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Half-Life 2 vs. Doom 3


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Mars doesn't get invaded in Doom 1, only Phobos and Deimos.

Anyway, there's lots of details I left out of Half-Life as well, including but not limited to:

- The computer systems are playing up even before the accident (explored in more detail in Blue Shift).

- The soldiers and the covert ops teams aren't actually on the same side (although you only discover this in Opposing Force).

- You end up having to trapse through an old abandoned section of the base because there are too many soldiers (or something).

- You have to do various stuff (turn on the oxygen, fuel and power) so that you can turn on the weapon that kills the pit beast in the silo.

- At one point you're actually captured and left for dead (Star Wars style ;) )

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Laguna said:

...Both will have dynamic shadows...

What? Since When? The PC Gamer shots made the lighting look like Quake 1. Am I missing something? Granted, I never saw the video, but why would the shots at PCG be less impressive having been released at the same time?

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If Doom 3 is anything like Half-Life 2 (which I was fortunate enough to see on TV the other day), seeing it in action rather than just still images will be far more impressive.

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After looking like 20 times at the DOOM3 E 2003 trailer i'm convinced it will have been worth waiting for ...i was already highly anticipating sinds the MACworld demo

Sinds the release of HL2 material people suddenly started to compare or even to dislike DOOM3 material...

HL2 has a big community..mostly 10x more online players then the number 2 game...the more popular something is ,the more fuzz,the more this and that..i always tend to lean to the underdog

HL1's(and the MOD's of it) popularity is what valve uses now..the'll have to sell another game..it'll be quality..so will be DOOM3,both Valve and ID can do it as top game developpers

For me personally they should better release a trailer or demo one or two months before the game ships,open their site and then just sell it,but the money making part has become to important these days i think..so there's enough buzz around long time before the game ships...it's all part of making your product attractive just like in commercials ...

I'll buy em both ..i'm very excited about cinema like graphics in games..i can not believe someone didn't want to compare movies and games... Pixar laughed at Nvidia if they told they would render TOY story graphics on a PC..he, look now..2 years later and something like DOOM3 seems to be coming close.
...that's what i'm happy about..progress ,developpers trying to push the edge further and making use of new graphics and physics technology..bot ID and valve are contributing to that..

Most VS discussions are based on personal taste i think for the rest...
I can't wait to encounter badasses never before displayed in DOOM3,and all the levs we've not seen,we only see these first 3 basic levels or so,very curious about HELL to...

We've seen a bit more about HL2... and i have to say that most levels and movies look promising though very different in atmosphere then DOOM's..but that's personal taste..in terms of the BEST and most innovative graphics i tend to favour DOOM3.

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Both games are looking good and can only really be rated once played.

Graphics and physics add alot to a game and the better they are the more impressive a game is, but...only if the gameplay itself is good, otherwise they are irrelevant. AI should always be good because it effects the gameplay and makes for boring gaming if the it is easy beat.
I will say that graphics and physics are important to a certain extent. Its unfortunate that to people, games which lack in graphics and physics means that the game sucks and is rated low even if the gameplay is good and there is replay value.

For arguments sake, if Doom 3 and HL 2 have kick ass gameplay, great atmosphere and top notch AI but the videos we've seen lacked in graphics and physics, I really dont think they would generate as much interest as they are because people will look at it and think, urghh because they are expecting more when comparing what we should be able to do with todays technology.

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Indeed i agree some people are like sooo demanding..they are expecting to much..as i sad ,when i saw the Doom3 macworld demo 2 years ago,i was truly amazed ... i personally thought it would take a few years longer untill we would see such graphics in pc games.. we can only be happy to see the use of new tech in so much upcoming games

I'm sure once the games are in stores you will not see a lot of complaints anymore,cause people will be playing them :)

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as far as I am concerned, I don't care if doom 3 is behind when it is released, as long as it is good. I still think the original doom is one of the best games out there, and it hardly has a graphics engine that could power a small city.
I for one am not going to compare the game to others of the same period.

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Scuba Steve said:

What? Since When? The PC Gamer shots made the lighting look like Quake 1. Am I missing something?

You're not missing something.

HalfLife2 indeed has dynamic shadows, but no unified lighting model.

The environments in HalfLife2 are still prelit while the characters show real time shadows.

If you look closely enough at some of the shots you'll spot shadows pointing in all directions :)

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And now it seems Valve is still working towards the September 30 release date. Although there's a slight possibility they won't make it in time.
Source: Shacknews

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No, Valve released a statement that the release date for HL2 will in fact be Sept. 30. Don't believe it unless its from Valve.

HL2 will benefit from the mods and the likes, but Doom 3 will probably be better graphically since nothing has been said that it will be playable on low-end systems.

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Somebody correct me if I'm wrong... but doesn't doom3 have an advanced Physics Engine like HL2? The only difference is in how it's being fused with the game. Doom3 uses it to a more subtle approach, while HL2 allows more blatant interactivity with it.

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Scuba Steve said:

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong... but doesn't doom3 have an advanced Physics Engine like HL2? The only difference is in how it's being fused with the game. Doom3 uses it to a more subtle approach, while HL2 allows more blatant interactivity with it.

I'm not going to correct you, because you are not wrong :)

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Yossarian said:

No, Valve released a statement that the release date for HL2 will in fact be Sept. 30. Don't believe it unless its from Valve.

The statement says they're working toward a September 30 release date. Which means they're aiming for it, but it's not guaranteed that they get the work done in time. I think for my own health and mood it's better to expect some delay then to totally get my hopes up for September 30. Who knows, I might be pleasantly surprised.

Yossarian said:

but Doom 3 will probably be better graphically since nothing has been said that it will be playable on low-end systems.

Carmack said that Doom3 will be playable on a GeForce1 or Radeon7000 with a 1 GHz processor. That's pretty low-end in my book.

Scuba Steve
but doesn't doom3 have an advanced Physics Engine like HL2?

Yes, the alpha has boxes that can be kicked around and one monster has ragdoll physics. There's definitly some advanced physics stuff in there, but it would require both full versions of Doom3 and HL2 to do a good comparison.

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Aron said:
Carmack said that Doom3 will be playable on a GeForce1 or Radeon7000 with a 1 GHz processor. That's pretty low-end in my book.

Realy? Hmmm...maby there trying ot make it like half-life2.
Thats good. Most people cant afford a new comp.

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Not quite sure if this is known for a fact, but I'd like to get it off mind. Graeme Devine stated when he was at the talk of somewhere... that they would use the exact same engine, known as "Source", as Half Life 2 developed by Havok to fuse with Doom III which can apply much more realistic interactivity throughout the environment, however id software decided to create their own physics engine in the end somehow. Regardless, this is just some random story I got from halflife2.net's forum awhile ago, so for more in-depth details I wouldn't know.

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They both use something like that for a start..but they make a lot of their own adjustements in it...suiting the gameplay and game they wanna make i suppose..

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Yo-Han said:

They both use something like that for a start..but they make a lot of their own adjustements in it...suiting the gameplay and game they wanna make i suppose..

The physics engine of Doom³ is fully homegrown.

Look for Jean Paul van Waveren (spelling?) - he created the AI for Quake3 and is now writing both - the physics and the AI for Doom³.

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The Source engine USES a Havok-based physics implementation, which has been heavily modified.

Valve created their own engine, they did not take anybody else's.

Id software created their own engine, they too, did not take anybody else's.

Also, I myself have emailed Gabe Newell about the truth behind the delay (which has been said in many places to be a miscommunication between Valve and Vivendi). If he even bothers checking his email, and miraculously replies to me, I'll share the full, unabridged correspondence in all its glory.

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999cop said:

Graeme Devine stated when he was at the talk of somewhere... that they would use the exact same engine, known as "Source", as Half Life 2 developed by Havok to fuse with Doom III which can apply much more realistic interactivity throughout the environment

"Source" is the name of the HL2 engine, developed by Valve. "Havok" is the name of the physics system which is a part of Source and several other game engines, including the latest Unreal tech (so Havok will probably be used in Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3, amongst others).

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Tyockell said:

holly shit this thread is holding out long...

Much too long.

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