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Doom 3 as a 3rd Person Survival Horror???

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I've come across something rather interesting. Me and some friends were bored and were cruising the web today and stumbled upon a Doom fan site whose name leaves me now. Anyway, they supposedly went to the E3 thingy and "overheard" a conversation between 2 Id software folks. What they heard was something like this:

"Doom 3 is going to offer a first-person view [for the old-school doom players] , as well as a 3rd person view" (like Resident Evil or Metal Gear Solid). "Except with the 3rd person, you will be able to move around the camera a little bit". If anyone ever played Mario64 for N64, you will know what i mean. "Also, it is not going to be like the old one, where all you had to do was get the three keys and find the exit, Doom 3 will mean (and heres the proof Id could have said it) "Doom 3 will mean ALOT MORE"

Could this be valid? Does anyone else know of D3 as a Survival Horror and 3rd person? I know that Unreal Tournament had a 3rd person, but it was in the form of a cheat-code. O, and something else. Anyone know where I can d/l the demo, and when this jewel of a game will come out?

Supreme General

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Uh, there's a chasecam in the alpha, there's a friggin' chasecam in Quake 3, it doesn't make any difference, other than it makes it a real bitch to aim.

Oh, and there was no demo, it was a leaked alpha. Take a look at this VERY IMPORTANT THREAD please. The "demo" is illegal, therefore, not allowed.

Also, no release date is set for Doom 3, at all. Once again. THERE IS NO KNOWN RELEASE DATE AT ALL! So, if you see a website, or talk to some doofus that claims to be "in the know", they're full of shit. ID hasn't said a damn thing and nobody, probably not even id, knows when Doom 3 will be released.

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I'm with BBG, I want to see something signed by an Id representative, so I can actually believe it. Otherwise, every so-called "release date" is bullshit in my book.

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id Software engines usually allow the users a great flexibility in customization. As BBG already mentioned, there was a chasecam option in Quake3 as well, but it still is a classical FPS, it´s just an option. You can also bind it on a key to toggle the 3rd person view whenever you feel the need to use it (look arround corners for example). It will be the same for Doom III, I´ m sure. But don´t misunderstand it as a gameplay change, it´s just the traditional flexibility of id games :)

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BBG said:
Too bad that all chasecams suck ass, without exception

Alice used what was pretty much just a chasecam, and it worked pretty well.

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The chasecam for GTA 3/Vice city worked well with the mouse, but those werent really 'first person shooters' XD, but it still had mouse aiming..though of course if you want really fine aiming you have to use one of the weapons where you can go into first person mode to aim

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BBG said:

Too bad that all chasecams suck ass, without exception

I can think of several games which used chasecams which were well done... Max Payne, Alice, Bloodrayne...

Not all technially proper 'Shooters' in the sense of FPS games, but all with really nice chasecams that aren't too static or too 'loose'. And they all point where you want them to, 99% of the time, unlike a couple I can think of.

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Your example of a moving camera just seems impossible. I say this because mario64 and doom are total opposites. Mario has a wide open world for you to explore, with no viewing obstructions, for the most part. Doom takes place in enclosed areas with cramped hallways. A free-looking camera would have all the trouble in the world operating in these conditions. Look at Mario sunshine for example. It's the same as mario64 for the most part, but with many more walls and buildings. When the camera can't position around a wall, it represents Mario as a shadow through it, which isn't the best way to move around. This is why in the new REs, even for ngc, the cameras are fixed. UT2k3 can pull off a 3rd person, but that's because it's got huge areas for you to move around in, although I've never used it.

Also, Doom III will be survival horror, only in first person. For all we know, it will top RE's immersion factor (although RE2.0 was great).

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gatewatcher said:

I think the 3rd person rumor, or whatever it is, is just that, a rumor.

You can play in 3rd person view in the alpha, so it's hardly a rumor.

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Fredrik said:

You can play in 3rd person view in the alpha, so it's hardly a rumor.

You can? I thought it was just cut scenes.

I stand corrected then.

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You were alittle off by calling "Resident Evil" and "MetalGear" third person view. I forgot what kind of view you call it though. "Tomb Raider", "Syphon Filter", and "Tenchu" are what TRUE 3rd person view is.

But besides from that, I'm glad that you'll be able to "chaseCam" it in D3, the option to be able to do this is actually on my "D3 Wishlist". Even though I'll be a royal pain to aim properly.

But the only game from id's engine I had the most FUN chasecammin' it on was that old totalconversion called "MALICE", DAMN! that game is fun!

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Rubilacxe said:

not trying to sound like a smart ass and I could be wrong, but don't posts like this go into the Doom 3 forum?

Yes, and what forum would you say this is?

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Fredrik said:

Yes, and what forum would you say this is?

haha yeah I'm an idiot haha :) I just noticed that...I clicked on "new posts" and I saw that...didn't check what forum its in

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Fuck chasecam, would you be able to pan your fucking eyes back and check around the corner if you were on the fucking base?

If you like it, fine, take no offense, that's just my way of saying I'm not using it. Pretty sad that I had to clarify the situation, I should just delete the above line and leave this part. Too lazy.

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Well at the rate that the production of doom3 is going we could have a doom3 mod for the original dooms before we get the final game itself :-P. It's crazy stuff this release date subject.

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BlueSonnet said:

Well at the rate that the production of doom3 is going we could have a doom3 mod for the original dooms before we get the final game itself :-P. It's crazy stuff this release date subject.

Since last years E3 it´s quite clear that the release date will be arround december this year...

And Doom3´s development really didn´t take extraordinarely long. The game was announced 2000, John Carmack started to code a new engine from the ground and now most of the content seems to be finished. Three years isn´t long for a complex game! Look at Duke Nukem Forever, it´s almost 7 years in development now LOL...

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FPS games let you be a LOT more inmerse in the game, you see what your player sees, so there is no chance that you could anicipate the attack of a monster...

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Alboroto said:

FPS games let you be a LOT more inmerse in the game, you see what your player sees, so there is no chance that you could anicipate the attack of a monster...

Too True!

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BBG said:

Too bad that all chasecams suck ass, without exception

True that, and any shooter game that uses chase cam is a pain in the ass because the aim eather is hard as hell or just plain sucks.

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I thought the chasecam in Max Payne rocks... Bullet time, shootdodge, while doing a HK spin mid-air by moving your mouse around... Responsive and intuitive!

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BBG said:
Too bad that all chasecams suck ass, without exception

Jedi outcast! hell, it was pretty much the only thing that made the game any fun at all!

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12ga. said:

True that, and any shooter game that uses chase cam is a pain in the ass because the aim eather is hard as hell or just plain sucks.

Not strictly true as the Malice mod for quake 1 had quite a goodchasecam which came in damn handy

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Meh, I prefer first person action over third person any day. It's much, much better at immersing yourself in, as it really draws you into the game to view the game world as if you were there yourself.

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