tsareppsun Posted May 25, 2003 I don't know if this been brought up recently, But I just want to bring up my thoughts on the cacodemon in the new doom. Man, the way that they changed up all the demons looks seem so strange. If id never gave out it's title, or mention the U.A.C. in any of it's preview vids. It would've easy to think that the shooter was completley something else and not a new doom game. I'm actually afraid to see how the new cocodemon is going to look. Ahh, but now to my point, As we all know, the cacodemon floats around and spits fireballs out it's big mouth. But that's all. I feel that id should give the creature more abilities in the new doom. Like for instance, "Inclose attacks", If the monster happens to get a certain close distance to you, It should suddenly "lunge" or "shoot in" at you with it's big mouth "WIDE" open and to say the least "BITE THA LIVIN' SHIT OUTTA YOU!!" Taking a good chunk out of your health. And it's secondary close attack would be what I call the "MAULING" attack. It actually grabs you in it's mouth and thrash and shakes you RETARDED! Try to imagine in UT, when your shreaded by a rocket blow, remember how the video screen would spin all around like crazy, symbolizing that you been blown to pieces? Like that! You can't shoot yourself out of the attack cuz you current weapon has been violently whisked out from your grasp from the mauling. And it clatters and slides off somewhere. The only way to escape this carnage is to tap your "SPACEBAR" key like mad to make it let you go. At that point your completly defenceless, you have to scurry after the weapon you just lost or just press any of the weapons key to whip up a new one and battle on. The fireball attack, I think it should have a new affect on you, It'll come at you like usual, but after it lands, It should have the same electrical effect of the emporer's energy blast he used on Luke near the end of "Return of the Jedi". The blueish lightening engulfes you all around your body making you convulse and dizzy. Well, that's all I have to say about the doom3 cacodemon. Thoughts anyone? P.S. I finally downloaded that E3 vid on doom3, And MAN, those lost souls comming out of the portal and zombified that marine guard gave me the "ILLIE WILLIES"(Only I wished id would've made the sculls more DEMONIC and mishaping looking and not too human-like sculls) They really made my hair prickles stand UP!! The hell with those different lookin' lost souls in the picture stills! I concider them weak in comparison. As of now, I'm more afraid of those "ghostlike" lost souls than any of the other doom monsters! Why? cuz how in the hell can you expect to use conventional weaponry against something like that! At least the other demons are solidfied! If those ghost souls can go through people, maybe they could go through solid walls too. And if that's the case, normal weapons should be worthless against them. Id will have to conjure up a unique weapon that would only be effective against the "ghostsouls". I don't know, maybe something simular the electrical "Particle Stream" like weapons the GHOSTBUSTERS used in their movies. Let's just wait and see what happens next. TSAR, 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
insertwackynamehere Posted May 25, 2003 All I know is that they'd better include the cacodemon. They can't make a monster that looks like the cacodemon and call it something else, nor can they make a monster called the cacodemon, that looks nothing like one. They have to have an original doom cacodemonesque monster, called the cacodemon. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vegeta Posted May 25, 2003 -The idea of the spacebar, is original, but should annoying after a while -The electrical efect, I don't think so, remember that the original Cacodemon hurls gas bombs -The special gun (something like the Unmaker from DOOM 64) for these ghost souls, nah, I'm sure that they can be killed in the old fashioned way 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 25, 2003 tsareppsun said: And it's secondary close attack would be what I call the "MAULING" attack. It actually grabs you in it's mouth and thrash and shakes you RETARDED! Try to imagine in UT, when your shreaded by a rocket blow, remember how the video screen would spin all around like crazy, symbolizing that you been blown to pieces? Like that! You can't shoot yourself out of the attack cuz you current weapon has been violently whisked out from your grasp from the mauling. And it clatters and slides off somewhere. The only way to escape this carnage is to tap your "SPACEBAR" key like mad to make it let you go. At that point your completly defenceless, you have to scurry after the weapon you just lost or just press any of the weapons key to whip up a new one and battle on. That would be *really* *fucking* *horribly* annoying. I hate "spacebar enemies" and the fact that your weapon would be thrown out of your grasp would be even worse. One word: NO! If the caco should have a secondary attack it should be close-range electrocution, where it opens its mouth and streams of electricity begin to zap you (very short range).As of now, I'm more afraid of those "ghostlike" lost souls than any of the other doom monsters! Why? cuz how in the hell can you expect to use conventional weaponry against something like that! At least the other demons are solidfied! If those ghost souls can go through people, maybe they could go through solid walls too. And if that's the case, normal weapons should be worthless against them. Id will have to conjure up a unique weapon that would only be effective against the "ghostsouls". I don't know, maybe something simular the electrical "Particle Stream" like weapons the GHOSTBUSTERS used in their movies. I doubt we'll see the ghosties as actual enemies - they're most likely only there in a select few situations like in the beginning where they possess everything. And the idea that should you encounter them, only a special weapon would work against them is lame too. This is a hardcore action shooter, not a fucking adventure game, and that means that if your choice against certain enemies is too limited, then it'll cut down on the action and be more of nuisance than fun. Oh and I imagine that the plasma rifle and BFG would work wonders against the ghosties. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted May 26, 2003 Vegeta said:-The electrical efect, I don't think so, remember that the original Cacodemon hurls gas bombs. Gas Bombs? where did you get that info from? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted May 26, 2003 [QUOTE]dsm said: That would be *really* *fucking* *horribly* annoying. I hate "spacebar enemies" and the fact that your weapon would be thrown out of your grasp would be even worse. One word: NO! [quote] Spacebar enemies? No, that's not what I'm trying make. I just want the the player to have a "quick" way out of a "BAD GRAB" So the maul attack wouldn't strain so much health away from you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted May 26, 2003 I'm just interested in how it will look like more than anything else. Its attack obviously will be lethal. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vegeta Posted May 26, 2003 The Spidermastermaind, I want see it! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ichor Posted May 26, 2003 For all we know, the ultimate boss won't be the Spiderdemon or even remotely resemble it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 27, 2003 Vegeta said:The Spidermastermaind, I want see it! http://www.doomworld.com/php/screenie.php?dir=/e32k2/&number=6 And no, that's not the Arachnotron, because afaik, the Arachnotron is not in Doom 3. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 27, 2003 Ichor said:For all we know, the ultimate boss won't be the Spiderdemon or even remotely resemble it. It's called the Spider Mastermind and the concept art looks strikingly similar to the old one, so... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 27, 2003 Shaviro said:It's called the Spider Mastermind and the concept art looks strikingly to the old one, so... Spiderdemon? Spider Mastermind? Who cares? The Ultimate Doom E3 end scroll text referred to it as a Spiderdemon, so that name fits it just as well. And yeah, the new Spidey brain looks a lot like the old one, except that (s)he looks more evil. And yeap, I hope that won't be the final boss, I want something in its prime. Something new I haven't seen before. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BlueSonnet Posted May 27, 2003 With the Trites and the mastermind running around who needs an arachnotron for the meantime? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 27, 2003 BlueSonnet said:With the Trites and the mastermind running around who needs an arachnotron for the meantime? Exactly. The Arachnos were lame anyway. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 27, 2003 BlueSonnet said:With the Trites and the mastermind running around who needs an arachnotron for the meantime? I'd like to see them return. Nothing wrong with a smaller version of that Spider Mastermind's conceptart. Looks pretty cool to me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 27, 2003 dsm said:Spiderdemon? Spider Mastermind? Who cares? The Ultimate Doom E3 end scroll text referred to it as a Spiderdemon, so that name fits it just as well. I was referring to the Doom³ .def files. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_Aeromaster Posted May 27, 2003 dsm said:And no, that's not the Arachnotron, because afaik, the Arachnotron is not in Doom 3. Where'd you learn this? I wasn't aware^ I want Arachs damn it! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 27, 2003 The_Aeromaster said:Where'd you learn this? I wasn't aware^ I want Arachs damn it! Source: Shaviro claiming that the Doom 3 Alphas file library on enemy model files (whatever) does not contain anything to suggest an Arachno. Ask him. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AirRaid Posted May 27, 2003 The Trites aren't specifically mentioned either however. Could be a couple of things in there though, so I dunno. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted May 27, 2003 Id hasn't told us what wouldn't be included yet, and we probably won't know until the game is released, which is fine by me. Though I eagerly await any screen or vid that is released, it's also a spoiler, and I'd like to be suprised. I kind of wish I hadn't seen the new Pinkie and Hell Knight because the fear factor is not as high, and I think that those are the best designed monsters so far. I hope they don't show any pics of the Caco and Cyberdemon before release. Those are just too classic. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Coopersville Posted May 27, 2003 Anyway, about the Caco. I think it's secondary/close-range attack should be a tackle. It's a gamble on if it'll impale you with one of it's spikes, thus taking more health, or killing you instantly. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted May 28, 2003 dsm said:The Arachnos were lame anyway. Huh? The Arachnotrons were one of the coolest new enemies in Doom2 IMO. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
insertwackynamehere Posted May 28, 2003 I know. The arachnotrons scared the crap outta me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
insertwackynamehere Posted May 28, 2003 I also was scared of the Revenants, when I first saw them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_Aeromaster Posted May 28, 2003 dsm said:Source: Shaviro claiming that the Doom 3 Alphas file library on enemy model files (whatever) does not contain anything to suggest an Arachno. Ask him. In that case I'm not worried yet. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted May 28, 2003 DooMBoy said:Huh? The Arachnotrons were one of the coolest new enemies in Doom2 IMO. Oh please... It's just a reused Spider Mastermind concept for crying out loud. Wtf is cool about that? There's nothing original about it, it's pretty much just reusing an old enemy, which is downright lame. Now the archvile - THAT was a cool new demon concept. If iD puts the Arachno back in Doom 3, they had better change it so drastically that it doesn't even look like the SM anymore. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
toxicfluff Posted May 28, 2003 I really liked the movement sound of the Arachnatrons. According to the alpha, the PainE. also isn't in D3, which I am wildly grateful for. Stupid smily, withered-armed shitball that it is. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_Aeromaster Posted May 30, 2003 dsm said:Oh please... It's just a reused Spider Mastermind concept for crying out loud. Wtf is cool about that? There's nothing original about it, it's pretty much just reusing an old enemy, which is downright lame. Now the archvile - THAT was a cool new demon concept. If iD puts the Arachno back in Doom 3, they had better change it so drastically that it doesn't even look like the SM anymore. While I agree that the Arch-Vile was definately the best new demon from D2, I like the little spiders damn it. It made me think of a mob boss with a bunch of henchmen. It especially looks good in Go 2 It in Plutonia, that ledge with a spidermind and a bunch of Arachs guarding it (they end up fighting most of the time, but sometimes I can manipulate a big fight, with me and the Cyberdemon fighting all the spiders together. I think the Arachs should be in D3, and I want to see the PE return. Granted the PE is a pain in the ass, but realistically, the game is a little easier when you actually enjoy fighting some of the monsters. Fighting a monster that you can't stand just enhances gameplay for me, plus it gives you that extra satisfaction when you kill the motherfucker. I dunno about the D3 spider pic. That looks more like an Arachnotron than a Spidermind to me. This is, of course, assuming that they would still have their original weapons, because the weapon in that pic doesn't look nothing like the high speed chaingun the Spidermind used. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
12ga. Posted May 31, 2003 dsm said:. And yeap, I hope that won't be the final boss, I want something in its prime. Something new I haven't seen before. As long as it looks like pure evil. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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