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Teleporter Questions



How do I make smooth/seamless silent teleporters with an unnoticeable jitter when its triggered, I'm asking because, I tried using the method in the tutorial, but you can tell when you teleport, so I need an answer. Also what are Z-height teleporters used for? EDIT: Yes, I tried to use silent teleports on stairs, but I want silent teleports that are like the ones in Overboard used for the second floor on the boat.


Edited by yeasertag
A unclear answer that I wasn't looking for.

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2 answers to this question

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The slight perspective shudder when you silently teleport can be somewhat disguised if you're changing heights, so silent teleports on stairs are a lot more seamless.

Z-Height teleporters are used to preserve the vertical height of the teleporting actor. This is useful mostly for flying monsters.

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Here's an article on teleports in Boom, but UDMF should be able to do it as well. What you're looking for is something which teleports to the same angle and preserves momentum. In Boom, that's line type 263. I'm not entirely familiar with the UDMF version, though.

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