Dubh Posted May 19, 2003 Anybody know what happened to this monster which I haven't seen since the macworld demo and in my opinion, he is one of the coolest looking.....Hope is included in final game... http://www.doomworld.com/php/screenie.php?dir=/macworld/&number=36 Also (kill 2 birds with one stone) Anyone notice in the new video when doom guy fires a rocket at zombie and zombie get blown over the edge and falls down into a void or darkness. Did anyone notice something getting blown out (or off) of him when the rocket struck him???? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Goat Posted May 19, 2003 yea that monster is the coolest looking out of all that i have seen, imo. about the rocket, it looks like a group of 3 zombies and 2 get blown off the side into the fan tunnel. thats what i could see happening while pausing the movie. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 19, 2003 I didn't see any limbs being blown off, then again, that sequence was scripted. I believe someone here said that in the leaked alpha you couldn't dismember your enemies, although the dismembered models and skins where already implemented. Anyway I too think that 'birdman' is the coolest looking Demon. He, to me, resembles a true Doom monster like no other monster has done so far. I hope that that is the Baron of Hell, it would be a shame if it would be left out of the final version. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ParaBellum Posted May 19, 2003 I agree, I got shit scared just looking at it's picture. Sooo much better then the new imp with the triangle head. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demonic Posted May 19, 2003 I agree the"birdman" demon is cool looking but I like the hell knight the best so far it is really intimidating looking. It looks to be the most scariest demon so far from what Ive seen. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 19, 2003 I think Birdman morphed into the current imp. Reason? The leaping. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 19, 2003 Fredrik said:I think Birdman morphed into the current imp. Reason? The leaping. hmm... I don't know... We saw both in the legacy video. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 19, 2003 Shaviro said:hmm... I don't know... We saw both in the legacy video. Right, I didn't think of that. Don't still have the video, unfortunately. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 19, 2003 Fredrik said:Right, I didn't think of that. Don't still have the video, unfortunately. hmm... I think it's funny we haven't gotten a name on him. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BlueSonnet Posted May 19, 2003 This thing could be called the bruiser. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 19, 2003 BlueSonnet said:This thing could be called the bruiser. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cloud4me Posted May 19, 2003 Im guessing "the birdman" is Baron of Hell. don't you think that monster very resembles old Baron of Hell? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 19, 2003 yeah, I agree it looks like the Baron of Hell. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 19, 2003 I'll be pleased if it's a BoH. If it is, it should be bigger than the HK though... hard to tell from the shown stuff if it actually is. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 19, 2003 Fredrik said:I'll be pleased if it's a BoH. If it is, it should be bigger than the HK though... hard to tell from the shown stuff if it actually is. Who cares? Perhaps the Hell knight is > than the BOH!? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted May 19, 2003 Shaviro said:Who cares?I don't care that much, but obviously a "baron" is superior to a "knight", so the baron should be bigger... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 19, 2003 Fredrik said:I don't care that much, but obviously a "baron" is superior to a "knight", so the baron should be bigger... Perhaps it's supirior in other areas. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ParaBellum Posted May 19, 2003 Well whatever it is, I can't wait to meet it for the first time in doom3. God that will be scary. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
grutsch Posted May 19, 2003 imo lots of the new mosters are not as cool as the original monsters... some of the new ones look more like animals than like demons...for example the new pinky looks something like a worm, and all he wants to do is find some food... the old pinky looked like 100% demon, evil and in bloodlust.... same with hellknight. cool is the baby thing. but the spiders are ... well spiders, and the imps and other things are insect like creatures... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 19, 2003 Shaviro said:Perhaps it's supirior in other areas. If Doom 3 is in anyway supposed to be true to Doom 1+2 (and it had better), then the BoH is superior in terms of hitpoints (which means that its skin would at least look harder - Birdman's skin does not lok muscular or hard enough to fit the image of the BoH imo) and if the HK turns out only to be another damn melee enemy (argh, not true to original Dooms!), then the BoH would also be superior in terms of ranged attacks. Perhaps it will be like you say it'll be: that the BoH might be weaker than the HK, while superior in being capable of hurling ranged attacks at you, but if that's the case, then I'm gonna choke myself. I want the Baron of Hell to be exactly what it was originally: The most badassed demon below the cybie, meaning that it should be the toughest non-boss (maybe it'll be semi-boss like it was in Doom 1) demon and that it should be cool looking. As for looks: A concept sketch I saw of a weird-looking, but very muscular demon, in the Doom 3: The Legacy video. That thing could end up being the new Baron, but if it is, you'll have one hugely disappointed Doom fan here, because that thing looks very un-goatish. And this, multi-eyed (it has four D3 imp-like eyes) thing doesn't have the old Baron feel to it imo. As much as the very Giger'ish looks of the Doom 3 demons please me, I still long for something that has the classic goat style to it. And don't give me that crap that "it'll be cheesy" - I'm convinced that if done right, a goat demon can look really terrifying. Imagine a goat demon with Giger'ish elements like no eyes and rotting flesh around the sides of its mouth. So far, the Baron probably represents my biggest worry in regards to Doom 3 monsters. So far, I am supremely pleased with almost all the monsters (mixed feelings about the pinky, but its cool anyway) - hope my overall satisfaction won't be ruined as soon as I see the Doom 3 Baron. I want a supremely powerful goat demon, so terrifying that even the HK looks friendly in comparison. And Birdman looks kinda friendly to my eyes. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
12ga. Posted May 19, 2003 dsm said:As for looks: A concept sketch I saw of a weird-looking, but very muscular demon, in the Doom 3: The Legacy video. That thing could end up being the new Baron, but if it is, you'll have one hugely disappointed Doom fan here, because that thing looks very un-goatish. And this, multi-eyed (it has four D3 imp-like eyes) thing doesn't have the old Baron feel to it imo. And Birdman looks kinda friendly to my eyes. Yea I'm pretty sure which demon your talking about its very musculer but I dont think it would suit as being the baron of hell, I't looks badass but not the right look at all. I also remember a soldier demon that looked fucking awesome it was sort of a zombie but with combat armour on a helmet and tenticle coming out from under his jaw it was pretty cool looking. I agree on the birdman looking friendly its just something about the beak lol i dont really like it, it needs more of a minotaur face with curved horns if its to be the all mighty BOH. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Goat Posted May 19, 2003 personally, i wish all the monsters were all gothic and cultish like the old doom, you know, typical satanic monsters and whatnot, with other creative monsters thrown in for good measure 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_Aeromaster Posted May 20, 2003 Anyone who thinks we've seen the new BOH yet is on drugs... they're saving him, as they should, to provide a real scare in the actual game. I agree with dsm that the new Baron should make the knight seem inadequate. I especially want this to be the case because, if so, when you finally meet the cyberdemon, you will know that you're fucked. Also, I wouldn't describe the original monsters as "gothic", at least not in today's language. Today, gothic is for morons who are prentending to be bad, whereas Satanic stuff really is evil. While I haven't yet gotten the evil feeling from these demons, I'm sure when I'm playing the game instead of watching videos, that will change. I think the enemies are very promising. That bird dude reminds me of a bear, it looks like he wants to give you a hug, but when you get up close he'll rip your fuckin head off. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dark Fox Posted May 20, 2003 He would require more, I mean ubber muscle mass to measure up to the HK in the movie if in fact that is a BH. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted May 20, 2003 Whatever it is, the birdman looked the most demonic and "satanic" compared to the others. Omitting him will be a travesty. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 20, 2003 doomedout said:Whatever it is, the birdman looked the most demonic and "satanic" compared to the others. Omitting him will be a travesty. Absolutely. I want more goatlooking Demons in Doom 3. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
niguel Posted May 20, 2003 i doubt that it is the baron of hell... you have seen that they have added more spiders to doom III than there was in doom and doom 2. i think is just a new fiend added to the legions of hell. but i have a warm feeling in my ass that we WILL see the baron soon. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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