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If Doom 2 happened in real life, would we win?

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7 hours ago, neubejiita said:

In the Doom 2 lore, how did they get to Earth in the first place?

Invasion started by the Spider Mastermind at the end of Doom 1. You kill it only to realize the invasion is already in progress, which leads into Doom 2.

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I fear our own hubris would be enough to defeat us.  Big guns, indomitable spirit, tactics... They are literally demons from Hell.  That's the place where all our worst perpetrators of violence go to be bitch-slapped by Satan for eternity.  I think they'd have us before we could cock whatever peashooters we have.  :)

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When you complete DOOM II on PC, it says the hellish invasion is over right??  It shouldn't be a problem if it happened in real life, the will of a human is  incredibly strong sometimes..

Edited by vanilla_d00m

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12 hours ago, neubejiita said:

If the hellish invasion of Earth happened in real life, but with the Doom 2 monsters, would we be winning instead of being overrun? I mean if they went up against Islamic extremists who do not fear death, they would have quite a fight. But America has countless big guns like Barret rifles and large-bore elephant guns, so we would be set to win against the hellish hordes. Cybderdemons are bigger targets for mortars and large artillery. But is it a bleak or a positive thing to be invaded by brainless monsters that just keep charging ignoring the incoming fire?


How would this really go in different countries?

I'm not American, but based on recent events, I believe that what would happen if Hell invaded the United States is that your government would first deny the invasion, then recommend drinking bleach to stop the invasion, and finally shoot blacks, asians, and latinos, claiming that they are also demons.
Maybe you'll stop the invasion in the end, but by then you'd be so immersed in fascism that you'd need doomguy to get you out of it.

Edit: I just realized that this plot has already been described in The New Colossus. Good game, I have to say.

In Spain, we would have Doom 2 in Spain only, which is considerably more difficult than Doom 2, so I don't feel bad saying that we would probably have a bad time too.

Edited by RataUnderground

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Seeing as the entire world's militaries were annihilated and there's no such thing as one man armies (such notable real life instances are extremely rare and on much smaller scales) and my general cynicism I'd say fat chance fancy pants.

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14 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Put it this way.....we wouldn't be leaning on one green-armored badass to come in and clean their conveniently-located HQ out. 


Although I feel like we shouldn't quite assume they'd be as dumb as their game counterparts. All the same, if they had just the same tools as they did in the game, it's hard to see them with a serious chance at least in the US. We would probably win if it was even like 5 v 1 odds in most cases.


China might hand their ass to them but Russia would probably be screwed six ways to sunday depending on where exactly the portal is.


Anyways, we had been winning in TNT: Evilution before they came in on a reconnitored ship from an unexpected direction.

ЦКЩТП! If the portal opens in Russia, the demons would either freeze to death or die from heat stroke. Or our Guarantor would force them to pay taxes (And he can force literal ROCKS to pay taxes).

Edited by Grieferus

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On 6/21/2024 at 4:53 AM, aboyes1989 said:

How strong of a fight are they putting up? Ultra Violence, or understanding that we're all Too Young to Die?

Hey not too rough.

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