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Whats the meaning of the other dudes in Doom3?

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I have no idea if this was posted before, but here goes.

Does anyone have an idea what the purpose of the doomguy's fellow soldiers will play?

Will we not be fighting demons alone in Doom3?

Would be cool if you can order them around though, and send them to do your dirty work when the ol' Cybie comes out to play!

Supreme General

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To which soldiers are you refering? As far as I know the doomguy entered the UAC base all alone after the portal accident took place. The security guys with "MARSEC" written on their helmets obviously aren´t the doomguys comrades, they belong to the UAC base, and most of them probably died or became poccessed after the accident.

I think Tim Willits once stated in an interview that there will be some friendly NPCs in Doom3, but no other soldiers who fight along your side. I like it better that way, the feeling that everything in the game is up to you is quite important for the Doom athmosphere.

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Yes, AI-controlled team members is definately not for D3. This came up somewhere in another thread, and basically everyone is against it. Doom is about 1 guy kicking serious ass, not commanding a fire team of retards who walk in front of you when ur about to put a rocket up a cyberdemons ass.

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Look through the WHAT ABOUT SARGE thread... it has the same topic.

...and Yes, that was disscussed a plenty of times here...

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I counted 3 times we've discussed Sarge, and noone seems to get the point yet so maybe I should put up another thread on it, with a picture of the original shotgun in Doom and a banner that says "You don't need Sarge, you've got me"

On the other hand, this is an entirely different subject. He's talking about the other Marines on the base and you meeting, commanding them during the game. Like I said, bad idea.

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The_Aeromaster said:

I counted 3 times we've discussed Sarge, and noone seems to get the point yet so maybe I should put up another thread on it, with a picture of the original shotgun in Doom and a banner that says "You don't need Sarge, you've got me"

On the other hand, this is an entirely different subject. He's talking about the other Marines on the base and you meeting, commanding them during the game. Like I said, bad idea.


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If fellow Marines had decent AI, I would want them fighting alongside me...if they didn't, then no I wouldn't want them.

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I wouldn't want soldiers to come with me to fight directly by my side but i wouldn't mind coming across survivors in a bunker or something.

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The only thing that NPCs should do is give a little information and die in gruesome ways. And maybe beg for their life

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Maybe it will be done like Looking Glass did in both System Shock 1 and 2, where you're in contact with survivors (via radio or whatever), but by the time you finally reach them, they're already dead. Or maybe you actually see various battles going on in the distance, on monitors, behind windows, etc.

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Yeah, in system shock that was very well implemented. Really believed in the second game I would met her. The barneys fighting along in the half life spin off (opposite forces) had just enough AI to be usefull and not really disturbing. You could kill them as well, which is must I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read in an article somewhere that there are a few, they said only a few not many, times in the game that you encounter survivors. I don't know if its true or just a rumor. The article said you can help them out by killing a demon in front of the cave they are hiding in or giving them food and they will help you out by giving you ammo or taking you to a secret place. I dont know if this will be part of a scripted seen or not, hopefully not. But it would be cool to be able to talk to survivors and hear what they say happened during the invasion.

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It would be cool if the friendly soldiers were just there for effects.
For example, you walk down a corridor some guys running around in front of you, he goes round a corner...suddenly an explosion and his corps lands right in front of you, and you're thinking 'Oh shit! what's round that corner that can blow my ass to pieces' etc. That, I think, would be sweeeet!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe if you get to talk to the guys on the sticks (they were always still moving lol) or see a few buddies get waxed, that would be cool. Also, find one in a secret room that doesnt want to leave, then you can shoot his ass for being a pussy!

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RAi said:

Maybe if you get to talk to the guys on the sticks ...

Asking them where to find the red keaycard? :D

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The only way that adding other marines/characters in will be justified is if they get vicously killed by the demons.

I'm sure Id would be smart enough to not add a team type play to doom 3.

wait, other people already mentioned the same thing as me.. oh well.

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Marines have to be killed by demons or to be insane when you meet them, but other characters don´t have to be killed to not fight along your side: scientists, lab personal etc. They can give you hints or show you a secret, that´s totally OK for me. As long as we never have to bother about a lousy AI comrade getting into our way, it will be good.

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Tetzlaff said:

Marines have to be killed by demons or to be insane when you meet them...

What about soldiers getting possesed just in fron of you?!!!

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