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No gibs, No mutilation?


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ice cream bar said:

I haven't read anything, but just look at the pictures! If they're having a guys insides being ripped out on a bathroom floor, they're going to have gibbing! Anyway, what's a "top of the line" game going to look like, when a guy's shot by a rocket launcher, and falls to the ground, like he's been shot with bullets?

lol. would have to be one tough bastard. I know some people were under that impression because of the e3 vid where Mr Marine fires a rocket at a group of zombies, but i think that they were just showing the physics sys in action or made it pg-13 for all the kiddies. There wasn't even a lot of blood in the vid so i guess that's possible. DooM wouldn't be the smae without it regardless.

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insertwackynamehere said:

I haven't read anything, but just look at the pictures! If they're having a guys insides being ripped out on a bathroom floor, they're going to have gibbing!

that part was scripted tho.

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12ga. said:

that part was scripted tho.

Yeah, but still, how is id not going to have it? It wouldn't be an id game without it. Maybe, you can toggle it off, if your compter's not fast enough, or you have a weak stomach, but there is going to be gibbing, somehow.

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