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Running multiple ACS_NamedExecute at the same time?



Just wondering if it is possible to have the same function run at the same time?  Using GZDoom, I have my ACS script like this for my UDMF level:

	for (int i = 30; i <= 36; i+=2)
		ACS_NamedExecuteWait("powerRoom_fireBeam", 0, i, i + 1, 0);

This works fine because the code waits until the first run of the function is done before starting another one.


If I do this:

	for (int i = 30; i <= 36; i+=2)
		ACS_NamedExecute("powerRoom_fireBeam", 0, i, i + 1, 0);

It will skip every other function call because the function takes more than 70 ticks to complete.


A more obvious example would be something like this:

ACS_NamedExecute("powerRoom_fireBeam", 0, 30, 31, 0);
ACS_NamedExecute("powerRoom_fireBeam", 0, 32, 33, 0);
ACS_NamedExecute("powerRoom_fireBeam", 0, 34, 35, 0);
ACS_NamedExecute("powerRoom_fireBeam", 0, 36, 37, 0);

Only the first call will run, the others are just skipped.


Is this a hard limitation?  Am I doing something wrong?

Edited by necros

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