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XBox Doom III


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Alboroto said:

Dm will be there.
Dm maps will not...

Microsoft will charge 20 bucks for each map.


cant you like port your pc to your xbox and ad the maps to a cd rom then give them to your frends ?

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Fredrik said:

Godwin's law. You fail it.

ok. The united staes up until Lincolns presidency

(fuck godwin's law, they just dont want people to see the forest for the trees - but thats a whole other topic)

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RAi said:

Am I one of the only ones that is kinda selfish and just want DooM III on nothing but the computer? Putting it on the console never had much success, and the idea of seeing it on the shelves of Blockbuster...ugh. No thanks!

i hope i will see it in blockbuster one day , but not as a xbox game if you catch my drift....

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Personally, I wouldn't want microsoft to gain any funds from Doom3, but it's a smart move for ID Software so.... I just hope that it has a little more success than previous Doom console ports have. I imagine it will be successful on the platform though, since it has a more modern gameplay feel from the looks of things and not to mention the awesome graphics.

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I really hope some how that doom 3 on x box will not be very good, not as good as the pc that is. x box is ,i think, the WORST modern console because they tried with a lot of sequals to get the copyrights to them and did for a bunch of games like oddworld and doa and wolfenstein. but with wolfenstein activition ,or whatever its called , said ...oh no you can't do that... so they changed the title of the game to opperation reserction insted of tides of war. xbox loses about 35$ (this was true sometime back but i am not sure if now its true) on ever xbox they sell. they wanted to make it back by scaming it on online gaming, which costs 50$ PER MONTH . thats CRAZY! and then to know that doom 3 won't be on the playstation, i sure hope that xbox didn't 'out bid' copyrights to it,which they did with oddworld.

Damn....I can't wait 'til DOOM III comes out!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

To honestly tell the truth, Xbox is going and practily WILL put pc games out buisness because of all the porting crap, there is going to be port of Counter-Strike and now Doom 3 ?
Come on, consoles and Pc ports should not happen, if they're going to make a console fps, at least make it something orginal, like halo, and I will admit Halo is a good game, but Halo 2 better than Doom 3 ?
Thats like saying Wolfenstien 3d was better than Half-life.

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matt_c20 said:

To honestly tell the truth, Xbox is going and practily WILL put pc games out buisness because of all the porting crap, there is going to be port of Counter-Strike and now Doom 3 ?
Come on, consoles and Pc ports should not happen, if they're going to make a console fps, at least make it something orginal, like halo, and I will admit Halo is a good game, but Halo 2 better than Doom 3 ?
Thats like saying Wolfenstien 3d was better than Half-life.

Dont make yourself out to be a moron, and im not viewing this as flaming just read the facts. Regardless of how much money console games make they can "never" compete with the poor technical capabilities of a high end game designed for a high end pc format. By the time xbox is ported *development has "not" started* the new microsoft system will likely be out.

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matt_c20 said:
To honestly tell the truth, Xbox is going and practily WILL put pc games out buisness because of all the porting crap

Uh, why the hell not? You seem to forget that not everyone has a top of the line system, but they do have a game console.

Come on, consoles and Pc ports should not happen, if they're going to make a console fps, at least make it something orginal, like halo

Now we go the reverse. Not everyone has a game console, but they just might have a top of the line system.

and I will admit Halo is a good game, but Halo 2 better than Doom 3 ?
Thats like saying Wolfenstien 3d was better than Half-life.

Who's to say Wolf 3d isn't better than Half-Life in some ways? I mean, they're both fun and challenging, but just because Half-Life is more modern than Wolf 3d doesn't really make it any better. I mean, if there was a game more advanced than Doom 3, yet was centered around a deaf-mute Russian cripple with a glass eye that had to go across the country of Iraq to get a dog, would you consider it better than Doom 3 just because it has more advanced technology? Certainly not.

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Okay, lets have it your way, and Xbox had a Doom 3 port.
What would you perfer, a harder to use joystick or a mouse ?
w,a,s,d or a crapy d-pad.
A,B,Y,X buttons or the keyboard and mouse ?
And are you trying to say Consoles will out perform pc's as far as performance goes (as far as I can tell, there are better PC games than Xbox has)?
And for graphics its better to stick with a Geforce close to 6 years than consistantly buying better and better consoles every 3 years.
And I will admit a console has its advantages, but computers will always lead in First Person Shooters.
And I for one can't stand console FPS, halo is a pain in the ass to get used to and same with Half-life for the PS2, whats going to make Doom 3 any different ?

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And what you said about that Russian thing, that made no sense what so ever.

What I'm trying to say is that Half-life was game of the year, has thousands of mods, one of which is the #1 game on the net (Counter Strike) and Wolf 3d, okay, it started the FPS genre, but can it out perform HL ?

And for your Idea of a deaf-mute Russian, is the complete opposite of what I said, egro what your saying is that Wolf 3d is the Half-Life and Half-Life is Doom 3.

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Besides, why are we ever arguing about this any ways, If you enjoy Xbox and the way it works fine, get Doom 3 for Xbox, but as for me, I'm sticking with the computer.

bleh :P

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Matt-whatever, stop posting several posts in a friggin' row - there's a button called "Edit post", which allows you to go back and add things to one of your previously posted posts.

I may not be the Mod in this forum any longer, but I can still warn peope like you about what not to do, so that you get a chance to correct your mistakes before a Mod kicks your arse.

Oh and your views are...wacky if you ask me. There are several people out there who are more comfortable with a console (even with the "hard-to-use" joystic/gamepad) and who don't feel like getting a PC to get a certain great game. Putting an end to console ports would be one of the worst crimes against humanity (roughly speaking :-P)...or at least against console owners.

It's perfectly logical that these souls should have a chance at playing e.g. Doom too.

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Look i'm not going to argue if you think my thoughts towards an Xbox port of Doom is wacky, if you have trouble readying my last post, please tell me. I'll do my best to help you.

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matt w/e the fuck it is just try not to fuckin post a whole shitload in a row it pisses everyone off, and maybe dsm would of bothered reading exactly what you wrote if you dident fucking post 3 times in a row alright?.

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Some one needs a nap.
Well screw this thred it sucks ass.
And why is me taking all the blam, haven't you read what the other people wrote, practictly the same thing I did.
So leave me the Fuck alone !

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dsm said:

Matt-whatever, stop posting several posts in a friggin' row - there's a button called "Edit post", which allows you to go back and add things to one of your previously posted posts.

I may not be the Mod in this forum any longer, but I can still warn peope like you about what not to do, so that you get a chance to correct your mistakes before a Mod kicks your arse.

Oh and your views are...wacky if you ask me. There are several people out there who are more comfortable with a console (even with the "hard-to-use" joystic/gamepad) and who don't feel like getting a PC to get a certain great game. Putting an end to console ports would be one of the worst crimes against humanity (roughly speaking :-P)...or at least against console owners.

It's perfectly logical that these souls should have a chance at playing e.g. Doom too.

Hmmn, you seem a little bitter about not being a mod, dsm. Why aren't you anyway? Secondly a lot of people would prefer to pay 200 or 180 or whatever the damn thing is selling at now, than 2000+ for a great computer because the average consumer is a frugal, and a moron. And you can always get a keyboard for a console (I don't like or own an Xbox so I don't know if its avail, but I'm somewhat sure). Its not better in any way, but more people, especially the younger gamers who don't have a lot of $$ would be happy to see D3 on xbox or whatnot for that reason. Personally I don't. I think FPS on consoles suck giant ass, but I can see why it was a good business decision for id. Eh, that's all.

Fredrik said:

Now calm down, girls.

Heh. Now I'm seeing that when I went on a bitch rant that I looked like a moron. Glad a few people pointed that out to me. Matt... you a a shining example. Its just a forum of strangers. People are going to disregard your opinion. Don't get yourself worked up, it will serve no purpose save for coming off like a moron on her rag.

*Offers a few grains of salt*

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Thanks for the support Scabbed Angel, Its greatly appretiated.
Though I'm not 100% against the idea of and Xbox port, it just gives me greef to see a wounderful looking game being ported, especialy if its a Pc port, not that i'm saying its going to bad, I just don't like the idea. On another note, yes, console FPS do blow ass, if you need proof, purchase Half-Life for PS2, that port completely screwed up the half-life experence. And i'll try to calm down, indeed a room full of ignorante stangers who don't care what others opinions are.

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Scabbed Angel said:

Hmmn, you seem a little bitter about not being a mod, dsm. Why aren't you anyway?

No, how come I seem bitter? All I did was give a warning (note that I did exactly the same thing even before I became a Mod because I wanted to help). I did it in an aggressive manner, because I absolutely hate when people are too stupid to figure out the edit button.

Heh. Now I'm seeing that when I went on a bitch rant that I looked like a moron. Glad a few people pointed that out to me. Matt... you a a shining example. Its just a forum of strangers. People are going to disregard your opinion. Don't get yourself worked up, it will serve no purpose save for coming off like a moron on her rag.

Yeah welcome to DW, the place where it's commonplace to be insulted and where people regard you as an idiot if you dare to complain about it.

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matt_c20 said:

And i'll try to calm down, indeed a room full of ignorante stangers who don't care what others opinions are.

Before you go calling others ignorant, best to learn how to spell the word. Remember, this is a forum, which means you have all the time in the world to make a reply, which means that you don't have to ignore spelling and grammar. That means you can take some time to look up words, use capitalization and punctuation. Thanks. By the way, did you read the FAQ?

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Thanks for the tip BBG, but spelling isn't the #1 thing on your mind when your pissed off. So next time, lets try to agree on something rather than get into arguments.

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well i prefer the 'crappy d pad' of the xbox better then the mouse, dont know why though (weird). I dont know why but ive hated every single FPS on a PC except for Doom and Unreal Tournament, those are 2 games i cant live without. And why is exactly the Xbox so horrible?, some (should i say, ALOT) of us cant afford to buy a 800 dollar video card every single month, thats just insane. and all PC ports to console suck?, explain wolfenstein, and it's massive online community, only on Xbox Live. Dont understnad why people hate consoles so much, not all the people in the world are rich you know

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Scyth said:

well i prefer the 'crappy d pad' of the xbox better then the mouse, dont know why though (weird). I dont know why but ive hated every single FPS on a PC except for Doom and Unreal Tournament, those are 2 games i cant live without. And why is exactly the Xbox so horrible?, some (should i say, ALOT) of us cant afford to buy a 800 dollar video card every single month, thats just insane. and all PC ports to console suck?, explain wolfenstein, and it's massive online community, only on Xbox Live. Dont understnad why people hate consoles so much, not all the people in the world are rich you know

I don't hate consoles, I myself own a Dreamcast (*teardrop*). Matt_c20 or whatever his username is seems to because he's ignorant. "OMG ALL CONSOLE PORTS SUCK!!!!". Well, AFAIK, Red Faction and Red Faction 2 were PS2 games first and PC games second and *gasp* THEY'RE FUCKING GOOD GAMES!

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exactly, The Red Faction games are a clear sign that not all ports suck. I bought Unreal Championship a week ago and i have to say that im playing it more then UT. I just cant understand why so much hatred on consoles and console gamers, not all console gamers are dumbasses for playing on a console. I say why fight it?, consoles are here to stay and by the way of PS2's sale figures, it's gonna stay that way for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

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I hated the red fraction games, I thought they looked cheesy on xbox and the guns were gay and the enemies kept dying the same way over and over.

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not every game is perfect you know, considering those small things, the game is awesome. The story line is actually compelling!, and while yeah the graphics wrnt that good, it made it all up by it's new Geo-Mod Technology (Evrything is destroyable, even walls) and it's awesome AI plus the gameplay.

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A console spawned Doom64 - while imo far inferior to PC Doom, it was a very innovative version of Doom and without it, I wouldn't currently be enjoying the crap out of probably the best TC in the world (The Doom 64 TC).

Also, I have a friend who definitely prefers the "crappy" console keypad thingy to the PC keyboard. I can perfectly understand this (especially after I got to know this guy) - he's played console games a lot more than PC games, hence he feels a lot more comfortable using a gamepad instead of the, in his eyes, shitty type-writer'esque thingy on the PC. Similarly, I feel a lot more comfortable with a mouse combined with a keyboard or simply a keyboard than with a joystick or a gamepad (which is funny, because I originally got into computer games by visiting a friend who had an Amiga 500 and we played a shitload of games using joysticks).

I'll restate my comment directed at Matt_c20 before and just say that he needs to befriend someone who prefers console games - it'll widen your horizon and prevent you from making, pardon the expression, ignorant comments that could be perceived as insulting.

Thanks for the tip BBG, but spelling isn't the #1 thing on your mind when your pissed off. So next time, lets try to agree on something rather than get into arguments.

I understand you perfectly well, but the general rule still applies: Making spelling mistakes is bound to make people more angry at you - or perhaps just even less respectful towards you. I've been around here long enough to know that if you make lots of spelling mistakes or some particular hilarious ones, people just refuse to take you serious regardless of how pissed off you are.
In fact, if you start "yelling" at them or badmouthing people around here, they get even more ruthless.

The reason they get away with insulting you is because they're already well-established and well-known on these forums, while you're as good as a "nobody guy" because you're a newbie. It's an old habit around here (and a bad one too I must admit) and old habits die hard.

Believe me, I've tried my fair share myself and it wasn't much easier - I got along by generally "knowing my place" if you understand what I mean.

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I don't even know why BBG cant even get my name down, holy shit its only matt_c20, its not that difficult. Its not like its Supercadgaferagalisticexpaladoshous.

"I've been around here long enough to know that if you make lots of spelling mistakes are particular hilarious ones"
And you might want to check up on your grammar.

And thanks for the tips, just try and go easy on the new guy.
I hope one day, that I'll become just as good as "speller" and "doomer" than you guys are.

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