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will we see crash ?


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Crash, in my opinion, was a lousy character designed solely to be able to stuff Quake III up with more characters. It's not supposed to be in Doom.

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Tetzlaff said:

Crash and other Doom related Quake3 characters have been discussed recently in this thread: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15372

Yeah well, you know how it is: The ones in charge of DW decided that threads older than two weeks (or one week? I can't keep track of it) should not be replied to and the "Sarge" thread is rather old now afaik.
I think our new friend here is afraid of bumping old threads.

Never understood why that was an offense really - I mean, most, if not all other forums on other sites are totally indifferent to people replying to old threads.

Anyways back on topic:
I'm sure Crash was just a character that was thrown into Q3A to show off new interpretations of Doom style battle suits (female suit in this case), however that doesn't mean that she won't end up as a decent character in Doom 3 (as long as there's no love affair involved).
She could be one of the survivors to help you along (with info) as could Phobos.

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dsm said:

Never understood why that was an offense really - I mean, most, if not all other forums on other sites are totally indifferent to people replying to old threads.

I don't mind. The problem is when people revive old threads to add stuff like "heh" or "me too". Those might be acceptable in an active thread, but if you're opening one that's six months old, you better post an essay :)

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Fredrik said:

I don't mind. The problem is when people revive old threads to add stuff like "heh" or "me too". Those might be acceptable in an active thread, but if you're opening one that's six months old, you better post an essay :)

I absolutely agree - I tend to get worked up about those too, but I still think it's a bit harsh to say: "This thread is old! Anyone who adds a post to it shall sufferrrr!"

I mean that way, you kinda block off any possibility that somebody might add some new insight into an interesting topic because 1) people daren't make a new post even if they have something good to add, because they're afraid that they'll be smacked up by the staff.
2) people daren't make a new post as they fear that they'd be smacked up pretty good by the staff, because they make a new thread about an old topic (which imo is more annoying than bumped threads).

I might have overinterpreted the rules, but I've also been under the impression that it was strictly prohibited to add a post to an old thread even if your post was insightful.
I distinctly remember adding a new idea to an old thread when I was a newbie - I got told off for bumping it (in a polite way though), even though I did add a new idea to the thread that wasn't mentioned already.

It has always kinda bugged me somewhere.

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Heh, on a final fantasy forum i used to visit someone was replying to old topics, and one of the admins went off on an extremley piss-everyone-who-reads-it-off rant (oddly, the same admin who turned into a rabid neo-faschist who belived the government could do no wrong and banned people left right and centre after 9/11 incase they where terrorists), and kept arguing with people complaining at her, until the forum owner just said "Im gonna allow this" and banned HER XD (though he unfortatley let her back)

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dsm said:

Yeah well, you know how it is: The ones in charge of DW decided that threads older than two weeks (or one week? I can't keep track of it) should not be replied to and the "Sarge" thread is rather old now afaik.
I think our new friend here is afraid of bumping old threads.

I basicly justed wanted to show him a thread where he can read some opinions about that topic... wasn´t meant that way that I wanted to tell him he should bump the old thread. Though I wouldn´t mind it either.

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I think it makes more sense to revive an old thread than to start a new one about the same topic, less clutter on the site, less redundency, better flow of ideas.

On the subject of Crash, two complete thoughts come to mind:


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If people are not supposed to add to older threads , then why don't you close them when youv'e had enough ? Not all of us have been on this forum for long (in fact i've never been on one before - guess it shows) and we don't all know the proceedures that you adhere to. I know that I will get flamed for this but iv'e just got to know where dumb f**kers like me stand. It's easy to criticize an idiot. Compassion is all that's needed to guide us to understanding.

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dr_qui said:

If people are not supposed to add to older threads

Like we said, you MAY add to older threads, but you better have something worthwhile to say if you do.

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dr_qui said:

If people are not supposed to add to older threads , then why don't you close them when youv'e had enough ?

It's really quite simple: We Staffers have better things to do than go about closing +1000 different old threads to prevent that people who're too stupid to think for themselves (no, not you - because you have something decent to add to a old threads) go about replying 'heh' to every old thread they can find.

Like we said, you MAY add to older threads, but you better have something worthwhile to say if you do.

Yeah, you may - Fredrik the Grand hath spoken :-)

Anyways, I reckon it's time to go back to the original topic at hand.
I've seen people discuss possible female marines in Doom 3 and if the Doom 3 setting doesn't have to seem like a total sexist universe, then I suppose we could have some female marine characters - like e.g. Crash.
I just hope they don't make her übercheesy. Whatever they do, don't make her ridiculous or out of place.

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dr_qui said:

will we see crash ?

It's possible they'll put in some female player character you could choose to play as, like in quake 2. Depends of the story, if you're just another marine and the plot doesn't give your name or anything, then it may be possible.

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dr_qui said:

Not all of us have been on this forum for long (in fact i've never been on one before - guess it shows) and we don't all know the proceedures that you adhere to.

If you haven't already done so, read the DW FAQ. Although for some reason it doesn't appear to list all the rules.

Anyway, back the topic. I get the feeling are lot of people basically seem to have the attitude "oh gn0! Not a female in Doom!!!!!111 Noo!!!1 That would sux0rz d3lux0rz!!!11 :(" etc. Well I say, it's about time Doom got a representative of the fairer sex.

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Espi said:

It's possible they'll put in some female player character you could choose to play as, like in quake 2.

Somehow, I doubt that. Partially because of all the cutscenes where we see the doomguy involved. I could be wrong all the same, but I still have a strong feeling that Doom 3 won't allow you to select various player characters.

I get the feeling are lot of people basically seem to have the attitude "oh gn0! Not a female in Doom!!!!!111 Noo!!!1 That would sux0rz d3lux0rz!!!11 :(" etc. Well I say, it's about time Doom got a representative of the fairer sex.

Yeah definitely. As long as she's not a cheesy-ass Lara Croft type. Gimme female marines that LOOKS like proper soldiers and I won't complain.

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Well since I'm basically against there being anyone other than a few dying scientists in the game other than the Doomguy, if one of them was a woman I wouldn't mind. But we don't need a female marine to add to the storyline.

And before someone bitches, something does not qualify as sexist if it doesn't have women in it. It qualifies as sexist if there's no women in it because they're women... I don't want any extra characters period, so I'm not being sexist. If I thought extra characters were appropriate, I wouldn't mind a few women in the game. But this is Doom, it needs nothing but the Doomguy and alot of monsters.

If they do add in other characters, they had better not link up to anything from Quake, or any other game. They had better be original characters. I've said this before in another thread, but if they start putting Quake characters in the game it will start being like a Saturday morning cartoon or a fucking soap opera, where everything has the same basic story that links up. This is unacceptable.


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I assume Crash is some female model from quake 3? Ahem anyway..

I could care less if one of the NPC's is a female. Just as long as she is as unimportant as the rest of the NPC's in the game. Meaning imp bait or someone who opens a door, then becomes imp bait.

And it always bothers me in games when the female characters have the same body armor that the males have except... it only covers like 3% of their body. I guess it pleases the pubescent 14 year olds, but I always think... hmmm that sort of contradicts the term BODY ARMOR, man that chick is a bullet bag as soon as the shit hits the proverbial fan.

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Come to think of it, playing Crash in the supposed sp mission pack would be pretty cool; besides No One Lives Forever 1 & 2, I can't think of any FPS' where you play a woman.

It could be like the various official Quake 2 and Half-life add-ons, where you play a different character during roughly the same time period the normal game takes place in.

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IMJack said:

Crash is an ANC added solely to combine Doom armor and b(o)(o)bies.

I'm going to assume that ANC means Ass N' Cooch

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dr_qui said:

After all ,she is supposed to be the doom dude's teacher. What do you guys think ?

I forgot to respond to this specifically...

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ABOUT? It's the Doomguy. Taught by a woman? That's why that was Quake (sucks) and this is Doom (bestfuckingconcepteverdevised).

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dr_qui said:

After all ,she is supposed to be the doom dude's teacher.

Ok, I feel I had better respond to this in a mature manner if I can.
I understand what you mean when you say "teacher", but it is the wrong term to use: She was a drill instructor, which means that she was the type of person who'd be yelling at the marines, telling them how much she "thinks that they suck" and that kind of crap. Afaik, there are usual more than one drill instructors to teach a platoon, so if Crash was the Doomguy's drill instructor, it'd mean that she was ONE of his drill instructors.

When you say the word "teacher", you make it seem like she was his personal teacher - and that's just plain off.

I disagree with Aeromaster that it was a bad thing that she was Doomguy's drill instructor in the Q3A story - female drill instructors do exist - but I find the Q3A version of Crash übercheesy and that's what worries me. If Crash is gonna be in Doom 3, she had better look like a real hardass, a real soldier - this doesn't mean that she can't look remotely sexy, but she needs some muscles at the very least. Get rid of her ridiculous latex pants - give her some real army pants instead and some proper armour.

As for a decent female character model, something along the lines of this would do.

On the other hand, no female character is better than a cheesy, super model female character. So if they do put Crash in, she had better not be a cheesy foxy babe.

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Heh, i remember people having a go at me when i made my old final fantasy webcomic because i made celes (a general of the 'imperial army' from final fantasy 6) 30 years old and she was muscley and stuff, not like a stick-thin supermodel, well how could anyone like that rise through the ranks of an army?

As for ANY other living marines in doom 3, i hope not, theres obviously gonna be sarge, who is giving the guy orders remotley from some 'secure area', but any other marines you encounter on your travels should be torn up in disgusting ways

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deathbringer said:

As for ANY other living marines in doom 3, i hope not, theres obviously gonna be sarge, who is giving the guy orders remotley from some 'secure area', but any other marines you encounter on your travels should be torn up in disgusting ways

Heh, I wouldn't mind coming upon a mentally broken Phobos (the black guy in the cheesy orange Doomguy suit in Q3A) who's cracking up and babbling about how he got betrayed and how all his men died horribly and shit like that.

That would be really scary imo.

I don't think we'll be short on marine corpses that have been mutilated in the most gruesome ways.

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If ID decide to put some female marines into the game, I hope they are Major(another Q3 female character) type charactes not Lara Croaft or anything like that.

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cloud4me said:

If ID decide to put some female marines into the game, I hope they are Major(another Q3 female character) type charactes not Lara Croaft or anything like that.

Has id ever done anything like that? No.

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Who's Lara Croaft? Distant relative to Lara Croft? :-P

Yeah, let's not see some damn bimbos in the game. Female marines should be at least decently believable (see the Sarah Connor pic I posted before) as soldiers.
They can save the super models for the female scientists if anything.

Has id ever done anything like that? No.


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I for one, dont want no flat-chested-dykie-butch ass ho's' in any game I ever play. If crash is in doom3, then make her hot and while youre at it, give her some big ol breasts too. I very seriously doubt that having women it doom3 will mess up the "storyline". heh, storyline, in an id game.. or should i say tech demo

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will said:

heh, storyline, in an id game.. or should i say tech demo

Stupid prejudice... id games have always had the most polished gameplay, they never are just a "tech demo". If they were, nobody would play them.

And people who think a game should have a storyline just in the same way like a movie don´t understand the specialty and possibilities of First Person Shooters. Games like this don´t need to press the player into a pre-defined storyline, instead of it the way the player is acting and developing through the game makes the "storyline", together with the athmosphere. The athmosphere again isn´t created with words primarely, it´s created with the mood of the game, the design, sound, music. id games always had a very unique and intense athmosphere, that´s why I love them.

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