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The card that will make Doom 3 take it in the ass


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So the big question is: What is the better deal? We all know everything below a GeForce 4 or a Radeon 9000, or so, is not even worth looking at to run DOOM III with a decent frame rate. So, in my mind, the GeForce Fx 5800 Pro or the Radeon (9800\9700) Pro are the three major cards to choose from for large frames per second. But $500? If the GeForce Fx 5800 Pro comes down in price before the end of the year, then it might be a good deal.

I saw some benchmarks of DOOM III on the GeForce Fx 5800 at OVER 100 frames per second, and DAMN......I can't wait 'til DOOM III comes out.

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You know, I was going to post in this thread with something meaningful. I really was. No, honestly.


So, I gave up.

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Dubh said:


Shit dude, are you for real?

Doom3 on a GeForce FX5900 (1024x768 - Medium Quality - No AA/Aniso ) - 104 fps

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i know this is about doom 3, but for everyday things i guess my 9000pro is ok right? Im think im sticking with ATI for as long i can think at all, and is the 9800 REALLY worth it now, or is there an 10000 i dont even know about (really teh R400)?

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Regardless of what anyone else tells you, while your 9000 Pro is a little dated, it should be fine until you have a real reason to upgrade, like D3, HL2, or DX2. Truthfully, jumping up to a 9500, 9600, or even further would be a huge jump, but there's really nothing out right now that truly demands that kind of power.

Unless you're like me, and can't stand to play things without the detail (both graphical and auditory) settings maxed and the resolution bumped to 1280 or 1600 horizontal (4:3 forever!) In that case, what are you doing with a 9000 Pro? If you have a need to play every game out now with maxed detail, a 9700 Pro (or a highly-overclocked 9600 Pro) should do you fine.

Note I only mention ATI cards here - if you decided to try the Nvidia route...well, you're wasting your money at this juncture if you get anything besides a 5900. The cards with the 128-bit memory bus just aren't worth the money, with the possible exception of the 5200 Ultra (which is DirectX 9 capable, a little faster/about as fast as a Radeon 9100, and can be had for about $120).

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let me ask all you people somethin'.
What would you do if you had $300, would you:
A) Buy the Radeon 9700 Pro
B) Save $200 more for the GeForce Fx 5900 Ultra

I don't know what to do, help me!!! I'm think to much. You think for me. ;)

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ati sux balz eny way , nvidia's new chips are pretty good + i bet id is gonna try and get revenge on ati for leaking the demo by making the ati hardware run doom3 at poor fps raites.
Also some might quote something i herd reasently ( to defend ati): hl2 has a problem with AA on the fx chips..... whell who needs AA, it slows the game down, the game is gonna be so detailed that you wont need it !! but it seems to me that its just that the hl2 team are a buntch of n44bs more than enny thing els

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* auxois_regal looks at [n00b]plonker, sighs, shaking his head.

PhobosKosmos, you will be infinitely better off with the 9700 Pro. Not that the FX5900 is a bad card, but the only thing the 5900 has over the 9700 Pro is a slight speed edge, and even that is nearly infintesimal. The other "advantages" of the 5900 are really pretty worthless. Besides, the 9700 Pro is an older card, and thus has better driver and game support, and the improved image quality is far more useful (in my opinion) than a bit more speed, when the 9700 Pro is already too fast for everything out right now, and plenty fast for anything coming out in the next six months or so.

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[n00b]plonker said:
ati sux balz eny way , nvidia's new chips are pretty good + i bet id is gonna try and get revenge on ati for leaking the demo by making the ati hardware run doom3 at poor fps raites.

That statement alone lets everyone know just how big of an idiot you are.

Think about what you said.

ATI sucks balls, despite the fact that they've made some huge leaps in rendering technology in the past year alone, even surpassing the leader of the industry, who now is trying it's best to keep up with ATI's cards. ATI isn't without it's problems, neither is nVidia, but there are a lot of happy people out there using the new radeons.

What makes you especially dumb is the notion you hold that id will somehow decrease the radeon's performance running Doom. id would never do this for a few reasons, do pay attention. One; Not everyone is a Doom fanboy and would go out and buy a new $200 card using nividia technology just so they can play, especially if they have a new radeon which costs the same, this would decrease Doom's sales profit. Two; until the leak occurred ATI and id had a good business relationship, which benifited each company in some way. ATI could be solely responsible, or maybe one it's employees acted alone, either way id suffered minimal losses at best, none of which are financial. I think id will get over it. Three; Judging by John Carmacks passion for distributing his technology, I'm sure he'll quit before he intentionally writes a program to flaw it for anyone, even people using a radeon. These people are the ones who keep him financed to pursue his field of expertise, and they're gamers like him (/me whipes tear, heh).

So yeah. That's what I thik about that.

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auxois said:

* auxois_regal looks at [n00b]plonker, sighs, shaking his head.

PhobosKosmos, you will be infinitely better off with the 9700 Pro. Not that the FX5900 is a bad card, but the only thing the 5900 has over the 9700 Pro is a slight speed edge, and even that is nearly infintesimal. The other "advantages" of the 5900 are really pretty worthless. Besides, the 9700 Pro is an older card, and thus has better driver and game support, and the improved image quality is far more useful (in my opinion) than a bit more speed, when the 9700 Pro is already too fast for everything out right now, and plenty fast for anything coming out in the next six months or so.

so? thats a stupid argument seeing as the fx 5900 is also going to be a "old" card when doom comes out

gatewatcher said:

That statement alone lets everyone know just how big of an idiot you are.

I'm sure he'll quit before he intentionally writes a program to flaw it for anyone

thanks i try my best, and : that statment alone tells us how mutch of a flamer you are towards n00bs

also i didnt mean it that way: i ment probably the game would be designed to run better with nvidia drivers , causing radon users to get lower fps then people using an fx based card.

ps: why dont you stick i love ati in your sig, i'll put nvidia if it will convince you to do it ;) lol

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I harbor no special love for ATI - the only company I patronize with fanboyish zeal is PowerVR. I do dislike nVidia, but only because they share with Microsoft a lack of concern for competition. Unfortunately, they made the same mistake as 3dfx, and let their hubris get away from them.

Realize, plonker, that I was not speaking in terms of Doom III - I was speaking generally. He will always be better off having purchased the 9700 Pro. And yes, both cards will likely have quite mature drivers by the time Doom III hits, but the ATI card will always have more mature drivers. You can't out-age something.

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auxois said:

I harbor no special love for ATI - the only company I patronize with fanboyish zeal is PowerVR. I do dislike nVidia, but only because they share with Microsoft a lack of concern for competition. Unfortunately, they made the same mistake as 3dfx, and let their hubris get away from them.

Realize, plonker, that I was not speaking in terms of Doom III - I was speaking generally. He will always be better off having purchased the 9700 Pro. And yes, both cards will likely have quite mature drivers by the time Doom III hits, but the ATI card will always have more mature drivers. You can't out-age something.

i can agree with that.... and i doo agree that they doo lack consern for competion... but i still think nvidia now is still the better choice whyle we w8 for ati to actualy take the upper hand ( witch they havent yet)

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[n00b]plonker said:
also i didnt mean it that way: i ment probably the game would be designed to run better with nvidia drivers , causing radon users to get lower fps then people using an fx based card.

I know what you meant... Do you know what YOU mean?

No, okay.

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gatewatcher said:

I know what you meant... Do you know what YOU mean?

No, okay.

probably cus your braind isnt computing verry well....
what i ment is : id is using nvidia's drivers (and hardware) whyle making the game, so it will probably run smoother on nvidia's fx chips

what i sayed might have been/sounded stupid but if you can understand it then you might aswell be braindead

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Plonker you're beginning to piss me off, and you don't want to do that. There'll be no third chance for you.

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pritch said:

Plonker you're beginning to piss me off, and you don't want to do that. There'll be no third chance for you.

i wasnt real talking to you, so i dont see how i am pissing you off... also i cant see how me saying a produc sux is worth me geting banned for, if it makes you happy that you pissed some one off @ the end of the day buy banning them cus he has diferent opigions than you, then thats a littel lame i'd say

*ducks for cover*

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Well, when you apply the 9500->9700 softmod, it enables both the two unused memory channels, and the four unused rendering pipes of your card.

There are many caveats, though - first, you have to have a 9500 built on a 9700 board. Those are rarer and rarer these days.

Secondly, you have to have a 9500 - NOT a 9500 Pro. 9500 Pros are all built on 9500 Pro-specific boards, and besides, they already have all eight pipes enabled.

Lastly, you have to have an R300 chip on which all eight pipes work. Many "damaged" R300 chips which couldn't be made into 9700s were put on boards anyway and sold as 9500s. This isn't unusual - many companies do this (where do you think Geforce 2 MXes come from?). But it does mean you won't be able to use the softmod.

Try it - and if worst comes to worst, just uninstall the driver in safe mode and reinstall the normal driver. The only real risk is that if it doesn't work, you're stuck with a 9500 - which is certainly not a bad thing; they're fine cards for a good price - but you could have had a 9500 Pro (which is a LOT faster on certain things, and somewhat faster all-around) for pennies more. I've seen them as little as 7 EUR apart. Of course, you could quit being cheap and just get a 9700, but they're pretty expensive still. And rightly so.

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