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Plutonia MIDI pack (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis covers)

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Happy Summer Solstice, Doomworld.

(click to see cover arts (a bit lazy as i like))




Yeah, just for this special day, i decided to release my finished project. This covers pack was contributed not just by me and @Some Spoony Bard, but also 3 more chiptune artists. (and each track was modified by me).

some credits and info (sorry for pings) -

TTL - A Path Beyond (@Mr. Freeze, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
INT - Intersection (@Mr. Freeze, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
TXT - Endless Suffer (@ClumsyDoomer, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)

MAP01 - Death Mask (@Lippeth, cv - @Molkirilll)
MAP02 - Trigger (@Mr. Freeze and @Bucket, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP03 - Jade Empire (@stewboy, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP04 - Claustrophobia (@ClumsyDoomer, cv - The Subinion)
MAP05 - Sepulchral (@Shin Godzilla, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP06 - Plusfort (@Bucket, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP07 - Seasons of Insanity (@Jimmy and Russen Allen, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP08 - Tower of Fire (@Jimmy, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP09 - Plutocrat (@Bucket, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP10 - Denied (Machine says NO) (@Doomkid, cv - Mr. Saturn)
MAP11 - Always Watching (@Lippeth, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP12 - Blood Rush (@Tristan, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP13 - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (@Mr. Freeze, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP14 - Plugged In (@Bucket, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP15 - Plummeting (@Bucket, cv - The Subinion)
MAP31 - Cry of Desperation (@Tristan, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP32 - Plunge Saw (@Bucket, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP16 - Run 'Em, Gun 'Em, Kill 'Em (@Jimmy and Flying Colors, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP17 - Massacre Machine (@Lippeth, cv - @Molkirill )
MAP18 - Fire Hive (@Jimmy and Knife Party, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP19 - Lost in Place (@Lippeth, cv - The Subinion)
MAP20 - Death's Domain (@stewboy, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP21 - Ascension of Satan (@Varis Alpha, cv - The Subinion)
MAP22 - Stealth Mode (@Jimmy, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP23 - Plug Ugly (@Bucket, cv - @Molkirill)
MAP24 - Pluvious (@Bucket, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP25 - Contemplate (@Shin Godzilla, cv - @Molkirill and The Subinion)
MAP26 - HOSILFU (@yakfak, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP27 - Infimum (@Ribbiks, cv - @Some Spoony Bard )
MAP28 - Dead Plumber's Song (@ClumsyDoomer, cv - @Some Spoony Bard)
MAP29 - The Scarlet Citadel (@Shin Godzilla, cv - The Subinion)
MAP30 - Plurry (@Bucket, cv - Micro)

every cover was made using Furnace chiptune tracker (.fur files are under premiere's description), and was recorded using real Sega Genesis by @Some Spoony Bard (some flaws may be because of poor compatibility of VGM format with DualPCM mode of YM2612 chip).

premiere (it contains some bloopers like delayed switch from MAP08 to MAP09, and MAP22 theme credited to Bucket instead of Jimmy, i'm sorry):

download links:

.wad - https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-ii/addons/plutonia-midi-pack-sega-mdgenesis-covers
.fur - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y69h2h8pjuj79xh52lfsj/plutm_fm_fur.zip?rlkey=9r4cej3yjzsdpq2ix5en4kkah&st=y0j8dr8u&dl=0

Edited by Molkirill

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Well, I expected a worse performance, but then again, modern tools have more space to manoeuvre and utilize more sound chip power. Even FM synth in Doom 32X Resurrection sounds better then the vast majority of Genesis/32X releases. It's also interesting if the project can import and play this soundtrack.

At first, I didn't believe it was recorded on a real Genesis until I had heard the piano in Jade Empire track. Yeah, now I believe it's Genesis :)

Edited by Dimon12321

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3 minutes ago, Dimon12321 said:

Well, I expected a worse performance, but then again, modern renditions have more space to manoeuvre and utilize more sound chip power. Even FM synth in Doom 32X Resurrection sounds better then the vast majority of Genesis/32X releases.
At first, I didn't believe it was recorded on a real Genesis until I had heard the piano in Jade Empire track. Yeah, now I believe it's Genesis :)

this piano was used by ZUN in his tracks for Touhou PC-98 (that i like). PC-98 has similar sound chip (YM2608) to Genesis (YM2612).

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Really cool!


What made you guys decide to tackle this soundtrack as a whole? Not that it's bad by any means but it's not the first thing I think of when I think "Iconic Doom Music."

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30 minutes ago, plums said:

Really cool!


What made you guys decide to tackle this soundtrack as a whole? Not that it's bad by any means but it's not the first thing I think of when I think "Iconic Doom Music."

for me - it went on its own (after i covered "Always Watching", and then, "Jade Empire" (that i literally aced it as i consider), "Death Mask" and others).

Subinion, after i announced this project (this time i wasn't signed up in doomworld), immediately made cover of "Ascension of Satan", probably, because it's his one of favourite tracks

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I had asked Molkirill if he wanted to cover a different community megawad OST (still working on that but won't say what at this time), and he just invited me to be a part of this as well. I presume Molkirill just wanted to fill out the other half of Final Doom after we had done the TNT cover a couple years ago. As far as the MIDI pack projects go, Plutonia is about as classic as it gets, and several of these tracks have persisted across a great many new megawad projects, so I felt it was worth it to contribute.

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6 minutes ago, Some Spoony Bard said:

I had asked Molkirill if he wanted to cover a different community megawad OST (still working on that but won't say what at this time), and he just invited me to be a part of this as well. I presume Molkirill just wanted to fill out the other half of Final Doom after we had done the TNT cover a couple years ago. As far as the MIDI pack projects go, Plutonia is about as classic as it gets, and several of these tracks have persisted across a great many new megawad projects, so I felt it was worth it to contribute.

and i will take on it also

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