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Well, here's something to please Silverwyvern: More art to kill the art depression period that she recently complained about.
And it's not just *one* piece of artwork done by yours truly - it's FIVE!

A long time ago, BBG and I discussed ideas for a possible HeXen 3 mod for Doom 3 and it eventually led to a thread in which we discussed characters. Well, here's five drawings of my depictions of these five characters that I made up for this mod idea:

Berserker - Big Bad Warrior a la the HeXen 1 Fighter.
Witch - She may look good, but she knows how to give people deseases.
Paladin - A mix between the HeXen 1 Cleric and the HeXen 2 Crusader, but with more armour.
Mage - It's... a mage, do you need more info?
Amazon - She deals with ranged weapons of war, but uses magic to form arrows/bolts of pure energy.

And the rest of my gallery can be found here.

Oh yes, and if anyone wants to colour those pics, they're welcome to do so.

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I really like the three males.

I think you should have given the amazon a bit more armor. At least a proper breastplate or leather armor.

I think that witch is a bit thin.

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Whoooa!!! Thats a kickass load here dsm! Ok, lets see...

Berserker: reminds classic drawing style of Hexen series... very detailed... Cool Stuff labeled imwo!

Witch: hmm, the idea is great, but i guess she is not so feminine... i guess...

Paladin: yay, this one comes out direcly from the Hexen 2... hmm, thats a The Classic Look labeled i guess...

Mage: not much 2 say... cOOl!

Amazon: well, the helmet for a ranged combat hero is unnesassary, useless... besides she is from forest (there is not much forgery out there)...

B, P, and M are really good ones!!! Everything done in the same very detailed, classic desined style!!!

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Little Faith said:

I think you should have given the amazon a bit more armor. At least a proper breastplate or leather armor.

Out of the question - you have to take into consideration that these characters are based on game ideas (for a mod that probably never will see the light of day), that means that I had to balance armour.

This Amazon is characterized as a light scout'ish type of warrioress - she does not need armour as much as she needs the agility and speed and she strikes her enemy from afar. She only needs to protect the most vital parts of her body which includes her chest area, her left shoulder and arm (because when wielding a bow, that's the arm that's stretched forward toward the enemy).
Her heart should be well protected as both her left chest armour and shoulder plate makes it hard to actually harm her in that area.

The Berserker, however, is a true, close-combat freak of the most brutal kind. He needs more armour, but as he prefers to be able to move swiftly too, he carries fairly light amounts of armour.

It's important to distinguish between the two, but thanks for the suggestions anyway.

Witch: hmm, the idea is great, but i guess she is not so feminine... i guess...

What? What's feminine then?

She's supposed to be a hero character right? Heroes don't look weak and defenseless, hence she looks athletic but not über tough and strong like the Amazon.
And being weak and defenseless =! feminine

So maybe you should elaborate on this if you want to teach me about femininity, maybe provide a few visual examples :-P

I didn't want to correct my initial error of making the Witch thin, because it dawned on me that she should be a little unnatural. Think of her as a sort of human 'elf'.

Amazon: well, the helmet for a ranged combat hero is unnesassary, useless... besides she is from forest (there is not much forgery out there)...

No, have you ever seen pics of bowmen from medieval times? They wear helmets alright - mostly to counter enemy archers.
I admit though, that the forest tag was ill conceived. I had to find something to add to the title (because there's most likely 1000s of pics on deviantart.com called 'amazon').
But just because she lives in the forest, doesn't exclude the possibility of a hidden underground forge, and maybe she trades with people from the towns and vilages near the forest - who knows?

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wow i really like all this stuff. looks like stuff from right out of the hexen2 manual :)

i especially like the mage for some reason.

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sargebaldy said:

i especially like the mage for some reason.

Me too, the staff rocks. Some really cool drawings here. Is it just me or is deviantart slower than shit?

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dsm said:

What? What's feminine then?
...being weak and defenseless =! feminine

So maybe you should elaborate on this if you want to teach me about femininity, maybe provide a few visual examples :-P

Im not a teacher of feminity!!! Hmm, the Hexen's 2 Assassin was feminine imwo. The Diablo's Assassin looks feminine too, i guess.
The Swamp Witch is a definetly feminine 2 but 4 me it seems that she might be more feminine with uncovered face (with the same burning look under the cloak!) so shr could attract and terrify at the same time... Well its just a random thought about feminity, but only women can tell you the truth, heh :)

dsm said:

No, have you ever seen pics of bowmen from medieval times? They wear helmets alright - mostly to counter enemy archers...

Well, the thing is that they used to wear helmets during the battles - they stood in the first line to pin down approuching land warriors! The lone hunters and rangers prefer the stealth combat a la Robin Hood (who might wear just greene caumuflage pants :))... Hmm, another random thought... But with this i should admit that such type of hero as yours is exellent for a mode you've planned!

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Use3D said:

Me too, the staff rocks.

Heh, the funny thing is that the staff is exactly the same as my interpretation of the HeXen 1 Bloodscourge that I put into my HeXen drawing in this thread.

The Swamp Witch is a definetly feminine 2 but 4 me it seems that she might be more feminine with uncovered face (with the same burning look under the cloak!) so shr could attract and terrify at the same time...

I chose to take the direction of the HeXen 1 characters - I always liked them better than the HeXen 2 ones because they seemed so mysterious and anonymous because of their darkened, hidden faces. Knowing that the hidden face was the only real issue here, I can sleep well again :-P

My own personal fave of all those five is definitely the Berserker - he was also the first I did (started working on him immediately after having posted my HeXen drawing here, because ideas came to me).

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Good stuff. Especially the Paladin. I really like the pose of that one. :D
The proportions are a bit off, though. The legs are too short. I'm not that good at getting it right myself, but something that always works for me is to look at a person and divide the body into parts the size of the head. From the neck down to the knees, you can fit four heads, I think. The whole body is 7½ heads. Something like that, anyway.

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Agnes said:

Good stuff. Especially the Paladin. I really like the pose of that one. :D
The proportions are a bit off, though. The legs are too short. I'm not that good at getting it right myself, but something that always works for me is to look at a person and divide the body into parts the size of the head. From the neck down to the knees, you can fit four heads, I think. The whole body is 7½ heads. Something like that, anyway.

The Paladin???
/Me does the head count.
No offence, but are you absolutely sure? You sure it isn't just because of the image being so big that it makes it hard to make the head measurement?

Because I get at least 6½ heads in height when I do the check. And take into consideration that you only see like half of his thighs, because of his loincloth. Mind you, I know of the head measure and I DID use that one on most of these characters, though I've been told that it's six heads that you have to fit in, not 7½.

And actually, I think his legs are too long, because for his full body height, I can fit in MORE than six heads and his thighs seem rather long too.

You can make me believe that the proportions are "less-than-satisfactory" but there's no way that you can make me believe that the legs are too short on any of these five characters, because I just checked them all. Tell that to the marines.

Oh yes and may I remind you that you can't actually make out his head's true size? He's wearing a helmet which his head has to fit into.

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