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Is there an EASY way to mod Doom?

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I am stupid, and I am looking for a loophole to take instead of coding. I've always wanted to map doom, so when I found stuff like doom builder and Slade I was relieved it wasn't too complicated. Now I want to take the next step and add new weapons and enemies in addition to new maps. Is there any apps or anything easy to get my hands on?

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My opinion isn't best because I work with vanilla, but you can try to start with Whacked. It's windows port of dehacked, and since deh(acked) patches supported by many engines, even Boom, it shouldn't be a problem.


Even without proper understanding of how game works it allows to change many aspects, such as some numbers for pick ups, properties of objects, and the most important: edit durations of frames and replace some code pointers with others. For example, for easy new monsters you can replace mancubus attack with spitting lost souls, now you got earthborn fat elemental. Replace pinky attack with explode - now you get kamikaze from Serious Sam

(Person above sent great tutorial)

Edited by bobstremglav

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If you want something a little less vanilla, you could always learn decorate, or zscript. Zscript, while more complex, gives the user a bit more freedom.

Plus, on the zdoom wiki there are a ton of tutorials and pages for information on different functions of decorate and zscript.


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Just a heads-up, you should only be using DECORATE if you're building something for Zandronum -- for GZDoom mods, use ZScript. It is not more complex than DECORATE, at a core level (this is a misconception that keeps floating around).

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If you're just creating new maps and textures and stuff, you don't need to do a single bit of code, but for fancier map effects, new items, and so on, you will want to learn ZScript, but it's pretty simple for just creating new things. There's plenty of examples to learn from - literally take any mod, fire it up in SLADE, and examine the added stuff.

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You're overthinking it, there are literally twelve year-olds here that are capable of at least basic ZScript ability. It's just a matter of reading, you don't need to be God of Computers. It seems opressive at first but you'll figure it out if you dedicate some time to learn.

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Contrary to some other advice here: Don't start with WHackEd. The graphical interface might seem like a more welcoming choice, but it becomes significantly more awkward and difficult to work with as soon as what you're doing reaches even a moderate level of complexity.

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I'm 90% self taught with the newer tools most people use (Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE) etc.

A lot of my learning comes from studying ZDoom Wiki and reverse engineering a lot of other people's examples or using templates and changing the data in and out as I need. The Doom community is always happy to help when it comes to things I can't find obvious answers to.

There's a lot of videos on youtube but I haven't delved too much into those except for specific things I've needed at specific times.

Doom is one of the easiest games to mod (once you get a grasp of the basics).

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