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Diein with style


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Hey I got no fucking clue wheather this topic as been asked before but here it goes.
When you die in doom 3 does anyone know if there will be sequences depending on what enemies kill, I remember hearing about one of the D3 movies that he got killed by a hk and then it picked him up tore off his head and ate it.

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Even if it's scripted, and don't mind getting torn apart by any enemy I would face. It would be even more fun to see monsters fight each other to eat the player.

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i hope they have bad ass death sequences. maybe it goes into 3rd person showing you dying and being torn apart and shit. i think that would be pretty cool.

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I read an article a while back in which when Tim willits got killed by an imp when playing doom3 it took a bite out of his corpse then let out a loud roar. Dunno if it's scripted or something they are occationally do because they are set to behave like that. It would be stupid to have them to just stand there like a moron or patrol and end up walking into walls like the previous games due to lack of AI. I'm hoping they'll behave realisticly.

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Different death sequences depending on how an object is hit have been around since..well..quake 2, and probably earlier XD

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I dunno, I'd never seen anything like the Doom3 trailer in any game before. And it was so much better than the screen just dropping to floor level. You fall to the floor, with your pistol hand in front of your face, the HK walks towards you, picks you up and you see him swipe at you, and all your body below your head just falls on the floor and he eats you. That's what a death sequence should be like. But even just seeing your pistol hand falling limply on the floor was a vast improvement over other FPS deaths.

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I just hope that the death sequences don't repeat too often.

Like in Q2, killing that guy with the machinegun as arm, it was cool to see him loose his head and firing before he died. Cool for the first 50 times.

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ToXiCFLUFF said:

I dunno, I'd never seen anything like the Doom3 trailer in any game before.

Clive Barker's Undying had something similar. It's a neat idea but Alboroto is right, it shouldn't happen all over the place.

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This idea smells of Resident Evil's death sequences. What does a Lost Soul do if it kills you, though? Maybe an Imp from the Harlem Globe Trotters takes said Lost Soul and dunks it into a magically-appearing basketball hoop.

Then the Lost Soul fellates the Imp.


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Job said:

This idea smells of Resident Evil's death sequences. What does a Lost Soul do if it kills you, though? Maybe an Imp from the Harlem Globe Trotters takes said Lost Soul and dunks it into a magically-appearing basketball hoop.

Then the Lost Soul fellates the Imp.


or you could just die.

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Heh, but in quake 2 as soon as you get a weapon bigger thn the single barrel shotgun you gib everything you hit XD

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deathbringer said:

Heh, but in quake 2 as soon as you get a weapon bigger thn the single barrel shotgun you gib everything you hit XD

Pfft, in Blood 2, the KNIFE CAN GIB ENEMIES. THE KNIFE. Blood 2 was an orgy of gibs.

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The_Aeromaster said:

I can see some of these sick bastards trying to fuck some gibs...

I like to fuck pieces of steak....so whats it to ya!! lol j/k

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BBG said:

Pfft, in Blood 2, the KNIFE CAN GIB ENEMIES. THE KNIFE. Blood 2 was an orgy of gibs.

I must play this game.

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BBG said:

Pfft, in Blood 2, the KNIFE CAN GIB ENEMIES. THE KNIFE. Blood 2 was an orgy of gibs.

Are we forgetting that in Doom you can gib people with your FIST?

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Funny, I was playing Blood 2 today. The cathedral level where you are running around on the rooftops with those floating/teleporting/suicide bombing mage guys rules.

I've always really wanted to play Undying...... I love horror FPS games.

It would be bad if the monster decapitation picnic death sequences where repeated over and over, but to be honest, I'd just love it if your weapon fell out of your hand and clattered on the floor with the nice physics engine they've got. The limp arm would look really good with ragdoll as well.

I wonder if you will be able to see your legs in Doom3?

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ToXiCFLUFF said:

I wonder if you will be able to see your legs in Doom3?

I doubt it. Legs don't offer anything in terms of gameplay.

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Shaviro said:

I doubt it. Legs don't offer anything in terms of gameplay.

Yes it would in my opinion. It's better to look down and to see legs than the other way round. It offers realism. If there aren't any legs there, it looks silly. It's small things that can make a game realistic.

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Disorder said:

Yes it would in my opinion. It's better to look down and to see legs than the other way round. It offers realism. If there aren't any legs there, it looks silly. It's small things that can make a game realistic.

So would you be able to shoot your own feet?

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Shaviro said:

So would you be able to shoot your own feet?

Heh, hopefully. Now that would be immersive. But seriously, I do really like it when you can actually see your character's body. I remember getting a Q3 mod where you actually saw out of the character's eye, like your view was actually inset into the model and moved with it. There was a bit too much runbobbing (naturally, considering the way the models are animated) but it just looked so great to be able to glance down at your torso and legs.

Plus it does open the doors for some excellent death sequences - get killed on the edge of a platform and watch your arms and legs flail and bounce as you hit stuff.

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So the hellnight death scene was/is scripted? Where you saw his boots and body and such before the hellknight flipped him? Also I never noticed him eat your head. eh

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I was saying that gibbing enemies all the time is bad, i like areas to look 'fought over', ie dead bodies and bullet holes ect, whereas gibs usually vanish after a few seconds XD

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