NiGHTMARE Posted June 14, 2001 What's scarier: a) Doom b) Your last girlfriend? c) you d) yo mom / your mum I'm going with b) 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted June 14, 2001 a) Doom is scarier than my last girlfriend was and scarier than my mom ever will be! I'm not scary, just slighty psychotic. 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted June 14, 2001 Hey, buddy, I make the polls around here! j/k I'd say D, not 'cause she's mean or ugly, but she's way too social and outgoing and exitable, and that kinda thing. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted June 14, 2001 OMG YOU BADMOUTHED YOUR MOM NOW I'M GOING TO TELL HER! 0 Share this post Link to post
Windowpain Posted June 14, 2001 Although all are pretty scary, I'm gonna have to go with (a). 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted June 14, 2001 Quote Although all are pretty scary, I'm gonna have to go with (a). Expand Boy, your life must be so cool... 0 Share this post Link to post
Windowpain Posted June 14, 2001 Yeah. It takes some getting used to though. 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted June 14, 2001 I would have ta go wit option d) on dis one. Here's why: Doom was spooky at first, but it wasn't scary. I may scare some peeps on doomworld, but their are much scarier things running around out there. Speaking of which, this is where my ex comes into play. Dat bitch was fine, but she was, well.... a BITCH! Well, no actually.... A PSYCHO BITCH! Well, no actually... A CRAZY, INSANE, COLD-HEARTED PSYCHO BITCH!! I'm sure you guys get da picture! :P Now dat brings us to option d)! Let's put it this way: My moms was born and raised in NY! She is pure breed puerto rican, and has a serious temper on her. She also knows the ancient latin technique called "da homing slipper!" (called this because if she throws a shoe at you, no matter what you do or where you run, it will always manage to hit you dead in yo head! OUCH!). And if you piss her off, she will pick up whateva da fuck she can get her hands on, and come right after yo ass, screamin' like a banshee from HELL itself!!! I take it I have made mah point! ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted June 14, 2001 My last girlfriend. God she was crazy. It was OK for a few weeks. She liked my death metal and industrial and gory movies and all that, was overly cynical, yadda yadda yadda. But she would never leave me alone. She'd call me like every night with nothing to say, say it for 4 hours, "blah blah blah" and I'm watching TV or something while this is going on, saying "yes, yeah, sure", then she'd come over to my house and NOT GO AWAY! It's not like she called first, she just kinda showed up. The first time I made the mistake of not locking the door, and she walked right in after like 2 minutes. So then I'd lock the door, and she'd wait outside (not knowing if I was in or not, but obviously anybody would guess I wasn't when I didn't answer the door for 10 minutes). She was out for like 4 hours one day. I was moving out eventually and figured I could last a few more weeks without telling her off, but man it was hell, like, EVERY DAY she'd come over, uninvited, and just wait around. She scared me. Then I started having nightmares, and one of them was in the Event Horizon, and she was chasing me down that long dark corridor in the middle of the ship in her prom dress with her eyes torn out yelling "I know you're in the house steven! I'm coming for you! You'll be with me... FOREVER!" and that's when I finally said "Go away". 0 Share this post Link to post
Windowpain Posted June 14, 2001 I feel your pain. Now this guys life must be REALLY cool. esco, that is. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted June 14, 2001 Quote STALKER Expand Heh, you don't know the half of it :) 0 Share this post Link to post
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