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Brushin' the dust off - remake of old comic

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I actually put my mark on this comic (originally composed by BBG) months ago. It was the very first of BBG's comics I read and 'fishienized'.
But the original was made in PNG, which ended up taking an eternity to load, so I felt compelled to convert it to gif format. This proved harder than expected because my computer refused to convert it to gif without fucking up the colours, so I had ta redo it.

I give thee:
Deep: The Greatest Editor EVER!

And here's the history behind it:
DeeP was a guy who did an editor called Deepsea. There was a lot of guys who had done Doom level editors, but DeeP wanted to be different than the rest.
He wanted to make an editor he could charge money for!
And thus he composed the editor and he thought it was "The Greatest Editor Ever(!)"(TM).
Then he had to make sure that people knew that this great editor was around so that they could pay DeeP a fortune to use it, so he went on various Doom forums and started pimping his editor.

All was not well, however, as DeeP to his sorrow noticed that people STILL used the free editors. "Those ignorant and primitive fools!" he thought. "I'll have to make them see the light!"
So he started pimping his editor some more and basically created loooooooong and tedious discussions about why Deepsea was "The Greatest Editor EVER(!)"(TM).
But alas, people only got pissed off at him, so they began to throw big, sharp rocks at poor little DeeP, so he left the forums in disgrace.

A while later, a guy called BBG made a comic. A further while later, BBG showed this comic to an online buddy of his bearing the mysterious name dsm. The mysterious dsm guy decided that it could be fun to update this comic poking fun of poor little DeeP and the rest is history.


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Which is a bit of a shame, since Deepsea is almost worth the money (if just the interface was a bit more intuitive at some points).

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HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAha Though I don't usually agree with you guys in the Deepsea flamewars, this is frickin funny.

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I will never,ever pay for a level editor. Great comic. Love the fish.


hmm... I don't mind really paiding ONCE for a level editor, but paiding for updates?. That is retarded, it is even worser than microsoft. Do microsoft push you to pay money for update stuff to windows, kinda no...

and one more little thing.


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You know something? About this whole topic of fishs representing forumers, i've only just noticed, after closer scrutiny that DSM is using a fish avatar too. I always just thought it was a skull with a hat on (the name of that type of hat has slipped my mind)

Funny what paying closer attention to one's avatar reveals to you. O_o

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  BlueSonnet said:

You know something? About this whole topic of fishs representing forumers, i've only just noticed, after closer scrutiny that DSM is using a fish avatar too. I always just thought it was a skull with a hat on (the name of that type of hat has slipped my mind)

Funny what paying closer attention to one's avatar reveals to you. O_o


Heh, ever saw my old fishie avatar?
My current one is my old one brought back to life. Oh yeah, and that "hat" is a beret.


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Wooow . . . dsm has a fishie too! I never knew that --- kindah like what BlueSonnet had thought, that it was just a skull with a beret.

The things you learn . . .

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the comic is unfunny

and you all get free hits if i'm wrong but i don't recall deep ever 'leaving the forums in disgrace'

for that matter i don't ever remember him 'pimping' his editor anywhere that it wasn't appropriate (best editor??? threads)

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