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Doom sclpture contest!

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create a doom sculpture of any character from any of the games including Dom 3 and win the gratifaction of having the best sculpt.

it can be made of anything and doesn't have to be finished.


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^_^ The first three is a Rabid Cow (The Pinky's (Demon's) long lost reletive), It didn't find the Cure for Mad Cow :D. The last one; Teeth (Of the Pinky-Cow). :D

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Yay Kellogg's! :D
Looks koolio :D
May I ask as to what that Creature may be? :D

..! Its Special-K!

...And speaking of Special-K..
Whats so special about Special-K? What about Orginal-K? And whatever happened to K-Ballard? You know if you said Ballard and you had a cold it'd sound like Mallard. :D

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Epyo said:

Aw use your imagination! :D

Alrighty :D
Looks like a Cacodemon with arms and its arms are up in the air and its like "ARGHGHAGAHGAHGAHHHHHHH" :D

Or the Mighty "Special-KDemon"!! :D
It Obliterates its opponents by hurling tons of Special-K at them, but this isn't no normal Special-K....This Special-K....Has High Calories!!
Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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Epyo said:

Cacodemons don't have arms silly! :D
But Pain Elementals do...;]

Doom64 Cacos do Silly! :D
And Plus, I used my Imagination! :D
And its no Cacodemon, its the Special-KDemon!

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God damnit, DA. If I had read this thread like 5 minutes earlier, milk would have been shooting out my nose. But ala, I have finished my milk. Poor moloko.

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the_Danarchist said:

God damnit, DA. If I had read this thread like 5 minutes earlier, milk would have been shooting out my nose. But ala, I have finished my milk. Poor moloko.

/me steals time stone from Robotnik and goes back 7 minutes.
Now, get your milk and read! :D

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Mama mia, sancta Maria, what the?!!!


Is that a rabbit of some sort? My imagination leaks out my ears now :)

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DOOM Anomaly said:

Mind to un-quote dem mighty-fine images there partner? It seems to be quite the bother to have all them piccies doubled. Thaaank you. :D

heh, thank you for un-quoting then :)

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Heh, from the thread's title, I thought this was going to be a Doom scripture contest :)

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wasted said:

heh, thank you for un-quoting then :)

Last edited by Silverwyvern on 06-01-03 at 02:55

heh, thanks but the thanks goes to not I, I didn't do anything actually. ;)

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Hmm, don't we kindah have something like this already going on . . .?

In any event, I amsolutely adore Epyo's Creature. And yes, the typo is intentional. I wanna see Epyo's Creature in a story. *snickers*

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Guardian said:

I wanna see Epyo's Creature in a story.

once upon a time, there was an ugly little ball of clay that looked like it was about to throw up. this was probably because he ate a heckuva lot of cornflakes while little did he know he happened to be allergic to cornflakes. one day Epyo's Creature was sitting around on its favourite box of cereal when Epyo took embarassing photos of him and posted them all over the internet. in despair, Epyo's Creature had only one option. suicide. the end.

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Well, I got what I asked for . . . Too bad the poor Creature died. That was so sad. *sniffs and wipes nose with a Kleenex*

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Guardian said:

Well, I got what I asked for . . . Too bad the poor Creature died. That was so sad. *sniffs and wipes nose with a Kleenex*

don't worry about it. a clay arch vile may very well show up and revive him later on :)

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Heh, from the thread's title, I thought this was going to be a Doom scripture contest :)

32 And so the Green Marine was surrounded by a horde of slavering heathen imps 33 with nothing but a shotgun to cover his ass. 34 Awaiting death, he did plead to the LORD Carmack on high 35 for a quick end to his suffering.
36 But then his good buddy the Blue Marine 37 came out from behind a pillar with his BFG nine thousand 38 and blew the imps to tiny bits. 39 And Green Marine said "Yea, that was cool!" 40 and there was much rejoicing. 41 Then the Green Marine wed the Blue Marine 42 and the Lord Romero named the Green Marine 'Pritch', which means 'English' 43 and the Blue Marine was named 'Nanami' which means 'female' 44 and they had seventy-one children.
45 Pritch lived to be two hundred and thirty-eight years old, 46 and his wife Nanami lived to be one hundred and ninety-seven years old. 47 Their edlest son was named Pritchnami 48 and he begot Fodders II, 49 who begot DoomPhreak, 50 who beget Ultramar, 51 who beget Pritch II, 52 who beget Danarchy IV, 53 who beget Con Jarmack, 54 who beget Lût, 55 who beget Quake, 56 who beget dEADNAIL, 57 who beget Username LXI, 58 who beget Horus the Defiler, 59 who beget Bob, 60 who beget Cellmate 775, 61 who beget Thatoneguy, 62 who beget Danarchy IX, 63 who beget Nanami V, 64 who beget the number between 2 and 3, 65 who beget Danarchy XX, 66 who beget Pritch III, 67 who beget En Esch VI, 68 who beget [UD]AWPKampingFag XII, 69 who beget Lord Ralphis XXX the Ravager, 70 who beget Liam the 2,357th Member of KMFDM, 71 who beget DoomMan, 72 who beget Darth Peaches, 73 who beget Linguica the Sausage III, 74 who beget the 40-foot Walrus, 75 who beget Cyberdemon 5000 II, 76 who beget Danarchy XXX the Feebleminded, 77 who beget Username C the Coherent, 78 who beget Fredrik XIX KIng of New Sweden, 79 who beget STFU IV, 80 who beget Lament Mental Mantle, 81 who beget Danarchy the Last, 82 who beget Pritch III, 83 who beget Trogdor, 84 who beget Harrison Ford, 85 who beget Fnord the Supressor, 86 who beget a sheep, 87 who beget Macbeth III, 88, who beget Adam, 89 who begat Haujobb XI, 90 who begat Sdrawkcabsiemanym, 91 who begat Whenwillthisend, 92 who begat Strycher the L33t.
93 And so that was the bloodline of Strycher the L33t, who competed in the Dethmatch To End All Dethmatches 94 on the Metal Moon of Magulus*. 95 And in the 5th round he eliminated Cyborg Hitler, 96 and the final round he eliminated Zombie Jesus 97 and so was crowned the Emperor of the Universe for Eternity 98 (the time it is said in which the Eternity TC project shall be complete 99 and the anchient ones from the 'World of Doom' shall rise to destroy the universe) 100 and it was good.

*Scholars of the Faith now believe that that was no moon, but that it was in fact, a space station.

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