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New UA-Corp Code??


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Disorder said:

I just kept thinking about the UA-Corp website. What if it is actually part of the game? It's already giving us a lot of work to do. Maybe in the future it'll play an important part of the game (background info, hints, tips, maps, etc.).

Could be interesting, but the again, it wouldn't really be fair to those who don't have an internet connection (there are a few people who don't have - believe it or not!).

Oh and to answer the question about whether we've got French folks here, the answer is: Julian aka "that-weird-nick-starting-with-'m'-that-he-uses-now".

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dsm said:

Could be interesting, but the again, it wouldn't really be fair to those who don't have an internet connection (there are a few people who don't have - believe it or not!).

Oh and to answer the question about whether we've got French folks here, the answer is: Julian aka "that-weird-nick-starting-with-'m'-that-he-uses-now".

yes, well. Perhaps the page is also in the game! We've already seen the logothingie in the trailer.

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I remember some ad for D3

Caption "The Future of Gaming"

So to make it 20 letters long......


Makes no sense though does it?


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uniQ said:

nice idea....but it makes no sense at all...

hard one.

No kidding!? :P
I wonder what he meant with extra security measures..

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maybe the solution has to be written backwards or the answer and/or code is to be read backwards.

a different encoding without any hint would be nearly unsolvable.

tried it for hours now....but no success

iloveto... brings up wageup... but dunno how to continue.

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I've blogged a crude java program to systematically 'decode' these codes. Don't expect any miracles however.

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Shaviro said:

yes, well. Perhaps the page is also in the game! We've already seen the logothingie in the trailer.

That wouldn't do much good because:
No internet connection = no option to download updated info.

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dsm said:

That wouldn't do much good because:
No internet connection = no option to download updated info.

A homepage doesn't have to be online! :P
I'm talking about accessing it through your PDA in the game.

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Shaviro said:

A homepage doesn't have to be online! :P
I'm talking about accessing it through your PDA in the game.

I already came up with that idea in another thread.
this would be great...mainly if you actually could get real online content into the game.
it's clear that it can't be used to solve/end the game because of those offline ppl.

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Disorder said:

Didn't those people at Phobos lab use to solve them pretty quickly?

Actually the first one was cracked by uniQ and the fourth one by shaviro.

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alright, i've been doing some serious drinking.. uhh.. thinking.. about what was meant by the "upgraded security" of the cipher.

the previous ciphers used the vigenere method, described here.

by "upgraded security", they may have started using a gronsfeld cipher. the gronsfeld cipher, and methods for attacking it, are described here.

this is going to be a tough crack because of the limited data available. a frequency analysis on 20 letters is not very revealing... tough stuff..

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mewse said:

alright, i've been doing some serious drinking.. uhh.. thinking.. about what was meant by the "upgraded security" of the cipher.

the previous ciphers used the vigenere method, described here.

by "upgraded security", they may have started using a gronsfeld cipher. the gronsfeld cipher, and methods for attacking it, are described here.

this is going to be a tough crack because of the limited data available. a frequency analysis on 20 letters is not very revealing... tough stuff..

I see no way to decode gronsfeld cyphering because we know too little facts about the code, i.e. how many digits were used for the encoding.
I really don't think it's a different cyphering - moreover I bet on a variation within the code, e.g. reversed code/keyword/solution using vigenere encoding or some other language.

@RosOne: any more hints from patd?

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I have been trying the following stuff:

1. Everything related to a release date like:


But I think that path is without a chance

2. Everything related to Doom like:

- gatewaytohell
- Phobos
- hellspawn

This is more in line with previous stuff

3. Everything related to id software (also without a chance)

What is in the Deltalab? mensroom/bathroom, Mr. Beluger, scientist, experiment?

What do you think is the best path?

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I tried a bunch of stuff related to Half-Life 2 on the offchance, but no luck. :P

I think it'll be something in line with the other keys...

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Fuck, easier than the seccond? The first two codes don't make any sense, compared to the 3rd and 4th. Hell, the seccond is practicaly unsolved.

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AirRaid said:

I tried a bunch of stuff related to Half-Life 2 on the offchance, but no luck. :P

I think it'll be something in line with the other keys...

Lol me too, i don't know why though. I didn't follow the codes until now (guess that's cause they were cracked already by the tme i read about them) but how was the formula discovered in the first place? If it was something that could be figured out, would the new one be that difficult? One would assume that it was an easter egg for fans to begin with (haveacookie) so it would have to be apparent in a similar way that the first way was. does anyone know how the decoder was figured out?

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LAN-31 encoding?

I get 0 hits from google. I think he has been smoking too much weed!

But a nice thought to revers the cyphertext!

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:D This is like the X-Files :D
Du du du du du du du du du dun dun dun dun dun dah!
dunununununununununu dun dun dun dun dun dunah!
dunununununununununu Dun Dun!
Well, its the closest I could do to the X-Files theme in letters so, yeah. :P

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Zoost said:

LAN-31 encoding?

I get 0 hits from google. I think he has been smoking too much weed!

But a nice thought to revers the cyphertext!

So it's another prank? Dammit!

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