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D3 demo@quakecon


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just saw on warp2search.net that D3 public demo will be out for the quakecon event.
Quake4 will also be "unveiled".

if this is all true this will getting a hot late summer.

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Sounds cool... f It's actually true. :P

Last years Quakecon was in August, so I guess it'll be around then again.

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Quakecon 2003 is at August 14-17. I really hope this is true. Half-Life 2 is scheduled at september 30. So that gives me 6 weeks of fun playing the demo and then half-life full game, and after that the full doom3. (I'm getting tired allready).

Better imform my wife about this (managing expectations)

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Spong.com said:

and interestingly, the full unveiling of the firm's latest multiplayer offering, Quake 4.


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Zoost said:

Quakecon 2003 is at August 14-17.

If it's true that a public Doom3 demo will be released at this years QuakeCon, then the internet will go into meltdown on August 14.

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Because a fuckload of people like them? I always kinda figured that's how you survive in any business, but what do I know.

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SupremeGeneral said:

Say, what do you think it will include?

let's hope that teh demo reveals not too much of d3's magic. it should be just some kind of tech demo: 2-3 "levels" with just some already known enemies (zombies, pinkies, imps). it would be best if those levels won't appear in the full (abandoned levels?)...but that seems quite unlikely.

hmmmm...let's all pray that this demo rumor is true.

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Good news, can't wait for this demo if it is true. Quake 4 being Multiplayer sounds a little odd to me though, as It was first announced as a singleplayer game, and when I read the raven forums way back when, they gave no indication about Q4 being anything other than SP.

We'll see.

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SupremeGeneral said:

Say, what do you think it will include?

Supereme General

My guess :

2 levels, 4 weapons, 5 different types of monsters

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hmm... Let's hope this is true. I doubt it however as the news hasn't been on any of the big gaming sites.

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LorD BaZTArD said:

Good news, can't wait for this demo if it is true. Quake 4 being Multiplayer sounds a little odd to me though, as It was first announced as a singleplayer game, and when I read the raven forums way back when, they gave no indication about Q4 being anything other than SP.

We'll see.

That's because they saw how many of these pussies are killing themselves because D3 won't have extensive MP capabilities and they don't want any lawsuits on their hands, so they made Q4 Multiplayer.

Actually, I hope there isn't a demo, as I don't know if I'll be able to resist the temptation to play it, and it'll ruin the feeling when I play the final game. And even if I can resist it, I'd haveta stop coming here cause everyone would be talking about it without any regard to us who haven't played it and don't want to know anything about it. Just like the alpha.

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That's because they saw how many of these pussies are killing themselves because D3 won't have extensive MP capabilities and they don't want any lawsuits on their hands, so they made Q4 Multiplayer.

Uh, how could they get sued?

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The_Aeromaster said:

and they don't want any lawsuits on their hands, so they made Q4 Multiplayer.

Hahaha... what?

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Zaldron said:

but what do I know.

I think (=I doubt in being and my knowlege about anything) therefore I am.


BBG said:
My guess :
2 levels, 4 weapons, 5 different types of monsters

Hmm, they will load some long gameplay video on the QuakeCon in the same way a Valve did it... that would be wise imwo...

Speaking bout Q4 - i expect some unveiling of heroes and parts of storyline, maybe a few conceptart images, but nothing more...

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BBG, AirRaid, sorry I forgot to put [sarcasm] markers around that line. That was just my way of saying that after hearing all the cry-baby bullshit from the MP freaks that D3 doesn't have the best MP ever conceived, they went and made Q4 a Mp game.

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wasted said:

Hmm, they will load some long gameplay video on the QuakeCon in the same way a Valve did it... that would be wise imwo...

I'd rather download a 300 MB demo and play it for hours, as opposed to downloading a 500 MB video and watching it for 20 minutes. I didn't even watch that HL2 video because of it's ridiculous filesize.

That 300 MB filesize for the demo was just a wild guess of mine, btw.

Also, I hope the demo has more then 2 maps, as I suspect the maps will be relatively small (because every room will take up tons of memory).

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Heh, actually the video is available in smaller chunks too. I got them vefore the 500MB version came out... then I got that too. It was worth the DL, IMO.

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Arno said:

I'd rather download a 300 MB demo and play it for hours, as opposed to downloading a 500 MB video and watching it for 20 minutes. I didn't even watch that HL2 video because of it's ridiculous filesize.

Alpha contents 3 levels and its size is more then 600MB... when you install the game it will take ~1.2GB...

But i like the demo idea more then a huge trailer too..

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hmmm...the demo size should be around 300-400M.
in the alpha there was a lot of "unused" content, i.e. sound and textures.
The biggest part of an potential demo would be the texture and sound files. engine and levels are relativly "small". with some tweaking and packing 300-400M should be reachable.

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AirRaid said:

300MB is a fuck of a lot to download fo a demo. Unless you're talking about uncompressed size...

300M compressed of course. Imho a good value for a demo nowadays.

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