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PC Gamer's July issue


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I'm pretty sure that there already was a thread about PC gamer's new issue, but since I couldn't find it I'll ask anyway. PC Gamer's website says there are two new screenshots in their July issue, but strangely enough I haven't seen them so far. Did anyone see them at all? What were they like?



We also have an update on Doom III (including two new screens)


http://www.pcgamer.com/inthisissue/inthisissue.html (Scroll down)

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One was just the Lost Soul pic from E3, the other was one of the Hellknight standing in front of a dead marine, with a red/orange/white skylight in the ceiling. The pic were only like an inch and a half by an inch and a half. Cool, but not terribly impressive.

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Scabbed Angel said:

the other was one of the Hellknight standing in front of a dead marine, with a red/orange/white skylight in the ceiling.

Can you tell roughly what the marine looked like? Did he look anywhere remotely like the Doomguy in terms of armour and basic combat suit?
Just curious.

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I just looked briefly at it when i was at the supermarket (well that was sort of the purpose of the trip, I'll be damned if I'm going to pay that much for one small new pic) but it did look very similar. He was sprawled in the background, so it was a little unclear, but it was green and it appeared to be the same-type armor at least.

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