and in 2020 it seems t have been quietly abandoned. Watch the trailer video by yourself to judge it yourself.


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1 hour ago, taufan99 said:

I mean, they did try back in 2019, but everyone disliked it and in 2020 it seems t have been quietly abandoned. Watch the trailer video by yourself to judge it yourself.

The trailer is pretty bad, but what really doomed the game was the absolutely horrendous gameplay:



Edited by TheUltimateDoomer666

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10 hours ago, gkaydubs said:

i am litteraly going insane i thought betheda would shut down id for sure i almost had a heart attack reading this and  probably will when a trailer comes out

Bethesda's not going to shut down anyone; it's not their responsibility to make such decisions.


It's Microsoft's.

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6 hours ago, fruity lerlups said:

Also just to confuse people like Doom Eternal and Eternal Doom, they should call it Doom: New Gothic Movement

Doom Eviternal-volution: The Ancient Alien Gods Vendetta

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22 minutes ago, Stupid Bunny said:

Doom Eviternal-volution: The Ancient Alien Gods Vendetta is Going Down to Swim with the Valiant Whales of Base Ganymede


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1 hour ago, ⇛Marnetmar⇛ said:

I wonder if id was originally going to reboot Quake 1 but decided instead to retcon it into the Doom universe in order to preserve Quake as a multiplayer-only IP.

Well to be fair they literally had Quad Damage in 2016 but renamed it in Eternal so I don't think that's the case. I hope at least.

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On 5/25/2024 at 12:36 AM, TMMMS said:

so a doom x heretic crossover?


On 5/25/2024 at 5:46 AM, roadworx said:

oh, so they're going from doom eternal to eternal doom, okay

What i was thinking of when i read the OP post and the linked article on It! However, gonna wait until a trailer of sorts gets released for better judgements but.... Yeah It kinda feels more like Eternal Doom conceptually, really.

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4 hours ago, ⇛Marnetmar⇛ said:

I wonder if id was originally going to reboot Quake 1 but decided instead to retcon it into the Doom universe in order to preserve Quake as a multiplayer-only IP.

I doubt it, the project name was Doom: Year Zero so I think it was probably originally a doom game.

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Cautiously optimistic about this one. People whined so much about anything that was remotely challenging/required some thinking in Eternal (Marauders, weak points, stricter ammo limits) that I'm expecting it to be a regression to pander to people who wanted more Doom 2016.

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On 5/25/2024 at 4:46 AM, roadworx said:

oh, so they're going from doom eternal to eternal doom, okay

About damn time.

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1 hour ago, MrSkeltal said:

I'm expecting it to be a regression to pander to people who wanted more Doom 2016.

In that case they would have to bring back the darker, more grounded atmosphere and heavily tone down the over-the-top fanfic lore as well, and based on what we've heard, I don't think that's gonna happen.

Edited by Scorcher

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7 minutes ago, DoomTheDarkAgesfan07 said:

I am very much excited :)

...alright, who's alt is this?

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Its not Doom 2: Hell on Earth 2  so its probably gonna suck.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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On 5/26/2024 at 4:04 AM, Trigsy said:

Personally, I'm hoping that Year Zero/The Dark Ages refer to the state of Earth following the invasion by demons.


Perhaps some sort of coup would happen and the player would wake up not very long after the ending of TAG2, compared to the beginning of 2016.

Cracking idea. 

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14 hours ago, MrSkeltal said:

Cautiously optimistic about this one. People whined so much about anything that was remotely challenging/required some thinking in Eternal (Marauders, weak points, stricter ammo limits) that I'm expecting it to be a regression to pander to people who wanted more Doom 2016.

I hope they keep the difficulty and all that but give it an opressive atmosphere to match. 2016 was better in that department, but even that still wasn't what I'd like to see. I want a more hellish, disturbing, or surreal atmosphere and tone. I like the gameplay of 2016 and Eternal, I don't really have a preference there as long as it's designed well. I think Eternal might be a little bit overtuned in some aspects, but it doesn't bother me. I think a big problem is that the lower difficulties were still too hard for some people.

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@TheMagicMushroomMan I would agree with this; gameplay-wise I'm happy with either reboot title, but something about the presentation and immersive atmosphere of D2016 feels more sublime. I think they really nailed the Evil Dead humor-vs-horror tonal balance in that one. That, and I'd really hope to see a return to the more open level design and optional area exploration that was mostly streamlined out in Deternal.


Wolfenstein had a similar trajectory, where I thought the first reboot had absolutely gold-star level progression with truly fun secrets, and a (nonetheless great) sequel that seemed to miss a lot of those finer points and have way more bland levels.

Edited by Gifty

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Eternal's gameplay loop and 2016's atmosphere need to have a baby.


But I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy moments like this:


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Honestly, a Doom game with more medieval tone sounds interesting, whether it's an early part of the story set in whats-its-name where the Knight Sentinels were, or even telling the story of an invasion earlier in some Earth's timeline with a different protagonist.

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I am pretty confident that this will take place between Doom 64 and Doom 216.  I do not think they could do it all in one game however.  The "Clone Wars" as Hugo describes it takes place over several decades does it not?  Will it end with the slayer being buried?


Weapons will probably be a mix between melee and ranged.  Combat loop will probably incorporate both esp against certain demons.     Ballista and super shotgun will probably return.  I bet we get a form of the chaingun/machinegun as a nail gun or something.  Maykr will probably replace the BFG unless the Doomguy brought one with him from Doom 64.


It was also mentioned that the Armored Baron is a taste of what to expect in the future in terms of slaying enemies.  So i expect the slayer having to blow off certain armor parts with weapons and hitting specific weakpoints afterwards with both melee and ranged attacks. 


Demon types will be more fantasy than heavy metal.  I expect less mecha version and more armored version of past foes.  Classic Hell Knights, Dread Widows, Baalgars and ancient variations of Bruisers might show up.  But since Hell is timeless, that doesn't mean we do not get Revenants and Arachnotrons.    There might even some Quake like monsters since there were hints about "Lovecraftian" hell. 

Edited by Zemini

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Honestly I think it's a codename. I think medieval-inspired Doom kind of forgets the core themes and aesthetics of the series. Maybe it's a codename for a Heretic reboot?

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I don't think so.  Doom Zero was the codename apparently which already suggest it's a prequel.  It also had 600 million in forecast which confirms its existence more than the name itself.  MS will be betting on a "established IP" over something that is a higher risk.  Sadly this puts Quake and Hexen into the unknown .


Maybe we get Hexen/Quake lore baked into the game.  Maybe Hexen is the very VERY ancient history of the argenta?  Who knows.

Edited by Zemini

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On 5/27/2024 at 12:23 PM, jazzmaster9 said:

Its not Doom 2: Hell on Earth 2  so its probably gonna suck.

Maybe it will be Doom 64 2 because:

Doom 1 - Doom 2016

Doom 2 - Doom Eternal

Final Doom - Doom Eternal TAG 1&2

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