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In DooM3, do you think there should different missions to choose from?
Ex: Mission 1- Rescue the survivors of the attack on Europa or Mission 2- Fight the invasion in Northern Canada.
Which mission will you accept?
Sorry these examples are kinda lame but they were all I could think of.
Anyway, to beat the game you would have to go on all the missions but depending on which order you choose them, different things will happen.

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I dunno. I'm counting on Episodes. Missions would be nice such as: the base on Pluto has been overrun, and it's your duty to do something about it, or the Reactor Core of the Deimos base is under attack, and you need to infiltrate the base and get rid of the demons, or something like that.

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Why would anyone want to establish a base on Pluto?

Anyway, missions would only have sense if you're in touch with the rest of the humanity, much against DooM's style...

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Me too, but there's a lot of difference between "Some guys that might follow you for a while or provide you with some kind of information" and "Human Military Forces controlling your missions and mantaining you in the hot spots of the operation".

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But just playing through all of the levels in the same order over and over gets a little boring. That's why I didn't like Quake2 that much.

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If the plot is centralized in one location. Like Mars and Hell, for example, it would be nice to see a mega-hub. All levels connected, you can go directly to Hell or gain strenght by attacking the perimeters.
Each saved game would take like 15 megs, tough.

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I think Doom 3 should have some human interaction in the beginning. But through out the beginning you should watch the human get slaughtered by demons and leave you as the only survivor, but...BUT, also watch your comrades turn into zombies sent to destroy you.

I think in the beginning you should fight demons such as Zombies with no weapons (remember the disfigured corpse from the video, that zombie, not a soldier), imps, the
bull/pig demons. Then as you get into you walk behind one of your friends, where before you could ask for his help but now he turns around and his face is angry, his eyes are red, and his hands and boots are stained with blood. These assholes and numb nuts should carry pistols, shotguns, and machine guns.

But now onto the missions part. I'd like to see iD do something new with this. Instead of hunting for keys or completing missions, I want to see something new...maybe a
combination. And realistic like levels.

There should also be tones of masturbation and satanic porn...j/k. Linquica, "THAT’S A JOKE RIGHT".

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  • 4 weeks later...

realistic levels:yes

when you start the game it should consist of scientists and military and as you proceed through the levels there are less and less of them and eventually just you...and the demons

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Missions: No
Objectives: Yes
Doom 2 had objectives if you remember. Well, ok, it was more like a goal that explained why you were still fighting, but still.
Unlike most of you guys, I am almost fully against any NPC interaction in the game. The exception would be at the beggining of the game, or indirect interaction (video/audio records) later in the game that would give hints as to what your objectives are. It would be nice (though highly unlikely) that the completion of certain objectives would lead you to different levels that not completing them would.

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