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No gibs, No mutilation?


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From what Ive seen new trailer(3 minutes footage),looks like there are no mutilation or gibs in Doom3. In trailer, when doom guy shoot zombies by rocket laucher, it would be resonable we could see bunch of gibs or mutilation effects, however, no gibs there! what do you guys think about this??

* Sorry, English is not my natural language. :P

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I don't remember reading anything about gibbing so I don't see id still implementing gibbing and/or mutilation.

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Heh, I don't care. After playing games like Quake 2, where you end up gibbing monsters 70% of the time, gibbing has begun to seem somewhat lame in my eyes.

Then again, the gibbing in Doom 1 was sweet.

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Morons, how will there not be gibbing in an ID game? Are you that fucking dumb from one movie? DON'T YOU REMEMBER THE FUCKING LEAKED MOVIE WHERE THE HELL NIGHT RIPS YOUR HEAD OFF AND EATS IT? FUCK YOU ALL!

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=MACVILE \/\/HORE= said:

Morons, how will there not be gibbing in an ID game? Are you that fucking dumb from one movie? DON'T YOU REMEMBER THE FUCKING LEAKED MOVIE WHERE THE HELL NIGHT RIPS YOUR HEAD OFF AND EATS IT? FUCK YOU ALL!

That was a scripted sequence.

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Shaviro said:

That was a scripted sequence.

Than why did it say in that one article that imps do the same thing whenever they kill you too? It was in some newspaper article, I think its part of their actual AI code that they do that.

And give it a chance for god sakes, if there isn't gibbing im gonna go nuts.

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=MACVILE \/\/HORE= said:

Than why did it say in that one article that imps do the same thing whenever they kill you too? It was in some newspaper article, I think its part of their actual AI code that they do that.

And give it a chance for god sakes, if there isn't gibbing im gonna go nuts.

I don't know, but that particular thing you referred to was a scripted sequence... I haven't read the article you speak about.

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doom3 without gibs will be barmy. You should at least be able to find dismembered bodies, considering that there is a chainsaw zombie.

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Ok guys, seriously, its a FUCKING ID GAME.


And just because you haven't seen something it doesn't mean it isn't there, do you have to see everything to believe it?

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The new movie is on a site that Kids can go on. So they probaly needed to edit the video. And like people siad the game isnt done. I hope the game has gibs.

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i thought from like a year ago thy (id) were saying that there wouldnt be gibbing, or a 'gibbing system' or something... it will be missed if they dont put it in, but you gotta think theyed try, at least to make it like in Doom 1 or 2 with the rocket and BFG, MOST of the time and maybe every now and then with the plasma riffle..

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If you have the alpha, noclip inside a zombie, you'll see they're modelled member by member, and the overlapping geometry occludes the gory stumps. So yeah, I'd say gibbing is pretty much in, at least for the weakest enemies.

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Zaldron said:

If you have the alpha...

... read the .def files and you'll find out that "rockets gib, bullets don't" :)

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i'm sure there will be gibs... they're probably just not showing them in the video for the same reason they don't show people getting their heads chopped off in commercials for horror movies. people of all ages will see it.

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yea Im not happy about that aspect at all! infact im pissed,Im hopeing like hell they put gibbing in, they are shooting for realisum here and you shoot a rotten corpse with a rocket launcher and it dosent even slighty disfigure it? what the hell...this is doom for fuck sakes.
What if say you shoot a zombie in the head with a 12 gauge his head just magically keeps its shape?
what is it made out of....tungsten?

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12ga. said:

yea Im not happy about that aspect at all! infact im pissed,Im hopeing like hell they put gibbing in, they are shooting for realisum here and you shoot a rotten corpse with a rocket launcher and it dosent even slighty disfigure it? what the hell...this is doom for fuck sakes.
What if say you shoot a zombie in the head with a 12 gauge his head just magically keeps its shape?
what is it made out of....tungsten?


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=MACVILE \/\/HORE= said:


Cool your jets. You dont need to insalt people all the time. People will all ways think diffrently then you.

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I've been thinking about this and reached the conclusion that it's probably the same ol' story about a bunch o' panolis muy estupido (yeah, my Spanish sucks, no need to remind me) who've misunderstood something.

I remember Carmack saying that there will be no dismemberment in Doom 3 - obviously some tardcakes haven't had too many grey cells to move around with and thus concluded that "OMG; D0M3 WELL HAF NO GEEBBING" --> a rumour's born.

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dsm said:

I've been thinking about this and reached the conclusion that it's probably the same ol' story about a bunch o' panolis muy estupido (yeah, my Spanish sucks, no need to remind me) who've misunderstood something.

I remember Carmack saying that there will be no dismemberment in Doom 3 - obviously some tardcakes haven't had too many grey cells to move around with and thus concluded that "OMG; D0M3 WELL HAF NO GEEBBING" --> a rumour's born.

lol well all im sayin is they better damn well have lotsa body parts flyin around and some good old mutilation and pure evil.

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The alpha has gibbed skins/models amongst it's resources, rest easy..

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Heh... cut him like a fish...

I dunno. It's pretty much a certainty that gibbing will be in there, but if you ask me, it wouldn't really hurt the game to be without it. That's just my opinion, however.

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