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lImInAl SpaCe!! Splash Damage - the fourth map in my slaughter school project

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>compat 09
>rocket launcher based
>like 700 enemieis i think
>credit goes to Bucket and Jimmy Paddock for the song Plurry used in it, from the Plutonia Midi Pack
something something liminal space
>difficult levels imp-lemented

>map04, so idclev to map04

Updated: Slightly Harder, also fixed that hall of mirrors thing!




MAP04 Splash Damage.rar

Edited by fruity lerlups

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2 minutes ago, SleepyVelvet said:

doanload link, i sorta think




Edited by fruity lerlups

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I'm mostly a passing wind of random FDA posts, but.


Well, the Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease.

But also, If you Give a Mouse a Cookie...; so this is the last time from me to on such matters, maybe.


Here's an FDA: noisy_MAP04 Splash Damage.zip

Also, The level is on Map04.  You should have that in OP or have it in Map01 unless there's a good reason otherwise.


Otherwise, cute little map.  I like miscellaneous Doom maps from people I don't know.  Sometimes especially newbies.  Keep on.

Edited by SleepyVelvet

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34 minutes ago, SleepyVelvet said:

I'm mostly a passing wind of random FDA posts, but.


Well, the Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease.

But also, If you Give a Mouse a Cookie...; so this is the last time from me to on such matters, maybe.


Here's an FDA: noisy_MAP04 Splash Damage.zip

Also, The level is on Map04.  You should have that in OP or have it in Map01 unless there's a good reason otherwise.


Otherwise, cute little map.  I like miscellaneous Doom maps from people I don't know.  Sometimes especially newbies.  Keep on.

theres a reason, its the fourth map in a map set. I want someone to comment on the gameplay, does it flow well, is it too easy too hard? are the encounters compelling?

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This might be my favorite one so far outside of Shotgun Symphony and Fourth State of Matter. I like the music too. The first fight has a sense of urgency of needing to clear through the imps so as to not be overwhelmed by the revenant hordes, I actually think there could've been more than two arch-viles as reinforcements as they can be easily exploited when they're in a sea of corpses trying to resurrect one by one, although it's a very viable strategy. The second fight lowering you into a weaker horde with an arch-vile that tries to throw you off was also quite fun, again I think there could've been two in this case. The pool fight is probably the easiest area fight-wise as there's a lot of resources, but don't be like me and go into the secret early until after you get the yellow key or you'll be teleported into an unwinnable blockade of cacos and pain elementals lol. Also there's a big HOM here and I'm not sure if it's Nugget Doom or what, I used MBF21 compatibility as well as Boom compatibility (shame they don't use complevel #'s to make this easier to setup in-game.) Still, two arch-viles at a minimum did add some pressure once the flood of red and brown started to pour out after getting said key, though I was fortunate in my case to not get zapped. The finale can be cheesed with bottlenecking enemies but it's extremely tedious and the steep stairs and door constantly slamming in your face makes it not worth it in my opinion, so just go in there and fight, some decent maneuverability needed for throwing off revenant homing missiles in a space that isn't too narrow nor too big. Kinda creepy how it just keeps going into the darkness before finally exiting! All in all a pretty solid little venture and it's always fun to blow shit up.


Edited by Lila Feuer

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Fun map! Although I feel it could have leaned into the liminal vibes a bit more if you had more tile textures and a bit less of the stripe wall texture, and some more rooms with a darker light level, though.
Might be too much rocket ammo, at least in the large pool area, there's so many you can't see much of the floor.

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5 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

This might be my favorite one so far outside of Shotgun Symphony and Fourth State of Matter. I like the music too. The first fight has a sense of urgency of needing to clear through the imps so as to not be overwhelmed by the revenant hordes, I actually think there could've been more than two arch-viles as reinforcements as they can be easily exploited when they're in a sea of corpses trying to resurrect one by one, although it's a very viable strategy. The second fight lowering you into a weaker horde with an arch-vile that tries to throw you off was also quite fun, again I think there could've been two in this case. The pool fight is probably the easiest area fight-wise as there's a lot of resources, but don't be like me and go into the secret early until after you get the yellow key or you'll be teleported into an unwinnable blockade of cacos and pain elementals lol. Also there's a big HOM here and I'm not sure if it's Nugget Doom or what, I used MBF21 compatibility as well as Boom compatibility (shame they don't use complevel #'s to make this easier to setup in-game.) Still, two arch-viles at a minimum did add some pressure once the flood of red and brown started to pour out after getting said key, though I was fortunate in my case to not get zapped. The finale can be cheesed with bottlenecking enemies but it's extremely tedious and the steep stairs and door constantly slamming in your face makes it not worth it in my opinion, so just go in there and fight, some decent maneuverability needed for throwing off revenant homing missiles in a space that isn't too narrow nor too big. Kinda creepy how it just keeps going into the darkness before finally exiting! All in all a pretty solid little venture and it's always fun to blow shit up.


lol seeing both you and ladymistdragon went to the secret before the yellow key opened makes me of two minds, do i change it so you dont end up in the caco closet or do i leave it because its kind of hilarious and cruel?

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2 hours ago, Zahid said:

start was good later it was dull and easy

like visuals though design is simple

my fda with 2 deaths

prboom cl2 uv popi9.zip

you felt the latter encounters were too easy? does make me think i should spice up the map a bit but i am definitely not going for something too difficult either. This is meant to be like "entry level slaughter" and if ive failed at that then i guess i should consider spicing up the encounters a bit

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