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Hello to all!

Just curious: How many Doomers like to record levels? Specifically UV with a pistol start.

Personally, I find this the most challenging and enjoyable way to play. Some like max and others enjoy speed or nitemare or pacifist, etc. etc. I enjoy most all variations but my preferance is MAX.

My reason for asking is because I wonder how many people submit or view lmps from Opulent's DSDA, Public Dang, the Compet-n site or perhaps create them simply for personal use.

What do you do?

Rich Sham
Record UV/MAX
Submit some to DSDA, others are just personal
View some DSDA and some compet-n lmps

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For me, recording and watching demos is why I am still interested in DOOM. Watching a quality player play is like playing yourself... just fantastic entertainment.
UV max is really the definitive category.

UV max and speed
In the last 5 years, I've participated in every demo contest and site that I know of.
The Compet-N rules.

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insertwackynamehere said:

Do you mean by recording demos?

Yes. I'm sorry. I did say recording levels and I meant recording demos of various levels from either Iwads or Pwads.

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I used to record a few demos. I had a demosite for a while until everyone lost interest in it (that's how these things go). The first time I ever did a speedrun was in one of my own levels. A bunch of people were speedrunning it and I decided to try. I knew the level of course, so I had a pretty good time for a while, until someone finally beat it (using my route).

Good times.

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Lately i've been recording (plenty of) demos for my beta wads. I will make a full demopack for it when i release it as well. I used to be MORE active before (in recording demos), but not so much now. I do download what interest me, lately a few from Opulent's site actually. And i really enjoy it too, especially watching...:)

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Nanami, you should record more.


edit: OMG, I should've previewed that. Looks like an Oriental dude about to commit a lewd act instead of a smiley face. heh

I meant to say :)

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I got hooked on recording years ago. Prior to that I had used savegame. It's a personal thing, pitting your skill against someone's nitemarish creation.

The first few times I tried it was actually a bit scary. You experience a totally different feeling when your faced with the prospect of surviving or dying, and savegame is not an option. It becomes a personal challenge and can psych you out a bit. I remember suddenly becoming very timid and was peeking around corners - funny :).

Those are fond memories. Hard to believe a 'game' could get into your head and scare you enough to affect your actions.

Now I don't really enjoy playing unless I'm recording a demo.:)

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yeah, I record often =)

preferrably UVspeed, but other categories can be fun too.

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Much of Rich's last post applies to me too (esp. about the game feeling different when you record), though I got into recording less than a year ago. It was demos that reawakened my interest in Doom some time in 1999 - I hadn't played much since late 1997 and, just out of curiosity, decided to check how much the 30nm time had been improved. What I saw in that and other demos (esp. TAS demos) drew me back into Doom.

I record a variety of categories - I try to determine what is the most natural for the map. In general, I don't consider any of the standard categories more natural than the others - though maybe UV Respawn and Tyson are a bit contrived, and if pushed I'd probably pick UV Speed as the category. I'd say NM, except that most maps weren't designed or playtested for it.

If UV Pacifist or NM looks viable, I'll often try those. If they look too rough, but it looks possible to run through the map fairly quickly with normal speed monsters, then UV Speed suggests itself. Sometimes Max looks more appropriate, though if I try a Max run (pretty rare, in fact), I'll often turn on fast monsters (then I have an excuse for being slow :) ). I'll only try Tyson occasionally, since there are some monsters I haven't got the hang of punching at all.

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These comments are general in nature and are not meant to be an all inclusive explaination or applicable to every player:

I believe a lot of guys/gals don't bother with recording because, after they experience an initial interest, it's usual to eventually check a few compet-n or similar type lmps.

That can be a real eye opener because those guys are so good. Your 20 minute lmp suddenly looks pretty lame next to the same one done in 4 minutes or so. Those times are contrived but you get my drift.

At this point you have a decision to make and it's actually an easy one. Do you stop recording because someone else is a better player or do you continue. In my case, I decided to continue because being the best or the fastest wasn't why I started in the first place. I did it because I enjoyed the challenge.

The rewards for me have been many. My skill has improved and I've done lmps I could never have touched back when I started. Overall, playing is much more enjoyable and I've been fortunate to meet and learn from some very good players.

Will you ever see my name on the compet-n charts? That would be a bonus but it won't happen in this lifetime. However, what you can be sure of is that I'll have a great time busting my rear, to my satisfaction, creating the best lmp possible for my enjoyment and, if I'm lucky, I may even receive a kind word or two.

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I thought about starting a doom MST3K site once, where i'd record a demo of playiong through a wad, typing in "comedy" remarks about the level using talk, i tried it with one level of DSV 4 and gave up (probably cause it wasnt spontaneous enough, like i get jumped by 100 arachnotrons, i have to kill them all before i type "oh, theres a suprise!")

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That sort of thing could work, but you'd need to plan it out in advance, and bind your wisecracks to chatmacros - and obviously get the route right so that they are appropriate and used at just the right moments.

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I record demos all the time. Granted, they're not very good, but it's the fun you have while you're recording that really counts, heh. Watching demos is also very fun stuff.

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Opulent said:

Nanami, you should record more.

Nah, nobody really watches demos anymore. Plus most of the things I do now are ZDoom instead of Legacy. If ZDoom did demos correctly I might record.

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Nanami said:

Nah, nobody really watches demos anymore. Plus most of the things I do now are ZDoom instead of Legacy. If ZDoom did demos correctly I might record.

Hey now, I watch demos constantly. AFAIK, the latest cab of ZDoom doesn't desync any demos you record.

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Yes, but with a new version coming out once a week or so (and sometimes even several in one day) it's not really "safe" to record demos until a stable version is released.

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I love recording demos. I even post a few to DSDA.

UV max is my preffered choice, when possible. I just don't care much about speed runs for myself but watch others speed run demos.

I download and watch demos every time DSDA, or Compet-n updates.

It is amazing to watch a truely gifted player tear up the bad guys. I learn alot from demos as well as being entertained by them.

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Aleaver said:

Hey Rich..
I like the demos you made of my maps..


Thanks but I'm afraid you caught me off guard. I record a lot of wads and I know you designed Timelessness, Indifference, Rave, Pir and others but I can't recall which of these I recorded. Old age dulls the mind at times :).

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Rich said:


Thanks but I'm afraid you caught me off guard. I record a lot of wads and I know you designed Timelessness, Indifference, Rave, Pir and others but I can't recall which of these I recorded. Old age dulls the mind at times :).

Heh No Problem.. You recorded Timelessness, Indifference, and R.A.V.E.
18 here btw :P

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Max and pacifist are the kinds of demo which are more fun to watch IMO. Demos are the only reason why I´m still into Doom lately.

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