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Doom 3 weapons


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Man I was just looking at the guns in doom 3 and I have to say Im not impressed at all. The shotgun is pretty cool and the chaingun is pretty cool but assualt rifle looks almost just like the assualt rifle in Halo and the handgun just plain sucks dick IMO. Jesus the firing rate on that thing is ridiculous. They should have made it a little more furturistic. It looks like it should be in Medal of Honor or something from back in the day. The handguns available in present time look a hell of alot better than that thing. Ya ok its a bitch but it takes a little away from the look of the game dont you think. They could have thought of a better design for the handgun - I mean come on this is Doom 3 we're talking about here!!!

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Personally I think the handgun design is one of the best ever! I'm tired of those boxy boring crap guns you find in most fps games.

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Personally I think the handgun design is one of the best ever! I'm tired of those boxy boring crap guns you find in most fps games.

I agree with you about the boxy design(I hate glocks) but the handgun in Doom 3 comes across like a pea shooter they should have made it more like a desert eagle or something bigger it is the future and guns just keep getting bigger now a days

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Actually it's the other way around.

How do u figuare
50 ae
and not to mention all the ones in between. About the only excetion would be the FN 5.7 but it might be smaller but is more powerful because it has a higher velocity.

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Demonic said:

Actually it's the other way around.

How do u figuare
50 ae
and not to mention all the ones in between. About the only excetion would be the FN 5.7 but it might be smaller but is more powerful because it has a higher velocity.

Yes they are using very large rounds now but they can also fit all that power into smaller frames I think the design is so so in Doom 3 and it does look like a large chamber on the gun but I also do know what you mean it looks like a pea shooter so well I guess we'll just have to see.

Now for the As for the assault rifle I'm Deff dissapointed also its almost exactly like the one from halo, I just wish we were gunna get to see something cool and different, but i do like the ammo counter to I will give them that.
Now about the rate of fire, It severly has to be jacked up if were talking about 100 years or so in the future, they will be using much more potent ammo better rifleing, better barrle materials and better heat management designs.
The only thing I dont like about the shotgun design is the ejection chamber its split in the middle and I find it just looks gay, the guna would be much more efficent if it was just on working part were the shell is ejected from eather gas operation or recoil.
Im hopeing even thought I know that this would be such an outdated weapon that they will put in the good old double barrled shotgun, maybe they could make you find it in a generals office of something as an antique and hes got a box of old 12guage ammo for it, who knows.
I just think it would be fun blowin the shit out of an imp with a sawed off :D.

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I hope they have the fireing rate for the mini/chaingun realistic. I don't want it shooting as slow as miniguns in almost all other games. You shouldnt be able to discern one shot from the next, so i would imagine thats pretty damn fast. I think I read that they shoot like 3600 rounds a minute.

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Demonic said:

Actually it's the other way around.

Actually it's the other way around. You're just describing big caliber weaponry now that we can make pistols that don't blow up in our hands. But we went from the über-gigantic Indian Sataghni of ancient times down to very compact, reliable and resistent weapons.

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heh im just glad theyve decided (apparently) to include grenades in this game. that ought to increase the fun and action factor greatly! i just hope they have gibbing too, otherwise the two would negate each other and the game would be totally lame imo.

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Im sorry let me clarify I was talking about caliber not size but I agree guns are smaller in size now a days. But I think if the Doom 3 story is taking place in the future then they should have bigger and more effective guns. And what I meant when I said it looks like a pea shooter is that it dosent come across as a very powerful weapon look at guns now if you shot a .40 cal on up to a .50ae you know your shooting a gun, recoil, muzzle flash, and over all presence. Ok I might be a little skeptical but if they are trying to change the way we play fps, I think the way we see the guns and the effect they have in the game have a lot to do with that IMO

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Yeah i gotta admit i hate the design of the pistol too, although remember that part of the original dooms coolness was how low-tech all the weapons looked

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To tell you the truth, this is the first Doom 3 weapon I've seen.

I want one. I want one now. GIMME GIMME GIMME!>.


Ok, now everyone is saying that it looks like a weak-ass gun. Please. You haven't played with it yet. You don't know anything about it at this point.

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To make a gun more efficient and better, it should be smaller, not larger, but still very damned powerful.

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A good example of this is that silly Noisy Cricket in MIB. That thing is about the size of a typical wallet, but it sure has a lot of power, not to mention the nasty recoil.

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BBG said:

To make a gun more efficient and better, it should be smaller, not larger, but still very damned powerful.

yep large calibres and small frames, like the sweetass compact .45's or the tiny .380's which would probably drop a fuckin cow.

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well the beretta (15 rounds *drools* and the barrel has style) has always been my fave after i saw it in Doom 1 & 2 and then in all the kick ASS John Woo movies (Face Off being the only good one in the US)

so i didnt really like, and still dont so much, the new Doom3 handgun but its better then nothing :/

the shotgun just look gay (like the Duke3D one, blah)

and i liked the assualt rifle from Halo, but the Halo one was better... still im sure i'll warm up to them when Imps are sending fireballs my way and i wanna give em some lead in return ;)

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Demonic said:

the handgun just plain sucks dick IMO. Jesus the firing rate on that thing is ridiculous. They should have made it a little more furturistic. It looks like it should be in Medal of Honor or something from back in the day. The handguns available in present time look a hell of alot better than that thing.

You suck.
The pistol in Doom 3 is the coolest designed pistol I've seen yet. I couldn't help staring at the 'spider' screenshot recently released and do you know WHAT I was staring at? The pistol, because it rocks.

What the fuck is that rubbish about it looking like some Medal of Honor weapon? That thing looks futuristic enough, while still low tech enough to be Doomish. What did you expect? Cheesy Q3A design?

Oh and in case you didn't know it, Doom 3 is a retelling of Doom, which means that the weapons have to be like they were in the original. As far as I can tell, the Doom 3 pistol is exactly as powerful as the original (roughly 30 shots to take down a pinky), which is enough for me and anyone who wants Doom 3 remotely true to Doom.

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the pistol should be more powerful then the original one. better 20 rounds and a bit more deadlier.

the pistol looks imho pretty okay. it's design is just like the bladerunner's pistol. retro design. fine.

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Jesus DSM it was just my opinion dont have a fucking cow man I respect your veiws on the matter so cant you respect mine or anybody elses. I am a huge gun fanatic, Im probably as much into guns as you are into Doom so I thought they could have done a better job on the handgun design. Besides it was all speculation and a opinion. I know you are some kinda "Doom god in your own world" but everybody is the man in their own mind. Think about it!

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I thought the weapons were very well designed, the pistol looked somewhat futuristic but gritty and primitive enough to remind us that this is indeed doom. And it seemed to be about as effective as what one can expect from the pistol in a doom game. I mean come on, its not like your gonna be staring at the damn through a whole lot of the game. I liked the shotgun, it looked like your basic old pump action military shotgun. What more do you want? I mean jesus its the shotgun, would you prefer it have a futuristic triangular laser sighting system, or maybe a virtual reality headset that projected the vital signs and preferable damage area of your targets? Or maybe a super high velocity armor piercing thermal grenade launcher controlled by a computer guidance system? Its a shotgun. Its in doom 3. Deal.

Im sure their will be plenty of futuristic weapons further in the game.

And i DROOL to think about how COOL that ammo counter on the sub machine gun or assault rifle or whatever it is will look. Weve seen what they can do with the "Flash" like door controls and such in the game... oh man thats gonna rock :)

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Fairy Gnome Goat said:
it looked like your basic old pump action military shotgun. What more do you want? I mean jesus its the shotgun, would you prefer it have a futuristic triangular laser sighting system, or maybe a virtual reality headset that projected the vital signs and preferable damage area of your targets? Or maybe a super high velocity armor piercing thermal grenade launcher controlled by a computer guidance system? Its a shotgun. Its in doom 3. Deal.


actully I find that they ruined it by making it look to futuristic, I find you cant really even tell which is the barrle and which is the shell chamber, kinda reminds me of the dumbass shotgun in halo but not nearly as bad. The thing I hate most though is the split ejection chamber it makes it looks stupid Imo.
The only reason really is that I own 7 diff shotguns so It makes me madd when they fuck up the design.

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Demonic said:

Jesus DSM it was just my opinion dont have a fucking cow man I respect your veiws on the matter so cant you respect mine or anybody elses. I am a huge gun fanatic, Im probably as much into guns as you are into Doom so I thought they could have done a better job on the handgun design. Besides it was all speculation and a opinion. I know you are some kinda "Doom god in your own world" but everybody is the man in their own mind. Think about it!

Sorry, but some "styles" of displaying opinions tend to piss me off to no end if they seem like there is zero consideration put into them, or if the reasoning seem totally unreal.

It was particularly your obnoxious claim that the Doom 3 pistol looked like a WW2 gun from MoH - there's no way in Hell I can see why you'd think that. It looks closer to a modern handgun than a WW2 style gun, and even so, it has certain characteristics that seem to scream: "futurism!"
So you're a gun nut huh? Strange that this would make you dislike the Doom 3 pistol, because of its low-tech style. Well I can tell you that I think the Doom 3 handgun blows anything else out of the water: no damn blockyness, no direct copy of any modern gun, no cheesy flashlights or übercheesy computer indicators - just a gun that looks slightly more advanced than any modern handgun and that's the way a true Doom pistol should look like imo. And I think it's designed far better than any other handgun in an fps I've seen to date, so I don't see what you're basing your opinions on.
The way I see it, it seems like you're bitching over a totally different gun.

As for it being weak: if it was more powerful, it'd be too easy. The pistol is there to put you in certain situations where you feel that odds are against you (but you still feel that you at least have a slight fighting chance contrary to what you might feel with a melee weapon). And I want the pistol to be weak, but powerful enough to make weaker enemies flinch when shot with it - and they seem to do that.

I may point out that I do not think that Doom 3 is perfect so far. The things I complain about below are only some of the beefs I have with Doom 3 (but I don't bitch over them constantly for consideration of other Members).

I sorta agree on the shotgun and the machinegun. The machinegun looks ridiculously big. Submachineguns are cool because they're small, and while the machinegun in D3 *may* be an assault rifle, it's done submachinegun style to which size doesn't suit well. The shotgun has a decent size, but I don't like how they made it grey (the old one was dark grey - almost black) and with a pistol-style handle. On the other hand, it's not quite like the Duke3d one as the pistol handle is pointing slightly backwards, giving it an overall more aerodynamic look. I like the details on it otherwise and it looks perfect from the first-person view.

I can't comment on the chaingun as I haven't seen a picture where it is confirmed to be the chaingun - but if that chaingun'esque gun I saw on some vid grab is the new chaingun, then I'm unhappy about its thick barrels. Goddammit id, miniguns have some space between each barrel and the barrels are thinner. If they're gonna do a gun minigun style, try and make it look like a minigun.
I hope it's only a halfway designed chaingun that will be better in the final, I *really* hope so.

We'll see.

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Demonic said:

Man I was just looking at the guns in doom 3 and I have to say Im not impressed at all. The shotgun is pretty cool and the chaingun is pretty cool but assualt rifle looks almost just like the assualt rifle in Halo and the handgun just plain sucks dick IMO. Jesus the firing rate on that thing is ridiculous. They should have made it a little more furturistic. It looks like it should be in Medal of Honor or something from back in the day. The handguns available in present time look a hell of alot better than that thing. Ya ok its a bitch but it takes a little away from the look of the game dont you think. They could have thought of a better design for the handgun - I mean come on this is Doom 3 we're talking about here!!!

Either you are some 15 year old clan punk, or you really do have only a 20 word vocabulary. Try to sound like a clear thinking human being and maybe, just maybe you will get your points across. All I see right now is alot of swearing and whining.

Most people here are on a more elevated level in terms of communication.

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guns just keep getting bigger now a days

Dum dee dum

It's like with computers. The massive ones just get bigger and bigger while the most of them get smaller while retaining equal capacity.

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