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Wildfire by Obsidian

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Alright, so I made something. A while ago, I made a post about making doom maps on Android. I'm currently in the process of using a dos editor, but I wanted to find a way to run a modern Doom builder. I managed to find one that could run some, but it had a 20 minute free trial. So, as a last resort, I booted up Obsidian Map Generator and let it make a map. (I barely had enough time to get it out) 

Anyways, I don't know what peoples opinions are on Obsidian MEGAWADS, but I hope you enjoy it.


I take no credit for this.

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Map generators are generally frowned upon :)

Edited by Hebonky

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Just as a little tip: DOSBox Turbo and DMapEdit 4.3 work surprisingly smoothly for a limited setup, but honestly I'd see if you could either invest in a cheap laptop from the last five years or so or use a public computer / borrow somebody's with a flashdrive to save your work on. As someone who's been there, mapping on Android just isn't worth the struggle!

Edited by JustAthel

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Depending on what editor you're trying to use, there are countless tutorials for beginners that I'd say are fairly comprehensive and make picking up DB pretty easy. Also there is no "exporting" maps - once you save the file as a WAD, that's what you upload.

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This may be more useful as a DM, honestly, but you'd need to have a file manager to access anything you'd save in DOSBox on Android. It's been a hot minute since I've used it, but I recall it would always mount to your internal storage.

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