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grezzo 2 made two new harddrives on my pc

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when i downloaded grezzo 2 i had a hard time setting it up on gzdoom and it was all fine for a week but then i looked at my hard drives and there were 2 more called dvd grezzo 2 with a dvd logo instead of the hard drive one i dont know what to do and im worried since when i try to delete any files inside the delete option isnt even there so is there a way to delete it completely 

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I've never touched Grezzo 2 myself, but it sounds like it mounted some disk images somehow? You should be able to right-click on the drives in Windows Explorer and click Eject.

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20 minutes ago, george232342343214 said:

really but its free

It already logged all your info when it mounted to your PC. All the kids these days need is your IP address to get your internet banned and steal your identity. They make it look like the wad came with a free DVD but in reality it's using the DVD drive to scan everything in your computer. That's why I always recommend people to use Windows XP, it's the only 100% secure operating system.

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35 minutes ago, george232342343214 said:

really but its free

the "author" attempted to sell it at first until everyone rightfully told him to fuck off

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