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After v1.0 Feature List

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I know its a bit early for this, but it would be cool to see what everyone wanted. these are just suggestions

1. all of the old zdoomgl features like the awesome bfg explosion
2. lots of doomsday features:
like the bullet puffs and the sparks the come out from the wall when you shot bullets at it
all of the other weapon explosion effects and doomsday rocket trails
including jhexen and jheretic

3.legacy/doomsday coronas and lens flares

lots of other legacy/doomsday stuff that would make it cool

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Im a big fan of the doomsday engine. But I really DONT want to see ZDoomgl looking anything like JDoom. I'd like Tim to give it his own style.

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Actually, ZDoomGL already supports high-res textures like JDoom does. It also uses a spherical sky (dunno the technical term) like JDoom's default sky mode.

Next major feature up the list is dynamic lighting, which I assume will also give a GL-enhanced boost to the colored lighting already in software-mode ZDoom. This will probably also include coronas and such, and lighting effects on various weapons.

There's one major new thing that I'm looking forward to, and that is shaders support. Used properly, this can give a really nice new look to the various environments already in the original levels.

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Muahaha, don't worry, I'll try not to make it look like JDoom (I like giving things their own look instead of attempting to copy someone else)... Not that I have a problem with JDoom, it was actually a big inspiration point for me. There's actually a decent amount of heavily modified JDoom code in ZDoomGL now:

- the sky is essentially the same, but modified to have multilayered skies from ZDoom (and it's been optimized a bit)
- the visibility checking is very similar, but modified to use a dynamic structure so there's no fixed clipper size (also optimized a bit and modified to use the ZDoom math functions instead of the BAMS system JDoom uses)

I'm sure there's more, too.

Good to hear people are looking forward to shaders support. Personally, I'm more excited about that than dynamic lights (should make for some very cool environments) ;)

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I know I am setting my self up for this. I have to ask because I honestly don't know. What is a shader and its function? I will try to take a wild guess, and say that it adds to textures to make them look more realistic by either shadows or reflections? Am I way wrong?

Ok fixed spelling error-- was bugging me.

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timmie said:
Personally, I'm more excited about that than dynamic lights (should make for some very cool environments) ;)

hmmm... is it possable to have dynamic lights as an extra entity? lets say I whanted a blue light in the middle of a room by it's self, with out having to add a blue lamp. I know it would involve adding to zdoom it's self... just a thought.

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Ct_red_pants said:

hmmm... is it possable to have dynamic lights as an extra entity? lets say I whanted a blue light in the middle of a room by it's self, with out having to add a blue lamp. I know it would involve adding to zdoom it's self... just a thought.

Yeah thats on the list ;) Its probably what I'm looking forward to most. Also, timmie, how about scripting lights/coronas on walls & flats, like in the latest jDoom? That looks really good IMO (of course it would be an option...)

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I don't wanna be a wanker or anything.. but why don't we all just let Timmie do his thing for now? Up to this point, I think he's done an awesome job with ZDoomGL and I think I'll be totally fine with his judgement, as I have been up to this point. He's already adding dynamic lights, which will be kewl and I'm sure he's got plenty more ideas. I'm excited.

btw, Does anyone know where I can get the full version of DeePsea. This will be the 3rd time that I'm paying for an upgrade and I just can't see myself spending another 20 dollars. This damn editor is gonna make me poor. As long as it's somewhere near 11.77, that's kewl... I have a Deep97 regged and one DeePsea 10. something or other both of which I paid for. I feel like I'm being robbed. :(

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digit@l_pimp said:

Does anyone know where I can get the full version of DeePsea.

Request warez is a bannable offence on these froums. You might want to take a look at the DW FAQ so you know what is and isn't appropriate to say and do (although oddly, it doesn't actually mention warez).

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well... I don't even know if I'd consider it warez. I'll take the note into consideration though. I was actually just cruising around the forums (I've been away from editing for a while) and I can't believe how many people agree with the ridiculous pricing for DeePsea. Like I said, I have put my 2 cents in (or dollars, whatever you wanna say) to support the author of the software and to support the software itself, but to keep on having to pay for software every time there's a minor upgrade is silly. I think it's silly that they're making it for 6 months of upgrades... they should at least make it 6 months or like 10 minor upgrades, whichever comes later. I just think it's stupid that there's no really huge fundamental differences between these little upgrades and I can't stomach 20 dollars every six months. I was really just asking for someone to PM me, but it looks like I'll just have to bow down to those damn DeePsea bastards and fork over another Hamilton. :(

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I don't even know if I'd consider it warez.

A free downloadable copy of any program which you are normally supposed to pay for is warez. It doesn't matter whether it's a 100 CD game (although I don't think such a game exists... yet ;) ) or a 100kb utility, it's still warez.

I can't believe how many people agree with the ridiculous pricing for DeePsea.

It isn't a question of whether people here agree with the DeePSea pricing policy or not (quite a few don't - in fact it's such an issue and caused so much trouble that the author of DeePSea was recently banned from DW). Warez is simply not permitted on Doomworld full stop. It's just the way it is I'm afraid :|

but to keep on having to pay for software every time there's a minor upgrade is silly.

If you don't think an update is worth paying for, then obviously you don't feel it is important and logically you don't really need it ;) On the other hand if some incredibly new addition has been added that you do want, it probably is worth paying for :)

I just think it's stupid that there's no really huge fundamental differences between these little upgrades and I can't stomach 20 dollars every six months

As I said, if you feel don't the differences in the latest version are all that important, then it clearly isn't particularly important that you have it. I'm still using v11.03 myself, even though the current version is 11.77 :

Besides, if you think DeePSea uses are badly off, just look at people using other editors: most of them are faced with having no updates whatsoever! =P

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digit@l_pimp said:

This damn editor is gonna make me poor...I feel like I'm being robbed.

Oh please. Getting some of you people to part with 20 bucks 'every 6 months' is worse than pulling teeth. How the hell do you pay your bills if you can't part with 20 dollars?

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it is worse than pulling teeth. i'm only 19, i live by myself, i have only 1 job, i'm going to school, and i have to pay for everything by myself. 20 bucks is worth gold. i don't buy stuff that i can't afford and i can't afford 20 bucks every six months...especially when i've payed for the software twice before. I can see paying twice because the software used to be DeeP97 and it's substantially different as DeePsea (in name and in features), but paying again and again for a slightly updated version of DeePsea won't work for me. I'd love to fork over 20 bucks for the editor if there was like a humongoid awesome new feature that warranted a full version upgrade, but something as small as fixing the Auto-Draw feature and then making people pay for it doesn't seem fair. Yeah, life isn't fair, but in reality this game is over 6 years old and it's not their only source of income. I'm always on the lookout for a new editor and I can't wait for WinZeth because the only reason I'm not using Zeth is because I have WinXP. People make source ports and software for free and don't get a single dime off of it. If 20 bucks isn't such a big deal then why would they ask for it every time for every upgrade. If people don't buy it, how do they (the software makers) pay for their bills?

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digit@l_pimp said:

People make source ports and software for free and don't get a single dime off of it.

I believe making money from the Doom source code is forbidden. If it weren't, I strongly suspect there would be at least a couple of people trying to do it.

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but that doesn't make it ethical, right or fair. there's weasels out there, i don't disagree with that. it's just a shame that those weasels are fairly good at what they do and have mondo amounts of free time.

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