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stupid question

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congestion control 2 looks sweet. can't wait to get out of school. anyway, i read the review, then i looked at the screenshots (which i'm posting here) and they look really, really nice. i'm not talking about the level, i'm talking the graphics. so my question is this: which source port do i use to get these killer graphics? or is it a graphics card kinda thing? yes, i know it's a stupid question.


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boris said:

It's Legacy.

Hey we're supposed to give him help, not hint stuff that might lead him to destruction.

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Fredrik said:

Hey we're supposed to give him help, not hint stuff that might lead him to destruction.

Oooops, sorry about that.

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Fredrik said:

Hey we're supposed to give him help, not hint stuff that might lead him to destruction.

Ouch! ;-)

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i just checked the sourceports page, jdoom said i need a video card or direct x - can i have one or the other and still make it work ('cause this 98 compaq laptop doesn't have a video card)

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if you mean like ones used to run games like kingpin (genforces and stuff) no. hell, even gta2 for pc won't run 'cause i don't have one.

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I suppose you could try running in software mode if you're desperate... I know JDoom worked for me on an older computer in software mode... 16-bit, with lots of graphical glitches and in 10 fps.

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heh, well, i'm installing it now so i'll get back to you on whether it worked or not. if i don't reply by next week, it means i smashed my laptop in a fit of anger

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Heh, the only way to fix that is to get a video card ;)

Oh and those screenshots are taken in JDoom. I can tell by the flares and that crappy crosshair (looks like shit if you put it that big, I usually have it the smallest).

Use ZDoomGL, anyway ;)

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monochrome said:

congestion control 2 looks sweet. can't wait to get out of school. anyway, i read the review, then i looked at the screenshots (which i'm posting here) and they look really, really nice. i'm not talking about the level, i'm talking the graphics. so my question is this: which source port do i use to get these killer graphics? or is it a graphics card kinda thing? yes, i know it's a stupid question.


I played in jDoom when I downloaded it, and the graphics look like this.

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