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Alright WAD [WIP]

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this is my first attempt at a WAD
It has 8 completed maps, a nuts.wad wannabe secret map, an unfinished map and some cool midis I found on the net
I will probably not even touch this WAD for the next month or so (procrastination is my passion), until then enjoy some levels that I think look pretty nice now (especially map12)


The maps in question:
Don't ask why the level order is all weird
...And don't ask why I tried doing a whole megawad instead of making a single level, uploading it here and THEN try making a megawad 


Alright Wad.zip





Edited by Mathos
Gotta be confident

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Putting your own work in a bad light isn't going to go very well if you want people to play it so they can see what you do have as far as complete levels go.

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28 minutes ago, knifeworld said:

Putting your own work in a bad light isn't going to go very well if you want people to play it so they can see what you do have as far as complete levels go.


Seconding this. I mean, you managed to make (and share to the public!) these levels and, not going to lie, I love that first screenshot with the sloped letters. Doing that alone requires a lot of willpower, especially if it's your first work. It may not be the best wad ever, but we all start somewhere! So don't belittle yourself, please. I'll play this wad when I find time, and I'll give you some feedback.

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I'm going to go ahead and throw my two cents in: Like knife said putting your first wad in as "eh, it's ok i guess" kind of attitude isn't going to get people to play your wad(s). Also i want to add on to what costadevale said as well i mean when i first started mapping my maps we bad and i mean bad but after having people playing them, giving me feed back and what not i gotten better over the years, now i'm doing a Ultimate Doom Megawad solo (that's a story for another time).


Basically what i'm getting at is this: We all start somewhere, it's your first wad, people will give feed back on it. But here is the thing and i'll give a piece of advice. Always listen to feedback, if you don't listen to feed back or what people have to say about your map(s) and just do the same thing over and over and over, you're not going to get better, trust me i've learned that lesson quickly.


If i have the time i will check out the maps and give feed back but i'm busy doing my stuff at the moment so hence when i have time.  

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i get the vibe yr going for, downloading <3 congrats on releasing your first thing

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So many problems. The main issue being, the level order. I get the idea that the creator wanted to put two different wads they made into a single megawad, but it doesn't work. The first three level are extremely basic, and full of the usual beginner mistakes. There's not much to say there. Then they end on a text screen, basically just saying that the creator is lazy. Then it's normal maps all the way to MAP16. Why?


Skipping to MAP16 to start the other "wad", which does show that the creator has improved somewhat. But it's confusing, they clearly have enough competence to make a custom start screen, as well as some Doom Maker trickery, but I still encountered pegged door textures through the entire thing. It just felt lazy, to be honest.


Gameplay flow is uneven as well. I almost ran out of ammo in MAP18. MAP17 is just a single room where you press a switch, wait a minute or two and then exit.


The most fun I had was the last map, MAP19. It felt the most polished of the bunch (even if it still had all the same issues) and felt appropriately challenging. Unfortunately I blundered into the secret exit before I could finish the map, and was teleported to a map that is basically just a room with a thousand Revenants in it.


The wad is uneven. For a first wad it's fine I guess. But I'd just skip directly to MAP19.

Edited by Zesiir

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don't be harsh on yourself dude, we all start our mapping journey somewhere, its better then my first WAD that's for sure, keep mapping dude.


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It's not a bad set of maps, but it's also not a great set of maps. Saying yourself that your map is "very mediocre" doesn't really give me any hope that it was going to be great. I mean, if the creator of a map says it's mediocre, then why would anyone who plays it think anything else. Also saying that you're too lazy and having normal maps until MAP16 is really disappointing, why not just put the maps you have created into a whole wad, rather than take MAPS04-15 and put them in-between. 

Also, even for your first map, putting something unfinished in there isn't good. Some minor things I can look past since this is your first map, like most/all the doors being unpegged in the earlier maps. 

Although this map isn't the best, it is also your first map, and no-ones first map is going to be the best one they make. Some of the technical aspects are really promising, I liked how some platforms lowered/raised when you've finished killing all the monsters in a room, and also using a custom MAPINFO to make a text screen. Definitely keep making maps, but perhaps when you release them don't put yourself down and say how mediocre your maps are. 

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Ok so I see some people confused here about the level order
the thing is: I started doing the first level first (maps 01-03), and then I learned that doom's level designers did the last levels first and then I went "Hmmm maybe I should do that" and then made maps 16-19 (which are still not the last ones), and then I started making map 10 for no particular reason that I can remember
So there ya go, there's the reason!
And seeing the other messages I'm changing the wads name to:


Alright Wad!


Edited by Mathos

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The design is actually pretty good for the first maps, it's the combat that needs serious balancing. Although I only played the latter maps since the first few seemed ok to skip. And yes, the secret exit in 19 is probably easier to find than the regular one due to it being basically a straight line from the start.



Edited by LadyMistDragon

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