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[E1M1] HUNGER [CL 3][Long Map][Limit removing]

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I can confirm this is an absolute banger!


I encourage any Doom 1 enthusiasts to give this a try, though be prepared coz the odds are not in Doomguy's favor :)

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One gorgeous, sprawling and difficult map. Gameplay flows well and although ammo is tight you can manage if you just play it safe and explore.

Most combat encounters boil down to just assessing the situation and trying to keep a cool head. There's always enough supplies available, and

the balance feels very good.


The only part I didn't like was the one where you had to climb platforms over the lava lake while a teleporting cyberdemon took potshots at you,

and trying to frantically dodge enemy projectiles and meanwhile find more rocket ammo to deal with the Barons.  It felt like it relied too much on

RNG with the Cyberdemon and was only frustrating. I died more than 20 times in that area alone. Part of the me wanted to quit right there,

but I did want to see what else the map had to offer so I pushed through. And I am glad that I did.


Design-wise it is a very cool take on E1M1, even with the similar secrets. The non-linear design works very well

and it's always fun to replay maps like these and try a different approach. Architecture is very well-done with classic Doom Hell themes that blend in

with the techbase parts sprinkled about just fine. Enemy variety was good as well (even if you'll encounter your fair share of Barons on UV)

and boss fights felt well-thought out for the most part.


A great take on the classic E1M1, with a brutal, hellish twist.

Just be prepared if you play on UV, it's quite devious in places!

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This is sooooo nice! It's not the first expanded E1M1 by any means, nor really the largest either but the commitment to the theme has to be admired. I have no idea why there's another section behind where we would normally have entered the base but it does kind of add to the otherworldly quality of this place. And as Zesiir said, the boss moments were incredibly well-crafted in their arenas and the overall level of danger which existed. I'd feel sorry for someone attempting to demo this because of the cyber though. Sorry, this cuts-off near the end. I hit the wrong key sometimes.




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Zesiir, thank you for the feedback and kind words! Regarding the blue key arena, it's the toughest one, and I even considered making it optional. However, you can grab the blue armor and soulsphere before entering it (exploring can be very rewarding). The strategy is to never stand still and to kill all the monsters (except the cybie) before attempting the platforming.


LadyMistDragon, thanks for the video! It's always nice to see others' attempts and takes on the map! I based the level on E1M1 but didn't copy and paste; the idea is that the forces of hell brought their distorted reality with them, or the old hangar was teleported into another dimension. I wanted the level to feel familiar yet uncanny and intriguing.


Thanks for playing!!

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