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I Can't Get Excited About (AAA) Games Anymore

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No, @Dynamo. I like how others keep going for the same initial quote when I stand corrected based on what Lucius said with my follow-up post. My point really was the general quality of AAAs being released in a finished state as a complete package with meaningful DLC or expansions instead of just selling the thing to you piecemeal or in a busted broken rushed shitty state; I know there are some outliers like Game Freak with what they did to Pokemon, and everyone's been pretty guilty of lousy remasters.

I would say I'd like to know why we're somehow accelerated and a cut above the rest and why we have a lot more bad companies overall versus a place like Japan as a whole, with busted broken rushed shitty game after busted broken rushed shitty game for the past decade now from multiple companies, but I already know the answer to that and it's a way bigger issue than video games, you see it all across the entertainment industry nowadays but it's clearly more to the issue than just the quality of our time wasters, we can collectively agree as roadworx said that's indeed a systematic problem that's reached global proportions with this industry.

Just because I criticize one side does not mean I'm completely black and white in favor of the other, it's just a peculiar phenomenon I've noticed over the past few years that we seem to have a serious problem with this in particular; plus Arlene's article appears to only be focusing on Western gaming companies which is what prompted my response due to my observation, that was my point. I suppose I could've worded it better and spent more time fleshing out the argument I was trying to make before I sent it, seeing as my follow-up response to Lucius went ignored. Whether that was accidental or deliberate I won't entertain conspiracy theories on this website.

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1 hour ago, Lila Feuer said:

I would say I'd like to know why we're somehow accelerated and a cut above the rest and why we have a lot more bad companies overall versus a place like Japan as a whole, with busted broken rushed shitty game after busted broken rushed shitty game for the past decade now from multiple companies, but I already know the answer to that and it's a way bigger issue than video games, you see it all across the entertainment industry nowadays but it's clearly more to the issue than just the quality of our time wasters, we can collectively agree as roadworx said that's indeed a systematic problem that's reached global proportions with this industry.

The answer is really simply that "enough people pay for it." There's really not much more to it than that. Perhaps regulations make it easier to cobble together a team, get contracted by a larger company, make a shitty game, get a quick profit then fold. But obviously it's easy to convince enough people to pay here.


If you want to look into why people pay for it then that's a look into deeper societal issues and a problem unto itself.


But yea overall gaming companies around the world suck. Believing otherwise is only deluding yourself.

Edited by Decay

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8 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

The West has a capitalism-first mindset, unlike the East and their over 130 Mega Man games. 

Corporatism is the word you're looking for.  The farmers' market is capitalism. 

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Corporatism is a political system of interest representation and policymaking whereby corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, business, scientific, or guild associations, come together on and negotiate contracts or policy (collective bargaining) on the basis of their common interests.


bro wtf does this gotta do with 130 Mega Man games

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@TheMagicMushroomMan Now I'm just thinking about a little robot in a suit, Hopping around throwing money at you from a briefcase while you pelt him with deplete uranium.  You blow his ass out the window Robocop style and teleport out....  do do do do doo doo doo doooooo


"You Got...

Fat Stacks Cannon"

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2 hours ago, EraserheadBaby said:

Corporatism is the word you're looking for.  The farmers' market is capitalism. 


Ahaha I love this argument because it's a dead giveaway for admitting to having a sense that something is wrong with the current system but not having the guts to call it by name so they reach for a whole other word for it so as to not suffer from cognitive dissonance. No, babes, it's capitalism. "Corporatism" doesn't even mean what you think it means. A farmer's market is simply that -- a marketplace for trade, and trading goods or services has existed in one form or another for thousands of years. Capitalism is private ownership of capital (hence the name) and the means of production with a drive towards infinitely increasing wealth, whatever the cost. It’s the foundation of five hundred years of colonialism and slavery, and is at the root of many of our modern-day social ills. It's also only a few hundred years old, and neoliberalism -- the ideology that justifies it -- is even newer.


Sorry not sorry to ruin your carefully constructed worldview in which capitalism means buying stuff!

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15 minutes ago, june gloom said:

Capitalism is private ownership of capital (hence the name) and the means of production with a drive towards infinitely increasing wealth, whatever the cost. It’s the foundation of five hundred years of colonialism and slavery, and is at the root of many of our modern-day social ills.

Oh yeah, and funding wars, can't forget that part. Outside of very specific cases where it's about religion or land it's otherwise going to be involving money. There's no grand conspiracy there.

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7 hours ago, june gloom said:


Ahaha I love this argument because it's a dead giveaway for admitting to having a sense that something is wrong with the current system but not having the guts to call it by name so they reach for a whole other word for it so as to not suffer from cognitive dissonance. No, babes, it's capitalism. "Corporatism" doesn't even mean what you think it means. A farmer's market is simply that -- a marketplace for trade, and trading goods or services has existed in one form or another for thousands of years. Capitalism is private ownership of capital (hence the name) and the means of production with a drive towards infinitely increasing wealth, whatever the cost. It’s the foundation of five hundred years of colonialism and slavery, and is at the root of many of our modern-day social ills. It's also only a few hundred years old, and neoliberalism -- the ideology that justifies it -- is even newer.


Sorry not sorry to ruin your carefully constructed worldview in which capitalism means buying stuff!

Don't worry about it, you didn't ruin anything.  You sound like someone fresh out of college educated by bitter intellectuals who wish they had more money. 

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No, when I was fresh out of college I was a libertarian dorkus who thought the same dumb shit you did. I learned all that stuff I just told you the hard way. But keep huffing that copium.


(PS I'm 41, trans and disabled, so spare me your boring strawman arguments.)

Edited by june gloom

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The term triple A has become so cheesy and watered down in recent years and automatically comes with certain negative notions like 

high (unrealistic) expectations from the audience and relentless monetization tactics from the company side. 


One could even say that the mainstream gaming Industry has become too big for it's own good, even bigger or on par with Hollywood and the movie industry  in some respects. A new Spiderman game is in essence not only a new Spiderman movie but also much more expensive to make then the movie itself.


It would do the industry good to take a step back instead of looking to maximise profit in every apect. As it stands, the triple A level of games take so much resources and money to make that under the current economic model I'm not shure how long that would be sustainable unless games are priced 100,- standard price.


There is also alot wrong with the general wealth allocation as fuckfaces like Bobby Kottick rake in the billions while the regular developers are shoved to the side, thrown to the lions or just make a very small percentage of the profit. Those CEO's have the power to pull the plug any time they want, whenever they see that the numbers are not to their liking and only care about pleasing shareholders.


As to the question itself at hand, I can get equally as excited for an indie as for a triple A. Furthermore, from all the recent game shows the one game that I happened to have wishlisted turns out to be an indie title.


In conclusion, despite the relentless capitalist and predatory pressures surrounding game development, gems and beautiful worlds are still being created.

Even though it's not the right formula and there's lot that can be said that is wrong there is still alot for me to still be excited about. And that gives me hope.. 


Edited by OniriA

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You can’t directly correlate the quality of the game with how much A-ness it has, and for better or for worse, a lot of people are attracted to games with high levels of A-ness. 
Some folks think that AAA games stink, as they have triple the A-ness of a whole indie game.  I don’t know if you can really judge a game by its A-ness though, even though you can sorta sense the A-ness. It’s a case by case A-ness sensing thing, gotta feel it out first.


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1 hour ago, kwc said:

You can’t directly correlate the quality of the game with how much A-ness it has, and for better or for worse, a lot of people are attracted to games with high levels of A-ness. 
Some folks think that AAA games stink, as they have triple the A-ness of a whole indie game.  I don’t know if you can really judge a game by its A-ness though, even though you can sorta sense the A-ness. It’s a case by case A-ness sensing thing, gotta feel it out first.


What if players aren't Feeling up your A-ness enough?  What if your player's base is too small?

Edited by Milkeno

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Another story that made me quite annoyed was Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Dubbing Contest. the rules of the contest are sketchy as fuck.


Edited by Major Arlene

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10 hours ago, Major Arlene said:

Another story that made me quite annoyed was Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Dubbing Contest. the rules of the contest are sketchy as fuck.

  • Ubisoft
  • Sketchy as fuck

I meeeaaan...




Ubisoft are quite possibly the worst offenders for making AAA look as bad as it does, them and EA responsible for most shit (remember online passes made to combat 2nd hand sales?, those 2 fuckers) that made everything objectively worse.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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