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Why Won't You Die?!

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Heh, Hmmm, I've never actually used Edge before. Oh well, I didn't know it was near death yet, I thought it was just stumbling around with a overlooked glaze in its eyes.

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Heh, I was expecting maybe a bit more news, but any news from the EDGE front is good.

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I would use EDGE if it didn't look like the guy was jumping around with one leg

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Ah, good news from my point of view. My only problems with Edge are the slightly deficient RTS and the FPS-muching dynamic lighting. Apart from that, it's an real flexible and decent port IMO.

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AgentSpork said:

I would use EDGE if it didn't look like the guy was jumping around with one leg

Saw a guy like that dancing, it looked like he could fall any second, but he didn't. He couldn't dance a long time, but he really started the dance. So I obeyed and even got it working.

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Dest-X said:

EDGE blows.

Like everything and everyone (well, accept you) EDGE has it's uses.

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