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Back into the cycle of no info


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Well, E3 has passed us by, and we are back to the no information void we were in before for so many months. I know we should not be given that much info but I just hope they don't do what they did before and release nothing for months at a time.

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Yea im quite a patient person but im getting to the point where i just want them to release the damn thing already..

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The_Aeromaster said:

Instead of building scripted sequences for another video preview, they could build maps.


Actually I think it's quite funny how some people think it's their right to know everything about a game before it's released. (I'm not directing this at you Alientank) It's stupid... people start thinking the game will suck just because they've heard nothing new about it in a while.

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AirRaid said:


Actually I think it's quite funny how some people think it's their right to know everything about a game before it's released. (I'm not directing this at you Alientank) It's stupid... people start thinking the game will suck just because they've heard nothing new about it in a while.

Tell me about it! I've spent months and months digitally yelling at all those braindead dopes, because they're too quick to draw stupid conclusions without using the few brain cells that they have been given. (Sorry, just had to get this off my chest).

Seriously, I wish people would grow up and act remotely like adults when anticipating this game.

Personally, the wait just makes me anticipating this game even more in the long run. My imagination works overtime - I occasionally sit and imagine me playing Doom 3. I go through all the tactics I'll use when I get to play the game or I sit and think about what cool stories I can come up with for potential mods.

In theory, they could keep working on D3 until 2005 and I would still be ok. But of course, I hope they release it within 2003 because once in a while, I do get minor "fits" where I just want Doom 3 so bad that the wait seems really painful.

Anyways, I still want them to not release any info - they shouldn't have released all those damn screenies that they've released thus far, but rather kept us in the dark. Everytime they release some new info on Doom 3, I get these "Doom 3 fits" more often than usual.

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Heh thats funny DSM, kinda like a narcotic effect huh?
They bring out a video and the rage starts all over again. I too am okay waiting though.

I mean, I do have fits now and then, hey, just at the weekend I cleared out my room, nice and tidy (really needed it) and I had these printouts of screenies I have had lying around the room. I put them on the wall, 9 screenshots A4 size in total.(Yes I am a Doom3 nut/nerd) My girlfriend walked into the room and said "Ooookaaayyy, I'm not even going to ask" It's okay tho' , she knows what I get like when id are releasing something new.

I know I have maybe ranted a little through impatience here on the forums but I am alright about the wait. The truth is, I don't have the money up yet for a rig... By my budget, I should have enough for my birthday (Mid Nov, I'll be 24) so I guess my b-day, money and Doom3 will all come at the right time, I'd like to think that the universe made it so but no, it's a coincidence, but a damn nice one.

I too am perfectly okay with not seeing any more shots or movies or whatever. I'm actually thinking of ignoring the Demo (If one comes out at Quakecon). I feel I have seen well enough. I haven't played the alpha of anything but I have seen enough.

Remember in the vid, the baby-bee thingy, when I say that first I nearly sh*t myself with excitement. That thing was freaky. I just hope to god there are plenty more surprises left like this.

My friends, this has and still is the longest and hardest I can remember waiting for ANYTHING. But hey, we all know it's going to be well worth the wait. Shit, we have come so far now that we can actually see I AM A MORON I AM A MORON I AM A MORON I AM A MORON I AM A MORON on the horizon.

Ahhhh, now I can relax...... cheers for the ears...

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Ahhhhh so thats where the Moron shit came from.
Thats not really fair is it?

Apparantly its a crime to type Doom followed by ALT+0179

My mistake guys, I meant Doom3 :)

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I wish they had never shown anything of Doom3 until it was very nearly done. Like a couple of months before release, just enough to build up the hype. Also, if they hadn't shown so much of the engine (especially that Macworld 2001 Geforce 3 presentation), I bet there wouldn't be so many games coming out with Doom3's technological features. Id have always pushed the graphics front it seems to me (apart from with Quake2), and I do think that the D3 engine has had an influence on other developers.

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dsm said:

Tell me about it! I've spent months and months digitally yelling at all those braindead dopes, because they're too quick to draw stupid conclusions without using the few brain cells that they have been given. (Sorry, just had to get this off my chest).

Seriously, I wish people would grow up and act remotely like adults when anticipating this game. . .

I have as much patience as anyone, and though some people act as though id owes them screens or whatnot, i wouldn't call people's anticipation stupid. What's wrong with wanting more? It shows interest and that id has created something worth wanting more. No offense man, but a lot of people on these forums would love if there were more released, though its nice to have the anticipation, and labeling them "braindead dopes" is a bit harsh imo. I think Alientank has every right to be a little disapointed that there may be nothing new for a while. Everyday i check here and Phobos lab for a possible update. I don't put my fist through the monitor if there isn't an update, and I don't bitch either, but the minute disapointment is there. If someone is jumping to some conclusions, then why not try inserting some logic instead of name calling? Just my opinion.

In any case, Half-life 2 should sate my appitite for a the time being when it is released, and perhaps one more screenshot... not a total spoiler, but a teaser... perhaps a silohette of a Baron or the Cyberdemon like a month or so before the game comes out. Other than that i agree that we don't really NEED anything else, and to a great extent, I don't want anything else.

EDIT: Not the Cyberdemon. . . heat must be getting to my head. . .

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Scabbed Angel said:

I have as much patience as anyone, and though some people act as though id owes them screens or whatnot, i wouldn't call people's anticipation stupid. What's wrong with wanting more? It shows interest and that id has created something worth wanting more. No offense man, but a lot of people on these forums would love if there were more released, though its nice to have the anticipation, and labeling them "braindead dopes" is a bit harsh imo. If they jumping to some conclusions, then why not try inserting some logic instead of name calling? Just my opinion.

Oh please...
I wasn't referring to those who want more, because that's only natural (although I do admit that I find their impatient comments really annoying too) - I'm referring to those half-wits who go like: "Doom 3 won't be good - I've tried the Alpha and it's boring so Doom 3 will suck. Half Life 2 will be MUCH better"

All right, I admit that I wasn't quite clear about what I meant, but I urge you to properly consider this line:

[..]because they're too quick to draw stupid conclusions without using the few brain cells that they have been given

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dsm said:

Oh please...
I wasn't referring to those who want more, because that's only natural (although I do admit that I find their impatient comments really annoying too) - I'm referring to those half-wits who go like: "Doom 3 won't be good - I've tried the Alpha and it's boring so Doom 3 will suck. Half Life 2 will be MUCH better"

All right, I admit that I wasn't quite clear about what I meant, but I urge you to properly consider this line:

This thread is about "the void of info" yes? Not "The alpha sucks and thus the game does to/ other assumptions based off prior info so the game will suck"? So when you make a comment like that in a thread with this subject it would seem as though that's what the comment is about w/o any other point of reference? You just seem hostile over little things, and not just slightly condecending. That's annoying imo. I would just like to read a post without people bashing each other, is that wrong?

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The only information I want to see, and real soon, is the announcement of a release date. As long as I know when it will finally be released, I don't need to see another screenshot or video (the surprise and suspense factor will be much greater anyway).

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Dubh said:
Ahhhhh so thats where the Moron shit came from.
Thats not really fair is it?

Apparantly its a crime to type Doom followed by ALT+0179

My mistake guys, I meant Doom3 :)

Geez, why are the mods so worked up by Doom ³?

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Well if the previous thread was correct then i guess we do have something new. Wish I knew how to crack that code. . . I'll just sit back and let someone else do the work. Doubt it'll translate into a screen shot or a demo though. . . :.(

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Scabbed Angel said:

This thread is about "the void of info" yes? Not "The alpha sucks and thus the game does to/ other assumptions based off prior info so the game will suck"? So when you make a comment like that in a thread with this subject it would seem as though that's what the comment is about w/o any other point of reference? You just seem hostile over little things, and not just slightly condecending. That's annoying imo. I would just like to read a post without people bashing each other, is that wrong?

You know as well as I do, how threads on this site have a tendency to change subjects slightly. And if you look carefully at my post, you'll see that my comment was remotely related to the topic about the void of info, because I was pointing out that when people get impatient (as a result of this "void of info" as you call it), they start drawing stupid conclusions.

I was responding to the following:

Actually I think it's quite funny how some people think it's their right to know everything about a game before it's released. (I'm not directing this at you Alientank) It's stupid... people start thinking the game will suck just because they've heard nothing new about it in a while.

When I initially wrote my response, I did so believing that it was perfectly clear what I was responding to and that it was equally clear what I meant. Sadly, as it happens ever so often on an internet forum, you sometimes fail to notice that it's really not a clear message at all.

And yes like I said, I did not make myself clear enough, thus I said that in my last post indicating an apology. I was never trying to sound condescending and if I did, I'm sorry - I'm not God and hence I make mistakes. But when people start pointing out my mistakes like you do now, I DO get angry, so please stop that before I say something I'll regret later.

I may seem hostile over little things, but you should try moderating a forum where stupid comments pop out of nowhere - at first it doesn't bother you as much, but it does get to you eventually.

Back on topic: The only thing I can advise impatient people to do is to try and play the games they already own, download some custom maps for Doom, visit funny websites, work on projects (like classic Doom mods) and if they're not working on a project, they should try and start out on a project - and if they don't know shit about mapping, they should try and learn how to map.
Another good idea would be fine-tuning your skills with a 3d map editor, like one of the Radiant editors.

Basically, if you work on something (preferably a hobby - something you enjoy), it'll keep your mind off of Doom 3 (hopefully).

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It's cool, guess I didn't look at it that way (from a mod's pov). It just seems that sometimes when someone has an opinion, they get bashed for it if its not popular, but in this case I mistook your bashing, and have to agree with you about "those" people who think D3 will suck because there is no new info... that really doesn't fucking make sense... its a similar argument, and i use that term loosely, that people could make if they hadn't checked for news in a long time, i just thought you were bashing people who wanted more, which i thought was pretty anal (not in the imp way, mind you :::: P) and hostile. Just read you wrong man, and that's my appology.


(Mauled by Pinkiy for saying "Peace")

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I don't even have a computer and now I can't wait for the game to be released. hopefully I will get a job in time to get a computer and get the game.
I would rather they didn't show much more of the game, so that when it is finally released, there are that many more suprises. Or at least show small things that aren't really groundbreaking and such. maybe something like showing the first three levels of ol' doom before that was released..
I just hope they are keeping most of the game secret until it is released.

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Scabbed Angel said:

It's cool, guess I didn't look at it that way (from a mod's pov). It just seems that sometimes when someone has an opinion, they get bashed for it if its not popular, but in this case I mistook your bashing, and have to agree with you about "those" people who think D3 will suck because there is no new info... that really doesn't fucking make sense... its a similar argument, and i use that term loosely, that people could make if they hadn't checked for news in a long time, i just thought you were bashing people who wanted more, which i thought was pretty anal (not in the imp way, mind you :::: P) and hostile. Just read you wrong man, and that's my appology.


I'm more than happy to accept your apology - basically, I wanted to end this little argument as quickly as possible, because I found it rather unpleasant (worried that I'd do something stupid).
/me shakes Scabbed Angel's hand warmly

But in any event, I'd like to apologize too, because I definitely wasn't clear enough in the first place, so it's easy for me to forgive you, especially because you're nice enough to apologize (note: I have a great deal of respect towards people who apologize - just so you know).

I don't even have a computer and now I can't wait for the game to be released. hopefully I will get a job in time to get a computer and get the game.
I would rather they didn't show much more of the game, so that when it is finally released, there are that many more suprises. Or at least show small things that aren't really groundbreaking and such. maybe something like showing the first three levels of ol' doom before that was released..
I just hope they are keeping most of the game secret until it is released.

I agree - that's basically what my opinion has been like since the first official screenies were released. I was like: "Ok, now I've seen that the game looks awesome, now I don't want to have any surprises spoiled - I wanna use my imagination on what everything else looks"

Good luck on your quest to get a decent computer. If you had a computer, I would've wanted to comfort you by saying that it's possible to upgrade your computer rather cheaply (compared to buying a new comp) - I recently got a new motherboard, a new ram module and a new CPU (it was a forced upgrade, so quit telling me that I contradict myself about waiting for the release of D3 before upgrading) for something roughly corresponding to 333 Euro (I believe the sum is roughly the same in US dollars, but I may be wrong - I haven't checked on foreign currency in a while) - but in any event, it was rather cheap and I can see from the results that I got my hands around some quality stuff.

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Well thanks man, I have a great respect for those who can level and have humility, so likewise.
/gladly shakes dsm's hand in return

I know what you mean, I wish now that I'd never seen the Hellknight or Pinkie. Like in the July issue of PC Gamer, I wasn't terribly impressed with the pic, cause i was like, "Well that's nice, another hellknight." *yawn*

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