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another bot error, (really)

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in cooperative mode with bots, they play fine on the level you add them in (getting around and shooting at things). Then when you go on to the next level, they just run around at the entrance like idiots. I don't know why. Is it because i have my bot folder named wrong/in the wrong place. It's a subdirectory in my doom directory called "zcajun", then there's a bots.cfg file in there. Is this set up properly?

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well, i know they're not that great to begin with, but when the level changes, they run around in circles (they don't even shoot at anything). it's like they still have the nodes from the previous level in their head or something..... however, if another bot is added, it does fine again, but the one from the previous level is still making a fool of himself. couldn't this just be fixed by removing the bot from the game, then adding it again, instead of having it "advance" with you? (if you know what i mean). or just simply not have the bot go to the next level with you (forcing you to add it again).

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The point is that it's not a thing that should be changed in ZDoomGL. Go to the ZDoom forum and complain about it there.

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