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friend looking for doom champion demos

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Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has the link(s) to demos showing people beating Ultimate Doom and Doom II with 100% kills and secrets on Nightmare skill level with no deaths.

If anyone knows the links, please post them. Thanks.

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Except "100% kills" is kind of meaningless on NM. Perhaps the ones of most relevance to your question are NM100S (Nightmare with 100% secrets) and UV -fast (UV with fast monsters, and 100% kills and secrets).

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That's not a standard demo category at all, and on most maps it would be very messy from a verification viewpoint. I've watched many thousands of demos, and can remember only one or two one of that type (i.e. NM + killing every monster at least once; Peo Sjöblom did a few on Cygnus IV).

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I believe (memory may be faulty here) that under the old DHT rules (DHT3), to get a Doom Grand Master you not only had to complete a level on Nightmare skill, but also kill every monster at least once and get 100% secrets. No wonder nobody ever got the title.

Anyway, here and here. The 100% kills issue is mostly meaningless since in the vast majority of levels you can just reach the exit and kill monsters as they respawn. And 'killing every monster at least once' is impossible to judge - how would you go about doing, say, map15?

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