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The /newstuff Chronicles #131

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There is a puzzle in the room you get in through from the redkey door. You have to figure out which switches to press, and which to not.


Oh, I only got as far as the gateway. Then I saw that window start going wild, like, it was clipping. Then I got bored and quit. I figured that was the end.

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  Grazza said:

Heh, British cuisine is the best in the world. Have you never been to a good traditional British curry house? :)


Curry is INDIAN food. :P

And while a lot of British food isn't entirely horrible, there's FAR FAR FAR better kinds of cuisine out there.

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  NiGHTMARE said:

Yeah, unlike 99% of American Cusinine, most of it isn't dripping with fat and/or sugar =P


Or flavor!

I don't recall blood sausage or steak-and-kidney pie being among the most healthy foods in the world either.

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No Hope For Life" was also released, but I think you know what that one is.


Yes NHFL Ep 1 is done. It was done along time ago. BTW How did two of my maps end up in Newstuff anyway? Not that I am mad or anything...

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  Aleaver said:

Yes NHFL Ep 1 is done. It was done along time ago. BTW How did two of my maps end up in Newstuff anyway? Not that I am mad or anything...


  sargebaldy said:

i added timelessness this week btw.


it said in the text file to freely distribute it, and i thought the map was good and deserved a place in the archives :)

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  Ubik said:

Curry is INDIAN food. :P


Actually, the style and many of the dishes served in British curry houses were largely developed/invented by the Bangladeshi community in Britain.

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  sargebaldy said:

it said in the text file to freely distribute it, and i thought the map was good and deserved a place in the archives :)


Ok Cool! Thanks.. I didn't think I had maps that good.. But maybe I was wrong.

Hey if you think those maps were good..Just wait for NHFL Ep II!

Thanks again!

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  Epyo said:

Oh, I only got as far as the gateway. Then I saw that window start going wild, like, it was clipping. Then I got bored and quit. I figured that was the end.


There is no end. I just played this thing. After running back and forth through the gateway about 20 times I said, "all right, I'm opening this piece of crap up..."

So I looked at the gateway. The scrolling walls are one-sided, which makes no freakin' sense, and the internal lines do not teleport you because they have NO TAGS. There are also unlosed sectors and missing textures everywhere. I'm afraid I must repeat Ling's line in response to my first wad (I never did find that bug he mentioned BTW): "Uh, hello? Playtesting??"

About R.A.V.E: I took one look at it and said, "I've played this before." I played it when the author posted it on the WADs board... I think. I remember my comment about it: that it would make a kickass first level in a megawad...

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I did playtest it, and it worked fine for me. Than I downloaded it to see if anything for some reason was screwed up in the uploading process. All the teleports work fine for me! I walk through the gateway, and I'm teleported! I have no problems with it!

EDIT: I also don't see any missing textures.

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Curry stuff. Yes I did get the joke, but whilst the subject is hot (you see what I did there :-P) here goes with some curry stuff I gathered...

curry (n.) - "spice," 1681, from Tamil kari "sauce, relish for rice."

The term curry itself isn't really used in India, except as a term appropriated by the British to generically categorize a large set of different soup/stew preparations ubiquitous in India and nearly always containing ginger, garlic, onion, turmeric, chile, and oil (except in communities which eat neither onion or garlic, of course) and which must have seemed all the same to the British, being all yellow/red, oily, spicy/aromatic, and too pungent to taste anyway.

In terms of modern history the popularity of curry in the UK and elsewhere is surely linked to the rise of the "Indian" restaurant. Yet the majority of UK restaurants are run by people of Bangladeshi, not Indian, origin. Their influences are obviously from Bangladesh but the restaurateurs have in turn been influenced by the likes and dislikes of their customers. They have modified dishes and incorporated new dishes from other areas of the sub-continent.

What we call "curry" is now an international dish recognised on every continent. Dishes develop and change according to a host of new influences. For instance, the most popular curry in UK restaurants is Chicken Tikka Masala. Many people would think of it as a typical Indian dish. But it is actually a restaurant invention created in the UK by Bangladeshi restaurateurs. A true hybrid and a recent chapter in the long history of curry.

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I did playtest it, and it worked fine for me. Than I downloaded it to see if anything for some reason was screwed up in the uploading process. All the teleports work fine for me! I walk through the gateway, and I'm teleported! I have no problems with it!


What the hell kind of teleport works without tags?

EDIT: I also don't see any missing textures.


WA counts 26.
It also says sectors 15, 17, 40, 64, 76, 77, 80, 110, 111, 113, 116, 117, 118, 129, 133, 149, 150, 157, 158, 160, 170, 191, 204, 206, 207, and 209 are not closed. Also that sector 151 has invalid floor/ceiling heights.
You used DeePsea to make that wad. It has error checkers. Did you ever use them?? Apparantly no one else who commented got past the gateway either, so I know it's not me.

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There's no way a teleporter will work with a negative sector tag, and the gateway (linedefs) in uac teleportation labs have a tag of -5. I see there's a sector with tag -5: perhaps some source ports allow a minus tag, but most act weird, what are you using ?

The 2nd room, with all the cubicles, where there's a bit of the ceiling broken has some overlapping sectors (which i guess leads to the oddness in pic 3). Plus sector 48 is clearly not closed.

Windeu also finds a lot of errors including - multiple linedefs inbetween the same 2 vertices, 2-sided linedefs without '2-sided' tagged, some sidedefs not bount to any linedefs and some sectors not bound to any sidedefs.

Anyway, don't want to sound like i'm shitting on the map - i think it is *very* good for a first attept, with some areas of nice detail.

Edit: I see some more teleporters with -tags (-10 and -207). Whats up with that?! As far as I know most ports don't like -tags

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  netnomad312 said:

Wonderful... but could anyone else? I belive that's the issue here...


Yes, I had no problems with it - the teleporter worked fine, and I could exit the map OK. Presumably it's an issue with some ports.

I recall a teleporter (actually an exit teleporter) in STRAIN map07 that didn't work in Zdoom or Legacy. Maybe this is something similar.

I was using PrBoom with Doom2.exe (1.9) compatibility, BTW.

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BTW, in the first room you can press the switch opening the door to the exit room (from the side, through the pillar thingies). While this doesn't help you exit prematurely, you can get a chaingun (very useful) and clear out the exit room, which is handy later on if you reach that point with low health.

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For newstuff, I use prboom for all non-port specific wads. I had no problem teleporting.

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  Grazza said:

You're not missing much. pritch's cookies are crap.


What you say? WHAT YOU SAY???"££"£"£""!"!!!!£!"£!

I think you'll find Cyb will appreciate his cookie, and that you're just jealous for missing fp! Yes, that's it!

Here you go, Cyb. it's a fortune cookie to give you good luck with the new Massmouth adventures!


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On topic: I enjoyed these maps quite a lot this week. Good work, and well done all of you.

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When I looked at it sector 48 was the one around the four-piece sector you're talking about... and it wasn't closed.

And I was using zdoom and the teleporter didn't work.


Yes, that's sector 40... WA did catch that. Took me a minute to find the offending linedefs though...

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my fortune is "beware of british men handing out free cookies"

hmm, that's a thinker...

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I guess the problem with my wad was people were playing it through ports, which was my fault partially for suggesting it. Now I understand what the problem is, thanks to the people on the forum who told me that -tags don't work (I didn't know) so play it through vanilla doom. It definitley works that way, someone even sent me a demo (lmp) of my level, and they played right through it, no problems. So forget about most source ports, and I apoligize.

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Soz, but I'm not going to play something in which you can barely see anything because it's so badly pixellated (aka 320x200), and has no sound (because doom(2).exe doesn't support many (most? all?) modern soundcards).

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I tested Telelab.wad with a few ports. It works fine in PrBoom and Legacy (surprise, surprise!). jDoom crashes when trying to load the map (I'm still using 1.14.7 though; maybe a newer version handles it better), and only in Zdoom was there the teleporter problem.

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