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If you could be any Doom level, which Doom level would you be?

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I would be E1M8. Just for "Sign of Evil" blasting in the background. 


"One of the loneliest, most somber melodies I've ever heard. Once you hear it, it lives in you for the rest of your life."

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Map18 in Doom 2.


At first very frantic, but unremarkable, yet, it faintly sticks with you afterwards. Although you usually don't actively notice it, there is this very odd mystique to it whenever you look closer into the map, unveiling secrets and rooms filled with goodies you haven't found on first go. The Midi "Waiting for Romero to play" only underlines that feeling of mystique, almost as if it's patiently waiting for you to uncover everything. Not many vanilla Doom 2 maps can replicate that same, almost nostalgic feeling, even if it's your first time playing the map.


Also it's fucking green :3

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MAP11 Of The Master Levels.


A complete mess of good and bad things that's been duct-taped together so haphazardly it struggles to stand on it's own two feet. Yet, oddly memorable despite the fact that it obviously shouldn't be.

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1 hour ago, Doom-X-Machina said:

Barrels O' Fun.

Same, but for a different reason. I think MAP23 represents my chronic neurosis and debilitatingly short temper well. If one barrel explodes, EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE FUCKING EXPLODES SO HARD THAT MICHAEL BAY FILES A COPYRIGHT LAWSUIT ON ALL OUR ASSES BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!!!1


*off to make a MAP23 knockoff*

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MAP20: Breakdown (Doom 64)


One of the most disturbing maps, large portions of this level shift and change completely, disorienting the player and making navigation difficult. It uses the music track, "The Rotted Foul".

Infinitely relatable.

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