Euronymous Posted May 19, 2003 im bored... hell enviroments should remain unshown should be gory and fun 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 19, 2003 From what I've seen in the new trailer, I thought they looked a little too cliché. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AirRaid Posted May 19, 2003 Uh? Only Hell thing I saw in the new trailer was that one Skull head thing. Which I recognised from one of the door textures in Doom(2?) which had the Cyberdemons head and a bunch of skulls on it. Really well done and cool looking, IMO. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 19, 2003 I thought it was cliché and a little corny. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
12ga. Posted May 19, 2003 Im actually looking for cliche in doom 3 I want to see those gothic demonic images and demons heads, Thats what made doom IMO. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AirRaid Posted May 19, 2003 Yeah... enough to be cliche but not overdone enough to be cheesy. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ParaBellum Posted May 19, 2003 And I hope they're a little bigger then the small space station levels. I don't picture hell as claustrophobic tunnels somehow. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_Aeromaster Posted May 20, 2003 If you think that head looked cliche, kill yourself, because I seriously doubt they're gonna make the cyberdemon look that much different... and that might be too "cliche" for some of ya'll to handle. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
12ga. Posted May 20, 2003 *2 thumbs up for cliche evilness in doom 3* I really wanna see bodies chained to the walls and heads on posts and on colums to. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted May 20, 2003 i wonder what color scheme will be used for hell 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ultraviolet Posted May 20, 2003 I hope they'll re-read Inferno and base the levels on that, or at least the way the levels open. Can you imagine how cool it would be to come upon a scene where people are writhing, tortured, stuck in a puddle of mud, wallowing, guarded by Centaurs with bows to kill all those that would try to escape? (I could be remembering this a little backward.) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 20, 2003 999cop said:i wonder what color scheme will be used for hell Hopefully something a la the old Hell theme in Doom - fleshy pink and tan 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dr_qui Posted June 18, 2003 i just hope that ID keep the hell sections under wraps until the game ships - I want to be totally blown away by the scene of chaos around me. Sort of like the inferno level in unreal tournament 2003. That was cool. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EllipsusD Posted June 18, 2003 If you ask me, that quick glimpse of Hell made it look cavernous... I really hope that isn't the case. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BlueSonnet Posted June 18, 2003 Something a tad disturbing would be perfect. Rivers and blood and rotting flesh as well as fire and brimstone is what i had in mind. I wonder if the doom3 hell will have anything like that painting "Final judgement" by Hubrecht Van Eyck. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 18, 2003 EllipsusD said:If you ask me, that quick glimpse of Hell made it look cavernous... I really hope that isn't the case. I've only seen a blurry screengrab of Hell so far and to me it looked like it was an outdoor environment of sorts, but I may be wrong since I didn't see the actual video.Rivers and blood and rotting flesh as well as fire and brimstone is what i had in mind. That, of course, is a must, but I doubt that'll be left out since it was pretty common in Doom 1 E3. I want to see some really disgusting environments, and if Hell is only one single level in Doom 3, I want it to be a huge outdoor level, with entrances to various underground caves of horror: the whole underground of Hell should be full of maze-like caves. A few hellish buildings should be there too. If I got my way, Hell wouldn't just be one map (maybe three maps would do) and the more memorable Doom 1 E3 locations would be there in small, reinterpreted forms thrown into single, huge outdoor maps broken up by a few buildings (Hell Keep, House of Pain, Unholy Cathedral, Mt. Erebus and Gate to Limbo to mention those that I'd like to see reinterpreted the most). I want the physics to be really weird in Hell (but not so that it detracts from the gameplay) and the scenarios to include disturbing hallucinations. I want to see torment, I want to see the souls of the damned writhe in painful agony as they burn, while making creepy and horrific screams of agony. I want it to be so that the player really believes that this is what Hell is in the Doom universe. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jeremy Posted June 18, 2003 Uh oh, where have I been? I think I was abducted by aliens.. damn.. so about these, Hell scenes, can I find screens of them? I want to see this demon head, mind you all, its NOT the cyberdemons head thats on the wall in Doom & DoomII, its the Barron of Hells head. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 18, 2003 Jeremy said:I want to see this demon head, mind you all, its NOT the cyberdemons head thats on the wall in Doom & DoomII, its the Barron of Hells head. Uhm, the demon skull that hangs on the wooden door that greets you at the start of E3M8 is NOT a Baron of Hell - I can tell that much. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_Aeromaster Posted June 18, 2003 I'm with dsm except I don't think there should be any buildings in the Hell levels. Now, when u get into these undergrounds, rooms and shit like this yes, but nothing clearly defined so that it looks like it was built. Even outside if there's stuff like this, but like I said I want to get the impression that it was just there, not that someone built it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 18, 2003 The_Aeromaster said:I'm with dsm except I don't think there should be any buildings in the Hell levels. Two words: Unholy Cathedral. Imagine a building made of hellish green marble (and green marble walls is a large part of classic Doom) with lots of upside down crosses and sacrificed corpses of rotten flesh - something that looks like a devil-worshipper church, where human sacrifices are commonplace. I don't think of Hell as a totally primitive place: the old Doom demons had hellish buildings in Hell, so why can't we have 'em in Doom 3? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
toxicfluff Posted June 19, 2003 Ahh good old Unholy Cathedral. Probably my favourite Doom map. I hope they do Hell justice though. I mean actually sending the player to Hell really is quite a large undertaking - it's supposed to be the worst place there is, and you have to wonder how they are going to evoke that. Somehow, I don't think the cliched blood rivers, fire/lava, rotting remains and tortured people are gonna do it on their own. I think some really fucking incredible, huge-scale architecture is in order. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ultraviolet Posted June 19, 2003 Hell should be introduced in a very glamorous sort of way, as symbolically as possible, of course... Classical architecture, shining white marble, columns, paintings depicting all the artistic phases of human culture... then as you advance, the corruption... a storm, the calm before it having passed beautifully. Red apocalyptic sky and an eye-stinging vitriolic mist fade into your reality from nowhere. The architecture falls to ruin, but the former beauty still obvious to those who can see past the debris. Corpses litter the floors and voices come from the walls warning you to turn back, but only for a short time, quickly giving way to a "light at the end of the tunnel," maybe a warm sunrise, ocean cliffs in the distance on the horizon, and suddenly the voices become inviting... the player exits the structure in which he came to hell and suddenly realizes he has been ensnared in the most beautiful deception, and the door slams shut behind him as the landscape crumbles and ash falls from the blackening, tumultuous sky. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dubh Posted June 19, 2003 I have faith in the boys at id that hell will be impressive. I mean, we were told ages ago that we would be visiting hell and thats all that was said about it. I don't think the demons head in the vid has much to do with how hell will look. I think the outdoor aspect of the game could well be hell. Unholy Cathedral: Two Words (Ooooooh Yeahhh) Green marble coupled with crimson blood. God that would look so cool. I also agree that, yes, bringing someone to hell WILL be a huge undertaking, but it might just be the thing to show off the technology. I think in parts it will be chaotic which will push the engine to it's limits. Back in the day I believe they did an excellent job of hell but you gotta remember two things: 1) Limited Technology 2) Now the guys are older, their vision of hell will almost certainly have changed, for the better. I think the hell level(s) will be kind of a make or break situation with the lads at id. They HAVE to do it right. Everything else in the game looks awesome and I don't think anyone will disagree with that, so logically if any one of us saw the hell level(s) now, we would be going nuts. Remember the first time seeing one of the old hell levels. It was a complete change of environment. You suddenly weren't sure what the f**k was going on or where you were. Walking down a cooridoor in hell was much more frighteneing than walking down a base cooridoor. I don't think one single screenie will be released from hell. Too much of a surprise killer. Rambling now.... I have all faith that we will be blown away when we hit that part of the game. To a lesser degree, I have all faith that we will be blown away the minute the game loads, first level for the first time . Jesus I cannot wait much longer. My birthday is 14th Nov. No prizes for guessing what I'll be doing......Come on id...release..release..release 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_Aeromaster Posted June 19, 2003 I agree Unholy Cathedral and some of the levels like it were awesome, but I submit that, with this engine, they should be able to do alot better than that. Something more original, scarier, and more impressive. Something that makes you think, Holy shit, I'm fucked now. The last level I remember making me think that was when I found my way into the Void in D64. When I realized that the last pentagram was in that level, I thought for sure I'd get slaughtered (there not being any ground bothered me a bit too). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
wasted Posted June 19, 2003 I think Hell should be done like a huge organism. Some buildings are Ok, but i cant agree with all those crosses and other anti-christian themes. Dont get me wrong - im not a christian, but i think id can made unique environment for Hell, heh... I like the idea of having hallucinations in Hell :) ! And the sound of Hell should be really scary one. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ultraviolet Posted June 19, 2003 I DEMAND LITERARY SYMBOLISM, DECEPTION, AND IRONY. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 19, 2003 The_Aeromaster said:I agree Unholy Cathedral and some of the levels like it were awesome, but I submit that, with this engine, they should be able to do alot better than that. Something more original, scarier, and more impressive. Well of course. My suggestion wasn't that iD should try and redo the old maps, but make reinterepretations of the locations found in E3. The reason why I put forth the location Unholy Cathedral is because I believe it'd be possible to make a place that looks like a fucked up Cathedral of Hell filled with all kinds of horrific sights and sounds, weird physics and really nightmarish situations - not to mention the famed "we-don't-give-a-shit" attitude. They should make a place that looks vaguely like a cathedral with all the impressive architecture that usually goes with a cathedral, but filled to the brim with unimaginable horrors. Just imagine what the Doom 3 engine would be able to do in terms of arcitechture and physics. Imagine this: when you enter the portal, there's a weird scene a la the classic "dark-room-and-surrounded-by-demons" scene at the end of e1m8 and then it fades and then you're suddenly standing in an awesome outdoor scenario. Ahead you see a gigantic mountain, surrounded by a lake of fire, Mount Erebus, and you'll have to get to the mountain (the mountain itself may be in a later map, but you should be able to see it from the start - it should be kinda mocking your every effort). When you finally get to the mountain, you'll find a really fucked up, nightmarish building at the foot of the mountain which turns out to be the reinterpreted House of Pain. The House of Pain is literally inside Mt. Erebus and is a labyrinth of torment that you have to pass through to get to the Unholy Cathedral which rests at the top of the mountain - this way we have one gigantic map which basically contains three of the original Doom 1 locations. And imagine that inside the Unholy Cathedral there is a portal that leads to a sort of middle point between Hell's reality and our own reality, which is more Hell than our reality of course as it is the door to Hell itself: The Gate to Limbo. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
niguel Posted June 19, 2003 dsm's got the real point, i have to agree totally. One thing that also made Doom very atmoshpheric and simply brilliant, was the concept of mixture of the gothic & hellish enviroments with technology and computer rooms (etc.) in deimos episode (E2). I love that episode soo much...inverted crosses and pentagrams, barons of hell's throne rooms, temples and cathedrals (unholy cathedral), the moving and mutilated face and skull textures, as well as those "entrail" looking floor textures. i want them all to be there. IM SO EXCITED! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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