gatewatcher Posted May 24, 2003 Well, the spiders have a name, "Trites", and they travel in swarms. Looks like the technology is just about finished, and the majority of work goin on is game design. Flashlight adds to the game experience. And finaly, Deathmatch and Last Man Standing will be the only multiplayer modes (up to four people) and unlike Q3, multiplayer will focus on "stealthy running-and-gunning" using shadows cast by the lights and your flashlight. ^____________^ 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
StarFyre Posted May 24, 2003 I must admit to say that I am disappointed that there is no CTF or large multiplayer support BUT I guess it may not be able to be supported by most PCs currently anyways. But it does sound very interesting...having to hide from people, etc instead of an insane rocket fest... Sanjay 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 24, 2003 "Last man standing" sounds interesting. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 24, 2003 Wow, up to 4 players in multiplayer. Id is really doing their best to make people love Doom³ when it comes to a decent mp experience. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 24, 2003 Disorder said:Wow, up to 4 players in multiplayer. Id is really doing their best to make people love Doom³ when it comes to a decent mp experience. uh? Unless you didn't know, Doom³ isn't a multiplayer game, but a singleplayer game. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 24, 2003 Shaviro said:uh? I´m disappointed. And don´t forget that many people will be disappointed as well when they find out about his. What I mean is that nowadays multiplayer is really important in a game. If you include a multiplayer mode that includes only up to four people fighting eachother online, you might as well omit it, since the majority of the gaming community will stop caring about it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 24, 2003 Disorder said:I´m disappointed. And don´t forget that many people will be disappointed as well when they find out about his. What I mean is that nowadays multiplayer is really important in a game. If you include a multiplayer mode that includes only up to four people fighting eachother online, you might as well omit it, since the majority of the gaming community will stop caring about it. You can't do both at the same time unless you want to add 1~2 years of development time on there.. What do you think the Multiplayer add-on is for? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted May 24, 2003 gatewatcher said:Looks like the technology is just about finished Carmack is getting old 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ParaBellum Posted May 24, 2003 Zoost said:Carmack is getting old what? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted May 24, 2003 Disorder said:I´m disappointed. And don´t forget that many people will be disappointed as well when they find out about his. What I mean is that nowadays multiplayer is really important in a game. If you include a multiplayer mode that includes only up to four people fighting eachother online, you might as well omit it, since the majority of the gaming community will stop caring about it. But there main focus has always been on creating an imersive single player experience. Up to four people does seem odd though. Perhaps its for nostolgia ; P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 24, 2003 Scabbed Angel said:But there main focus has always been on creating an imersive single player experience. Up to four people does seem odd though. Perhaps its for nostolgia ; P No. Level size and nothing else. The engine can handle more players. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted May 24, 2003 Shaviro said:No. Level size and nothing else. The engine can handle more players. Why would they limit that then? I'm not a huge multiplayer fan, but it doesn't seem all that smart that they would only have a 4 person capacity if the engine could hold more. Atmosphere, with the whole sneaking around and hunting by shadows and shit doesn't seem to justify it. Maybee there's more in the article. If those things are trites though, i wonder what the "crawlers" are. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoorado Posted May 25, 2003 Any word on the physics engine? Last time I heard, id decided to limit the multiplayer because of the immensely complicated physics calculation carried out in-game. But now, they seem to be very secretive about the physics. Are they not intending to include that into MP? On are they on to something big, and don't want to reveal it just yet? Hmm... things to ponder. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted May 25, 2003 id is small company.It`s hard to both focus on MP and SP. I do hope they should release MP add-on for free.MP add-on for free=more copies sold. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
aca Posted May 25, 2003 Uh, Doom and Quake 2 had great single player and multiplayer. What is the difference between releasing the game with multiplayer and having a free download? And how would that bring in more copies sold? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted May 25, 2003 In the case of DOOM3,they focused on SP.and if they said like that,they really mean it.Remember Quake3?They did said about bringing ultimate DM experience.they really did it and totally negate the SP part.this can be *predicted* in the case of DOOM3 as well.It`s just it might be wrong somehow. Free download = more game sold.Not everyone is fond of SP gaming and won`t pick up Doom3.If MP is made free for download,they would love to pay for a DOOM3 copy more than a copy+Expansion.Free download will be good for id in long run. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Goat Posted May 25, 2003 personally, i couldnt give less of a shit whether or not doom 3 has multiplayer or no multiplayer. its not like i could play it on my 56k over the net anyways. hell, when i go to lan parties i doubt doom3 would make a better game to play than counterstrike or quake 3 or ut2k3 anyways, i mean just look at the environments and whatnot. as long as doom3 has good singleplayer, which is what theyre focusing on anyways (finally, a game whose development is solely focused on singleplayer, havent had that in a long fucking time) i am happy. jeez im tired of all these multiplayer fanatics whining and raving about mp and such, and dont even give singleplayer a fucking chance whatsoever. i know jerks in real life who go out and buy a game and dont even click on the "singleplayer" option in the menu and just go and fuck around in multiplayer on the net and shit. pisses me off how some people have lost that touch of their lives to sit there and be immersed in the story line of a game, and actually have a sense of imagination to follow the game that the makers intended it to be played as. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoorado Posted May 25, 2003 If the "trites" really travel in swarms, wouldn't that dispute the rumour of DOOM 3 not having more than 3-4 characters onscreen at once? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 25, 2003 Zoorado said:If the "trites" really travel in swarms, wouldn't that dispute the rumour of DOOM 3 not having more than 3-4 characters onscreen at once? That rumour is retarded. How would you know? I made a test map in the alpha, bare walls, 3 lights. FPS, no action: 62 FPS, 8 imps: 52 The fact is that these monsters are lowpoly enough to not slow down too much. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EllipsusD Posted May 25, 2003 Shaviro said: That rumour is retarded. How would you know? I made a test map in the alpha, bare walls, 3 lights. FPS, no action: 62 FPS, 8 imps: 52 The fact is that these monsters are lowpoly enough to not slow down too much. Maybe, but what kind of machine are you running? If you think about it, they have to design this based on the lowest end systems. Lights, detail levels, stuff like that can all be changed in a menu, but enemy count is the same no matter what computer you're running it on. Keep in mind your room only has bare walls, every shot we've seen shows considerably more detail, so though the enemies may not take out a hunge performance chuck alone, the complexity of the levels does (I would think at least). Of course the engine can handle more than 3-4 characters at once, but can the computers that only meet the minimum requirements? But who knows. I tend to be wrong about these types of things. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoorado Posted May 25, 2003 Shaviro said:That rumour is retarded. How would you know? I made a test map in the alpha, bare walls, 3 lights. FPS, no action: 62 FPS, 8 imps: 52 The fact is that these monsters are lowpoly enough to not slow down too much. Are your FOV facing all 8 imps? I was kinda surprised at the result you got. I would predict no more than 30 fps on high quality with 8 imps onscreen, since it's only an alpha version. Your figures seem ridiculous to me, and you'd probably like to double-check on them, at least the fps counter. :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 25, 2003 Zoorado said:Are your FOV facing all 8 imps? I was kinda surprised at the result you got. I would predict no more than 30 fps on high quality with 8 imps onscreen, since it's only an alpha version. Your figures seem ridiculous to me, and you'd probably like to double-check on them, at least the fps counter. :) no. That's what I get. (When they're not shooting fireballs, ofcourse) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 25, 2003 Disorder said:I´m disappointed. And don´t forget that many people will be disappointed as well when they find out about his. What I mean is that nowadays multiplayer is really important in a game. If you include a multiplayer mode that includes only up to four people fighting eachother online, you might as well omit it, since the majority of the gaming community will stop caring about it. Yeah well they can go back to their lameass multiplayer-only games. Mp nuts have already been given PLENTY of goodness, while we sp people were let down lots of times before. I had looked forward to Q3 as an sp game and LOOK what they did! They turned it into an mp-only game, ruining it completely for me. Be happy that there IS real mp in Doom 3 - that's more than what I gotr with Q3A which didn't even have half a an sp experience. You're disappointed huh? Well, welcome to three years ago. It has been made clear from the start that Doom 3 would be sp-based and it was equally made clear that it's hard to make both a good sp experience and mp experience. Fucking mp whiners. And now where I have let off some steam and hammered on the mp freaks (man, that felt good), I will state that id is planning an MP add-on (as well as an sp add-on). If you're lucky, the mp will be more badass and satisfying. Oh yeah, and if that doesn't interest you, Nerve is working on an mp-only game (Nerve knows how to do a good mp game). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
12ga. Posted May 25, 2003 Goat said:personally, i couldnt give less of a shit whether or not doom 3 has multiplayer or no multiplayer. its not like i could play it on my 56k over the net anyways. hell, when i go to lan parties i doubt doom3 would make a better game to play than counterstrike or quake 3 or ut2k3 anyways, i mean just look at the environments and whatnot. as long as doom3 has good singleplayer, which is what theyre focusing on anyways (finally, a game whose development is solely focused on singleplayer, havent had that in a long fucking time) i am happy. jeez im tired of all these multiplayer fanatics whining and raving about mp and such, and dont even give singleplayer a fucking chance whatsoever. i know jerks in real life who go out and buy a game and dont even click on the "singleplayer" option in the menu and just go and fuck around in multiplayer on the net and shit. pisses me off how some people have lost that touch of their lives to sit there and be immersed in the story line of a game, and actually have a sense of imagination to follow the game that the makers intended it to be played as. Fuckin right. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 25, 2003 dsm said:Fucking mp whiners.It's pretty clear now that you don't like mp, but the majority wants to see decent multiplayer-action. Multiplayer makes a game lasts longer if done right. If there's only singeplayer action, the game is simply done after you beat the end boss. Now, by releasing a game which can only have 4 people in multiplayer you'll give gamers something to bitch about. I say don't include mp in the full version at all, but release it in the planned add-on. That is, if it's a decent multiplayer add-on that supports up to 32 players in a map, etc. If it has a lot less to offer than that, people will bitch about it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BlueSonnet Posted May 25, 2003 4 player multiplayer? Bugger. Oh well at least there will be a multiplayer add-on pack, the original doom's only had 4 player dm and it's not as if my internet speed can handle online deathmatch very well anyay. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AirRaid Posted May 25, 2003 Shaviro said:"Last man standing" sounds interesting. I hope you do actually know waht LMS is... ...and yeah it's cool. But anyway, WTF, why are people complaining about no MP? There are craploads of good MP games out there at the moment. dsm is prefectly right in saying we need a good new SP experience. That's what I'm looking forwards to in Doom 3... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 25, 2003 AirRaid said:dsm is prefectly right in saying we need a good new SP experience. That's what I'm looking forwards to in Doom 3... Yes, he's right about that. But is it too much to ask for a standard multiplayer experience as well? I can't imagine it would be so much trouble to make a bigger map with more player startingpositions included. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoorado Posted May 25, 2003 Disorder said:Yes, he's right about that. But is it too much to ask for a standard multiplayer experience as well? I can't imagine it would be so much trouble to make a bigger map with more player starting positions included. Think so. Imagine a 16-player map with full physics versatility and dynamic real-time lighting/shadowing. Everyone fires a rocket, and you'll have rockets exploding, blood splattering, gibs flying, limbs faltering, bodies slumping, noise occluding/echoing, numerous shadows being cast in light of explosion... Next thing you know, the screen blacks out and your system crashes. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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