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what are your favorite/least favorite doom enemies?

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made this post because i saw a lot of hate towards certain enemies that i didn't find too bad, and wanted to see the general community consensus. also asked for favorites because positivity and all that :)


btw my personal favorite/least favorites are revenants and pain elementals (obviously lol)



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favourite: revenants

least favourite: cacodemons..

hate those suckers mostly because of being infinitely tall but also having more health than they deserve and being ammo wasters, theyre like flying barons of hell.

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I find all the enemies have their uses, but the ones I like the least are archviles. They're just so needy, you either need to place them in extremely close quarters or put tons of random crap around as cover if you want them to be even slightly fun to fight. Same with revenants


For my favorite, I'm gonna have to go with the shotgunner. It's a very simple enemy, but it's got the perfect amount of health, it poses an actual threat to the player without relying on a bloated healthpool, and it drops shotgun ammo! Very versatile, I use them more often than zombiemen tbh

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I rank them based on how charming or amusing I find them. Favorites are Cacodemons (adorable), Pain Elementals (ditto, though my brother insists they're ugly in comparison to the Cacos), Pinkies (cute in a pug sort of way), and the Spider Mastermind (hilarious).

Lost souls and Chaingunners can eat shit. I'd lump Revenants into my most hated pile as well, except that when I was getting into Doom, the works of @Revenant100 helped convince me that I couldn't possibly truly dislike creatures as goofy as they are, even if (or because) fighting them is utter pain.

(Among custom enemies, the Suicide Zombies are great, and the Wraith used in Nihility is wonderfully unnerving. Some of the enemies from All Hell Is Breaking Loose, like the


demons that flip you off and the Apache Helicopter that replaces the Pain Elemental

are just beautifully cursed.)

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My least favourite enemy are lost souls. They are a pain and a waste of shotgun ammo. 

My favourite enemy is probably the shotgunner, since they're easy to kill and are probably the most helpful enemy in the game, since they drop shotguns.

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I love pinky, the cool thing about them is that when you kill them in one SSG shoot, it feels so good + there death sound.

The lost souls are my least favorite, after the SpiderMastermind, because they are too tough for they own good and have only one special sound

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I also think barons and SS soldiers are underrated


I've said this all before, but I'll say it again. Barons get very boring if you treat them like hell knights. Hell knights are elite grunts, they're what you use when you want the level of challenge a squad of imps provides, without having to worry about the logistics of throwing down so many enemies in one spot. Barons, on the other hand, are so tanky, that they transcend the level of grunt, and become more like a brick wall on two legs. A group of barons is an immediate, nearly-impenetrable roadblock in a way that a mob of imps, hell knights, etc. is not. You throw a bunch of them down without consideration for the flow of combat, you're obviously not gonna get the most out of them, but that goes with any enemy. As long as you use barons with intent, they can be great enemies in their own right


As for SS soldiers, they're nice enemies to have, but I can see why they get used as a joke monster so much, what with the whole art style clash and all. You could probably just use chaingunners for anything the SS soldier can do, but I'm still glad they exist, it's just nice to be have enemies that the player doesn't see so often, you know?

Maybe I'm just really protective of the funni sailor man from Freedoom

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As player I only don't like Pain Elemental, especially when this bastard is not restricted to 21 Lost Souls, but as mapper I love it, because it's so easy to place it somewhere and make player dance around to eliminate this bastard as soon as possible, lmao, makes gameplay in my maps more dynamic, so, yeah, we have difficult relationships.


Generally, I'm also not a fan of Icon of Sin, but it's mostly the matter of right implementation and me, who don't like to hurry in Doom maps.


Also, Spider Mastermind is very lame as a boss, because of its Wolf-3D hitscan nature, but at least you can kill it with a couple (sometimes one) of BFG shots.


Maybe I'm the minority, but my most favorite monsters are Pinky and Specter, because they're so freaking cute,

Just look at this pink fluffy boy, isn't he a charming?



As for other monsters - I think they're mostly good and have their usage.

That's why Doom is ETERNAL



(if it counts, ghost monsters bug sucks ass when you're a mapper)

Edited by Async Unicorn

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Archviles, Chaingunners, Arachnotrons, Mancubi, Cyberdemons, Pain Elementals, and Spectres are all at the top of my favorite monsters.  I pretty much like all the enemies in Doom.

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I'll jump on the pain elemental/lost soul hate bandwagon. They're an annoying zerg-rush nonsense that is a chore to clean up. And when these two infight...oh my fucking Spode, save me from this mess. I also dislike shotgunners, because they take off more hit points than squishy popcorn like them deserves.

My favs are hell nobles. While they aren't that dangerous at long range, their tankiness and slim hitboxes encourage getting close with SSG, where they can become a real menace. Now, someone will probably ask "who tf uses super shotgun against barons and knights while having slots 5 and/or 6?"

My answer to that is:

1. I don't like rocket launcher as a weapon that much. It's too easy to miss from far away and too easy to eat your own splash damage at shorter distances.

2. Plasma gun is helpful, but I always save it's ammo for dark times. Then there's BFG that eats up all the damn plasma faster than one can blink.

So, SSG dancing goats all the way. On one hand, it's quite easy to get roasted or torn to shreds while doing it, but on the other, it only happens if you're clumsy or do something stupid. And you get to save a lot of ammo!

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Favorite: Revenants. I love the little dancing you have to do while you reload your super shotgun. Bonus points if you make them infight others +1.


Least favorite: Pinkies. They get in the way of my rockets.


Special mention: Archviles. I just can't hate them, I respect them. They're a live ticking-bomb, and can exponentially elevate the difficulty of any room you're in. I've come to the conclusion that I gave them the same attention as whenever a phone rings irl. You recognize their wake-up sound, and you know it needs to go down, quickly.

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my personal preference:

  • favourite: revenants, followed by archviles.
  • least favourite: icon of sin, followed by zombiemen (for the latter, i often encounter problems placing them in my maps due to their low health and firepower).


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luv me archies
luv me revs
‘ate the nazis
‘ate the barrels
simple as


for real though, i don’t particularly hate any doom enemy in particular. each has their own right place/right time for use, so saying any one is "bad" feels unfair. nazis are stupid though ngl. only good for dehacked replacement


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Spectres. Lazy design that... Actually works sometimes?? Still hate them because of nightmare in Doom 1 though, probably hate pain elementals more if not consider nightmare.

I love Revenants and Cacodemons, funny boner and meatball. And honorable mention - Archvile, it's like a love/hate relationship

Edited by Artyoman

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Lost souls are the videogame equivalent of mosquitos. Pain elementals are pure AIDS but at least they grant interesting opportunities for encounter design, I actually like them, while lost souls are simply too basic and have too much health for what they are. Of course any good mapper could make cool shit with lone lost souls (lost lost souls?) but it's easier to do with the other shitheads that spawn them.


Archviles are my favorite thing about classic Doom. No more to add.


Nazis are the hardest enemy to use in the entire game, even harder than Keens or monster spawners. One day I'll make a map that uses them in a meaningful way, without it being based on Wolfenstein... One day...

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Everyone likes revenants until they fail to get to cover from a homing missile and get that sweet sweet 80 damage.

Everyone likes arch-viles until one blast them through a tiny gap between bars/pillar/walls also for a guaranteed 80 damage.

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7 hours ago, bsharp said:

‘ate the barrels


Love the image this one paints: a marine who has died so many stupid deaths from collateral explosions that he now considers the inanimate nukage receptacles to be aligned with the forces of hell. Fear the allies of the Icon of Sin: Astaroth, Belial, and the Forty-Four Gallon Drum.

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If I ever get around to making a megawad I will probably drop the Pain Elementals tbh, and replace them with a custom monster.


Lost souls are the most annoying; rocket-face causing aggressive little bastards. Doom 3 versions are the worst.


Always liked the simple gunners and shotgunners, though it's strange how a moon base can have so many hundreds of armed soldiers.

Always liked barons and cacos but cacos spamming you with multiple shots one after the other really take the cake.


Never been fussed on revenants really but as with barons they look great. Failed to dodge a missile while playing Eviternity 1 just now, only to be saved by a spectre I had no idea was right in front of my face.


Most annoying custom enemies I've seen are the ridiculous Evil Marines from Scythe 2.

Edited by RICHIE B

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I know the tough or iconic monsters like Revenants and Cacos get a lot of the popularity, but I personally have to say that the humble Imp is the platonic ideal of a low-tier enemy, and my personal favorite monster. They're just tough enough that it feels like you have to do something to kill them (unlike zombiemen and shotgunners who have the toughness of wet tissue paper), it's super fun to run around and dodge all the slow-moving fireballs like a bullet hell game, and they work really well in both large groups, and on their own on ledges to fire projectiles from.


(My least favorite is the IoS, or the Pain Elemental if you don't count the IoS. Nothing special here.)

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Least favorite - Chaingunners:
They can really nickle and dime you out of health and from a far distance too. The only way to deal with them is to get them before their reaction time wears off, other than the normal hide behind a wall. I much prefer arachnotrons as you can use some skill in dodging their attacks.

Most favorite - Doom 64 Lost Souls:
I am not lying! These enemies are agents of chaos, so you have to think on your feet. Unlike the chaingunners you can dodge them. They also nerf the super shotgun too, to give room for other weapons. In fact the best weapon against them is the chaingun. They bring a needed variety to the game in my opinion.

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52 minutes ago, Immorpher said:

Most favorite - Doom 64 Lost Souls:
I am not lying! These enemies are agents of chaos, so you have to think on your feet. Unlike the chaingunners you can dodge them. They also nerf the super shotgun too, to give room for other weapons. In fact the best weapon against them is the chaingun. They bring a needed variety to the game in my opinion.

I despise Doom 64 Lost Souls, those bastards are meaner then a badger on cocaine 

Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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