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will said:

I very seriously doubt that having women it doom3 will mess up the "storyline". heh, storyline, in an id game.. or should i say tech demo

This just goes to show how fucking ignorant and prejudiced you are. iD games are tech demos?
You probably have no idea just how insulting that narrowminded comment is, so I'll pardon it for now - don't expect the same forgiveness from me next time you annoy me.

Like Tetzlaff said, iD games are greatly popular, not because of their engine alone, but rather because they have exceedingly well-polihed gameplay. True, their last three-four games or so have shown next to no innovation, but the basic gameplay (which has been carried over from old games like Wolfenstein 3d and Doom) is always nice and the action steady.
In most other non-iD games, we've got useless interaction that's cool the first time, while the action itself is either sluggish or just plain uninteresting - I've experienced that too damn often.

So don't fucking come here on a DOOM forum and insinuate that iD games are just boring tech demos. Moron.

Oh, and I was also greatly amused by your view on female game characters - that sure as Hell will make you popular.

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This just goes to show how fucking ignorant and prejudiced you are. ...don't expect the same forgiveness from me next time you annoy me.

First of all, I'm not here to please you. You're existance in this world has no bearing over mine. If you become 'annoyed' or enraged enough to respone with insults towards me because of a difference in opinions then it's your ignorance that will be displayed.

You probably have no idea just how insulting that narrowminded comment is, so I'll pardon it for now ... So don't fucking come here on a DOOM forum and insinuate that iD games are just boring tech demos.

It's very amusing that you feel so "insulted" when I draw the comparision of and id game to a technology demostration. Why you respond as if it was a personal attack towards you is unknown to me. Also, you act as if I'm saying ID games suck, did I? No. Your own prejudices decided that. However, don't you agree that more work will be put into Doom3's rendering and sound engines than its story? So perhaps theres some validity in my comparision of id games to tech demos.

Oh, and I was also greatly amused by your view on female game characters - that sure as Hell will make you popular.

I stand by my opinion on female characters. If there's going to be women in a game.. make them beatiful. I like eye-candy. However, if you disagree and want some butch looking woman like sara conner then so be it, i won't flame your for it. And if I was worried about being popular on the 'doomworld forums' i would probably spend all day posting on here, kissing admins ass's and such... so you may have guessed, its not really a concern of mine.

Finally, a here's a few random thoughts i have. I had no problem with Tetzlaff's respone. I read it a couple of days ago and respected and agreed with his points on id games being more than tech demos. My comment was simply tring to demonstrate that you don't really need to be concerned with the characters in the doom3 storyline since the game will be more about scaring the shit out of you in tight beatifully rendered hallways than what information sara conner tells you at the beginning of level 2. Once again action packed gameplay will overshadow any plot development in ID's new game. And i prefer it that way... maybe thats why im still playing this one after nine years.

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I'm just gonna say this once... when I went to buy Doom CE, it was sold the fuck out and I hadta wait a week for the new order. Tech demo, right?

And ya know what, I haveta add:


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dsm said:


Ah yes, the depth of this 'character' is simply overwhelming, what with that single sentence used in the manual to describe her. Please pardon me.

Let me give you a rundown on the 'characters' in Quake3

Razor: This cyborg likes to shoot people, including you. Make him die.

Mynx: Um, this is a female 3d model so let's make her a stripper. Oh yeah she explodes too.

Keel: Another cyborg. He also shoots stuff.

I hope that clears things up.

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