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I really want the rarefiles servers back. They were always so much fun with a variety of different wads running multiple maps. I always found good fun games on those servers. The most memorable and fun game I've ever had playing DooM was on a rarefiles csDooM .62 server running boothill. I don't get games like that anymore... The only servers in america are the GSN servers. So the only REAL choices for me to DM is Dwango5m1, Dwango5m1, Map1, or GothicDM map 30. Dwango 5 map 1 is a great map, but after one bfg spamming ffa.. I'm pretty much done for the day because I've done it soo many times before.

But anyways, This is my plea going out to Biffy, please bring the servers back. I miss playing you, I miss falconer's chat macro "rarefiles rox", I miss having fun games. I hear Mouselook is almost all the way fixed in zdaemon 1.04 and should be completed in the next version. I really hope that you can start hosting again.

To everyone else who plays on Zdaemon, please help me beg :). You're missing something good if you've never played on a rarefiles server.


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L@P also provides many varieties of wad to run their servers too except that they are from Europe. It'd be better if they would run their servers in oldschool mode.

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Just out curiosity, where is Biffy? I haven't seen him on these forums for some time now.

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Ahh yes, the rarefiles servers were a godsend before GSN. Beautiful ping (even for me), great mapcycles, and Falconer is probably one of the nicest server admins that I've ever known.

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Greets all! I remember all you guys. heh.

First off, it is gratifying to know that some people really enjoyed the variety of WADs which Biff and I had in rotation at various times. Both Biff and I thought that they were great WADs, and should be run often, so they wouldn't be rare.

Biff has been beta testing and debugging ZDoom with Randy Heit (it's up to v. 47e now). Biff (ab)uses me as a beta test partner.

I would like to try and partially explain the absence of RareFiles servers. I do not speak for Biff who administers the servers, with coaxing from myself regarding which wads to put up.

[soapbox mode on]
I was quite disappointed when Zdaemon required the creation of a user account on the master server. I thought, what if someone creates a user account before I do, using my handle. Then, I have to create another account. And even if I get an account with the handle I want, it will be gone in 30 days if I don't use it for some reason. Then, it's up for grabs again. I just didn't want the hassle.

Tracking of an individual should be an opt-in thing (for rankings and ladders, etc.). Forced, it just made my shoulders droop.

Then, I learned that the mouse aiming was messed up. Many of the maps we rotated required mouse aiming, at long distances sometimes. I love maps that use the 3rd dimension -- UP!

Many of the maps we rotated were not old-school by design. What I mean is, we were trying to get away from old-school. We considered it confining. I can remember when Duke3D came out and everyone was awed by slanting floors. There is something to be said for real-world physics; like jumping up over a stair railing, into the air, spinning about and pointing the ssgun down to take an opponent's head clean off. I don't get it when people knock it. Doom3 will really get knocked, I guess.
[soapbox off]

I've been thinking maybe Biff might go back to CSDOOM (if it's still alive). I don't know if SKULLTAG uses a master server or not. That could be a candidate too.

Finally, the more recent versions of Zdoom allow decals, and will run Biff's Castle WAD, an excellent large scale effort. But alas, Zdaemon still does not support these more recent versions of ZDoom.

So, for all these reasons, it has been hard me to get worked up about serving WADs, even though Biff is the one that starts them up.

But your comments are very kind, and very appreciated. We have some great games behind us, fellow Doomers.

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Falconer said:

And even if I get an account with the handle I want, it will be gone in 30 days if I don't use it for some reason. Then, it's up for grabs again. I just didn't want the hassle.

Actually, all of my unused accounts (different varients of my name) from 6 months ago are still there, so you won't lose your handle, regardless of what it says.

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Hi guys. Thanks for the mention and I may be able to serve up some games again in the future. I'm particularly interested in how the zdaemon mlook+weapon aiming fix is coming, I had the idea that they might have given up the effort.

A wave to Bluntman-c, 999cop, DooMBoy and deathz0r. Heya Falc. I haven't been here in quite a while because...too much personal stuff to attend to I guess. I won't go over the laundry list but it's about work, marriage, kids and a continuing nag of depression. Best to stay away rather than hang around with bad attitude.

If we get rarefiles servers going again, I'll be sure to leave a message here about it.

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let's see...

I was quite disappointed when Zdaemon required the creation of a user account on the master server. I thought, what if someone creates a user account before I do, using my handle. Then, I have to create another account. And even if I get an account with the handle I want, it will be gone in 30 days if I don't use it for some reason. Then, it's up for grabs again. I just didn't want the hassle.

If you're a well known doomer, someone could probably pull some strings and get you the account. The 30 day thing, although it says it in the "license agreement" was never implemented and probably never will be. It isn't as much of a hassle as it sounds. (p.s. it's been six months since the 1.02 release and no one's taken Falconer yet :)

Tracking of an individual should be an opt-in thing (for rankings and ladders, etc.). Forced, it just made my shoulders droop.

_Every_ doomer worth their salt knows that experience points don't give an accurate indication of a player's skill. It just isn't that big of a deal.

Then, I learned that the mouse aiming was messed up. Many of the maps we rotated required mouse aiming, at long distances sometimes. I love maps that use the 3rd dimension -- UP!

Duke4ever has already implemented mouselook and claims to have a fix for the remaining problems. This should be in a beta release soon.

I've been thinking maybe Biff might go back to CSDOOM (if it's still alive). I don't know if SKULLTAG uses a master server or not. That could be a candidate too.

Finally, the more recent versions of Zdoom allow decals, and will run Biff's Castle WAD, an excellent large scale effort. But alas, Zdaemon still does not support these more recent versions of ZDoom.

As you know, CSDoom is based on ZDoom 1.22 and ZDaemon 1.x is based on 1.23 b33, so uh...if your level isn't compatible with ZDaemon it won't be compatible with CSDoom. The coders aren't going to rebuild ZDaemon every time Randy releases a new 2.x beta; that's impractical.

I remember playing on your server back when 0.99 was around, and it's good to see servers running new, interesting, and original wads. Hopefully you'll come back to ZDaemon soon.


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Hey, it's good to hear from falc and biff :) and thanks for your posts. I hope that you two can bring back the Rarefiles servers because, as I mentioned before, they we're just awesome.

I would like to mention, that I appreciate anyone who hosts up a server. And i would especially like to thank Biff and Falconer for the Rarefiles, Lyfe for his GSN servers, and also HavoC for the oc3 servers. Oh, and I don't want to forget the l@p servers. Those have been the servers that kept the interest and popularity of csdoom/zdaemon. So again, thanks :)

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Havoc has had hosted servers? During CSDoom .62? Haven't seen Havoc in almost 2 years...

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Yeah, Havoc and shoot_me ran many good servers toward the end of csdoom .62 and beginning of csdoom .7. He was probably one of the first to use the fragstats option that .7 brought. His servers always had OC3 in the description since they were ran on a oc3 connection. Also, you may recall he would take out the bfg from his 8 player d5m1 ffa server.. Many people whined about it, but I never had a problem with it since it was an 8 player server with mlook and jump.. removing the bfg in a setting like that in actuallity created a better balanced map.

But anyways, I haven't seen him in quite sometime.. he was a Doomserv regular and I beleive 'r' told me he had talked to him about a month or two ago.

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xooz98 said:

If you're a well known doomer...

Well, both Biff and myself are well known to those who have been around a while. Even old regional DWANGO moderartors would remember us.

- Falc

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Falconer said:

I don't know if SKULLTAG uses a master server or not. That could be a candidate too.

Yes, it does :)

Just get IDE, and you're set to go with Skulltag. Seriously, there's no point in using csDoom when there's Skulltag.

BTW, sup to Falc, and the rest of Biff's clan :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to hear you chime in Carn. I've tried to Email you several times in the past year, but they keep bouncing.

I have a few questions about SkullTag. I'm not all the versed in what it can do, so these may sound like dumb questions. If you wish to point me to the answers on your site, that's OK.

1. Does SkullTag support all types of WADS? What is there to be careful of, if anything?

2. Will ST work in non-team mode? Albeit, I liked playing CTF a lot when you were at our LAN with Hissy.

3. Is ST based on Zdoom?

BTW, Biff, Greensting, myself, and some other buds are giving Zdoom v47 a workout with AllHell2, Biff's Castle, and Biff's Boat WAD. We've worked from 47d up to 47i. With these wads, it is smoothing out a lot.

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Falconer said:

Nice to hear you chime in Carn. I've tried to Email you several times in the past year, but they keep bouncing.

I have a few questions about SkullTag. I'm not all the versed in what it can do, so these may sound like dumb questions. If you wish to point me to the answers on your site, that's OK.

1. Does SkullTag support all types of WADS? What is there to be careful of, if anything?

2. Will ST work in non-team mode? Albeit, I liked playing CTF a lot when you were at our LAN with Hissy.

3. Is ST based on Zdoom?

BTW, Biff, Greensting, myself, and some other buds are giving Zdoom v47 a workout with AllHell2, Biff's Castle, and Biff's Boat WAD. We've worked from 47d up to 47i. With these wads, it is smoothing out a lot.

Hey, what's up Falconer. Long time no chat :)

BTW, bradc@doomworld.com should be working now. At one time it wasn't.

Anyway, yes, Skulltag should support all kinds of wads. If you run into any wads it doesn't support, let me know.

Skulltag working in single player, deathmatch, CTF, etc mode. Nothing has really been taken out of Skulltag from ZDoom (except the peer to peer networking). So, you can use Skulltag to play your favorite single player wads, too :)

And yes, Skulltag IS based on ZDoom. It has everything ZDoom has and more.

95b should be out... well, fairly soon! :)

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Yep, that's the Email address I was using for you, Brad.

Thanks for the ST info. Sounds like the entire kitchen sink is in there. I'm hoping that Biff will start hosting on the weekends again sometime. Summer is a good time for it. It would be fun to get to know ST from the server/admin side.

I think I'll do some reading up at your site, and figure out the server side of things. Biff and I use RW frequently when we test wads, so, I could relate to him what I learn. Might help get him fired up.

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