Buddy40 Posted June 24, 2003 <-- ELUZYIXKJEEKSCVGHGZK --> So is it new? And if so, get crackin' on what it says! If not, ignore me, I'm dumb. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Goat Posted June 24, 2003 omg it is new!!!!! FINALLY, after months of the same SLY-----FNY code its a new one!! someone figure it out, its gotta be a clue as to the release date or somethin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted June 24, 2003 omg here's another new one! lol <-- PERHAPSITISALINKTOADEMO --> ; p 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Buddy40 Posted June 24, 2003 haha, doubt it... but it'd be cool if it gave some kind of new info. Like a set release date, or maybe when the site will be up? btw - happen to know what the site is to crack these? I'd like to try if possible. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted June 24, 2003 Buddy40 said:haha, doubt it... but it'd be cool if it gave some kind of new info. Like a set release date, or maybe when the site will be up? btw - happen to know what the site is to crack these? I'd like to try if possible. do'oh! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted June 24, 2003 Didn't those people at Phobos lab use to solve them pretty quickly? -edit- They're trying to crack it right here: http://www.forumplanet.com/3dactionplanet/doom/topic.asp?fid=2308&tid=856435&p=12 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dubh Posted June 24, 2003 Awww man, I've been trying to crack this for hours now. No joy!!!! Shit it's a tough one..... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted June 24, 2003 Dubh said:Awww man, I've been trying to crack this for hours now. No joy!!!! Shit it's a tough one..... yeah. Same here 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
PumpkinSmasher Posted June 24, 2003 I cracked it: QUAKECONDOOM3DEMO Just says what we already knew - The Doom 3 Demo will be released at QuakeCon this year. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted June 24, 2003 How do 20 letters become 17? in other words: Liar liar pants on fire. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted June 24, 2003 This isn't exactly my idea, but:<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!-- function Decode() { var GuessLen, i, ResultCh, CodeLen, CodeCh; GuessLen = document.CodeForm.GuessStr.value.length; CodeLen = document.CodeForm.D3Code.value.length; document.CodeForm.Output.value = ""; for (i = 0; i < CodeLen; i++) { CodeCh = document.CodeForm.D3Code.value.charAt(i); CodeCh = CodeCh.toUpperCase(); CodeCh = CodeCh.charCodeAt(0); GuessCh = document.CodeForm.GuessStr.value.charAt(i % GuessLen); GuessCh = GuessCh.toUpperCase(); GuessCh = GuessCh.charCodeAt(0); ResultCh = 65 + ((26 + CodeCh - GuessCh) % 26); ResultCh = String.fromCharCode(ResultCh); document.CodeForm.Output.value = document.CodeForm.Output.value.concat(ResultCh); } } //--> </SCRIPT> <FORM name=CodeForm onsubmit="java script:Decode(); GuessStr.focus(); return false;"> Code:<BR> <INPUT name=D3Code size="50" value="ELUZYIXKJEEKSCVGHGZK"><BR> Guess:<BR> <INPUT name=GuessStr onChange="Decode()" size="50" value=""> <INPUT onclick="Decode()" type=submit value=Decode><BR> Output:<BR> <INPUT name=Output size="50"><BR> </FORM> Copy and paste in notepad. Save the file as an html. It makes the cracking a little easier than doing it here, since you can easily create a new code by typing a new word and then tapping enter. In the other keycracker you had to remove the whole keyword first. Good luck finding the secret code. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted June 24, 2003 PumpkinSmasher said:I cracked it: QUAKECONDOOM3DEMO Just says what we already knew - The Doom 3 Demo will be released at QuakeCon this year. And how did you come up with that? Even so, if a copy isn't released on the net for someone gifted with high speed net connecteion to download for me, I wouldn't get to play it anyway. . . [mutter] lousy quakecon [/mutter] : P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ninja_of_DooM Posted June 24, 2003 I can't believe they actually released a new code. Right then, when does everyone else think the NEXT codes going to be released? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted June 24, 2003 Shaviro said:How do 20 letters become 17? in other words: Liar liar pants on fire. Hmmn... nevermind, they all do have the same number of letters, PumpkinSmasher, maybee you were joking. Anyway, here's the previous ones from our Phriends and Phobos Labs. If i can't copy and paste this let me know and I'll delete it or I supose someone will... "First comment (KOJQIKWRYWQ) Decrypted by uniQ Keyword DOOMIIIDOOM Message HAVEACOOKIE Third comment (NEIQXIRXASGSEETFZTFJIZVOY) Decrypted by CAPT PROTON Keyword UNIONAEROSPACECORPORATION Message TRACKINGMARSCARRIERSIGNAL Fourth comment (FSYMANTJFJTSHBZSSGXXTGGDTBLLSY) Decrypted by shaviro Keyword: DELTALABSDELTALABSDELTALABSDEL Decrypted: CONTACTINGPHOBOSROUTINGSTATION" Ninja_of_DooM said I can't believe they actually released a new code. Right then, when does everyone else think the NEXT codes going to be released? Shouldn't we figure out this one first b4 guessing when the new one will be? Wait! I have a guess! "When it's done." : P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted June 24, 2003 DOOMIII UNION AEROSPACE CORPORATION DELTA LABS Is this funneling into the delta labs, the gateway to hell? Damn I have been wasting my time to this thing!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted June 24, 2003 Well everyone prabably has noticed this already but when you enter the code twice, it comes back as 20 A's. Each corresponding letter backwords is the next letter forwards, for example: Code: A Guess: Z Output: B I doubt that helps, but I figured I'd post it just in case. . . 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted June 24, 2003 Zoost said:DOOMIII UNION AEROSPACE CORPORATION DELTA LABS Is this funneling into the delta labs, the gateway to hell? Damn I have been wasting my time to this thing!! It seems that way. I've been trying to crack the code, but I'm basically waiting for that perfect chemistry in my brain. So far I haven't found anything really good. Although it seems that LEQUE gives THEFU and then some garbage. Maybe it's THEFUTURE and then something else? Then again, why would they do it in French? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted June 24, 2003 You can crack the code in an easy way here: http://www.3dactionplanet.com/doom/code.shtml 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Alboroto Posted June 24, 2003 After reading the code like 1000 times, I came to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with Impse... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted June 24, 2003 Putting the over and over gets LEQGREED... okay, i got nothing 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Goat Posted June 24, 2003 so is the code NOT quakecon doom3 demo or what? is it still open for cracking? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted June 24, 2003 Goat said:so is the code NOT quakecon doom3 demo or what? is it still open for cracking? Yes, it's still open. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted June 24, 2003 How did Shaviro crack the DELTALABS one/ how long did it take? I've put in everything doom related, space related, pronouns, the, a, an, etc and hit space until the end with everything, and I've gotten Greed, super, noun, basically anything irrelevent. . . 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
h0peless Posted June 24, 2003 There is a message regarding the code that reached the Phobos Lab. To say it in short, the encryption's different. (full thinger: http://www.forumplanet.com/3DActionPlanet/Doom/topic.asp?fid=2308&tid=856435&p=13). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted June 24, 2003 Maybee that means it is in French?! I can't see how that would be a logical way to change it but. . . h0peless, Where did this come from? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
h0peless Posted June 24, 2003 This comes from our resident RosOne. He left before I could ask him about it, but he's known for bugging Pat Duffy about these codes. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
uniQ Posted June 25, 2003 Scabbed Angel said:How did Shaviro crack the DELTALABS one/ how long did it take? I've put in everything doom related, space related, pronouns, the, a, an, etc and hit space until the end with everything, and I've gotten Greed, super, noun, basically anything irrelevent. . . it took him about 1 hour with me and RosOne trying to solve the code on the phobos lab IRC channel. I came up with "Delta" and Shaviro did the rest...just a little luck. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted June 25, 2003 Jeesh, I was trying to figure it out last night and now it seems that the code is way more difficuly to crack, although RossOne might be joking. I need some proof from his side.Scabbed Angel said:Maybee that means it is in French?! It might be. Since LEQUE gave something like THEFU. This could mean something about the future. Do we have French people here? I just kept thinking about the UA-Corp website. What if it is actually part of the game? It's already giving us a lot of work to do. Maybe in the future it'll play an important part of the game (background info, hints, tips, maps, etc.). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted June 25, 2003 Disorder said:Jeesh, I was trying to figure it out last night and now it seems that the code is way more difficuly to crack, although RossOne might be joking. I need some proof from his side.It might be. Since LEQUE gave something like THEFU. This could mean something about the future. Do we have French people here? I just kept thinking about the UA-Corp website. What if it is actually part of the game? It's already giving us a lot of work to do. Maybe in the future it'll play an important part of the game (background info, hints, tips, maps, etc.). heh. That would give it a whole new dimension. [EDIT] E L U Z Y I X K J E E K S C V G H G Z K 5 12 21 26 25 9 24 11 10 5 5 11 19 3 22 7 8 7 26 11 5+15+21+26+25+9+24+11+10+5+5+11+19+3+22+7+8+7+26+11 = 267 2 = B 6 = F 7 = G BFG fun fun...but that is probably just a coincidence! :P [EDIT] QCONUTIZCYUFPRNTBZQA QCON....close, but not close enough :( 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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