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teh imp named fred III

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it's finally here! the sequel to the teh imp named fred and teh imp named fred II has arrived! without further adieu!


Chapter 1: Fred Teh Imp Gets A Job

"I need a job," decided Fred teh Imp. so he got one.

Chapter 1.4: Fred Teh Imp Is A Prostitute

Fred teh imp stood in a street corner, but no one seemed interested. Suddenly from out of nowhere Fred's friend Taylor the Brilliant Cyberdemon approached the street corner. "Taylor!" said Fred, "Help me out!"
so Taylor wrote a story, impse became popular, and Fred because a quadzillionaire from selling his body to various space marines.

Chapter 3: Fred Teh Imp Buys A Ferrari

Chapter Pi: Fred Teh Imp Purchases And Eats A Pie

Chapter 4: Fred Teh Imp Buys A Wingnut

Chapter 2: Fred Teh Imp Goes To Iowa

Fred teh imp's plane touched down in Nuts, Iowa. Suddenly from out of nowhere 10617 monsters started attacking Fred!!!!!!!!!! Fred tried the best he could to fight back, but a pesky pink demon soon brought him to near death! Fred teh imp closed his eyes and prayed to Satan that he might live, and as he did so, 10000 demons were approaching him. he knew he was doomed. but just then, miracle of miracles, he realized he was being run with legacy, and suddenly the computer crashed and Fred teh imp was safe!

Chapter 5: The End

The End

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acutally, i did enjoy this one. it was good for a laugh.

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omg indeed best storry evar! But I have not read the first ones, was that a bad idea?

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Yes Mancubus II you should have read the previous chapters. I'm sure now that you've read this chapter you're completely lost. You must read them in order to follow the complex storyline.

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Dingus Khan said:

You must read them in order to follow the complex storyline.

yeah, it's confusing even if you've read the first two beforehand. heck, it's confusing even if you wrote the first two!

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My favorite is the one where he goes on explaining how Teh Imp Named Fred was just standing on his legs waiting, but he didn't have any legs just pixels, and he stood there waiting for a doomguy to come, because than he would have something to do, and of course he wasn't really there, because there was no Doomguy but let's pretend he was, and.......

Yeah. Well SargeBaldy (Grobologro..whatever) tells it better.

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I say it again, don't pick on imps, they are fucking just poor hellspawn (but they sure killed most of earth's population, but okay).
Fred, R.I.P. You are a sexy imp.

OmMG hehz0r, we ned teh impz ine mcock2. !!! hahaha One nemd Frede HBAHHAHAHHAHAHAH. Dman, sure, a mapa naed fred teh impe. Would rulz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Torn said:

I say it again, don't pick on imps, they are fucking just poor hellspawn (but they sure killed most of earth's population, but okay).

heh, if you think about it, how sad is that? i mean, IMPS? how exactly did the military fail to take those things out? heh

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Grogglogobofink said:

heh, if you think about it, how sad is that? i mean, IMPS? how exactly did the military fail to take those things out? heh

It is because the military was wanking while hell got lost, and tons of imps attacked earth.

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