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Jdoom, Most advanced doom sourceport

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Yes it is, You might not like the models etc etc, but the source is going far much more advanced than zdoom, legacy, zdaemon etc.
But the fact is tha Jdoom also gets more updated than any other sourceport.

Soon a guy that calls himself DaniJ666 is going to release his artwork which is models + skins + ded files for Jdoom, this will make it more realistic and more like doom once looked like. But with much more detail and realism of course as I mentioned earlier.

This might sound like a flaming but it aint, and I liked Legacy much once, same goes with ports as edge etc.

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I think it is probably fair to say that jDoom has the most advanced graphical enhancements/modifications.

However, an overall claim of "most advanced sourceport" is bound to invite, er, comment.

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JDoom offers all kinds of fancy graphic gubbins yes, but what about all the excellent editing abilties ports like ZDoom, Skulltag and Eternity feature?

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Not only graphical, we are getting better netcode, we got xg (probably soon enough = 3d floors)
And such things, we also got better 3d view than zdoom and zdaemon and legacy too (is merely only seen if using mlook)
We also have one of the most unbuggy port, and we can see updates all the time. Doomsday is also great for editing, making mods etc. its way much more open than legacy, altho we dont have 3d floors and such things yet.
We got .ded Which is simply great.

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I don't like .ded files all that much. I guess it's because of trying to convert a mod from an older version of Doomsday to a new version (not fun), so I edit using version .996.

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I know. I saw some of the screenshots over at NewDoom and played the Doom64 TC. However, I'm still wondering if even all that is worth the trouble, especially since that .ded converter never did work.

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kinkyfriend85 said:
You might not like the models etc etc, but the source is going far much more advanced than zdoom, legacy, zdaemon etc.

Still an opinion of course, but JDoom's main features are just the OpenGL / Direct3D support and MDL files... in other words: just a graphical makeover, and this won't satisfy people (like me) who go for ports that have more gameplay & editing features. JDoom has only now taking its first steps into that direction with the addition of "XG".

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Mordeth said:

JDoom has only now taking its first steps into that direction with the addition of "XG".

IMHO XG is hard to use and even harder to define as my attempts to understand what is going on in the Doom64 levels seem to confirm. It appears to be a bloated and inefficient format compared to real scripting.

In the end I wouldn't call JDoom the 'most advanced' port of all - I wouldn't even call it 'advanced' because with the exception of XG it offers absolutely nothing in terms of enhanced gameplay like ZDoom, not even Boom compatibility. Strange that both source ports that are mainly interested in graphics (JDoom and Vavoom) don't want to bother with it...) If you are satisfied to play the original maps over and over again it will be ok but for mapping it just sucks.

Just wait until ZDoomGL gets a bit more finished. THAT will be a real advanced port with nice graphics and probably blow away JDoom.

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kinkyfriend85 said:

Yes it is somewhat an opinion but also stated by the fact, look at the size of the Doomsday source and the changes document at doomsdayhq.com


Just look at the changelog and the size of the ZDoom sources to see what 'real' advancedness means. The Doomsday sources seem so large because all the gameplay stuff exists three times, in large parts identical duplicates of it for Doom, Heretic and Hexen. And you cannot even use one game's featues with the others like ZDoom allows!

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Yes it is a matter of personal opinion, but I'll take ZDoom anyday! And if I want to play some Doom maps as close to the original as possible then I'll go to PrBoom. To me, JDoom is alot of eye candy and stuff and I'm more of a purist when it comes to Doom anyway. If I want all the eye candy then I'll simple load up with Unreal, Quake3, Unreal Tournament and the such. When it comes to editing I'll take ZDoom anyday man...and if I want GL then I'll keep my eyes open for GL for ZDoom. JDoom is a good port but not the most "advanced." Randy Heit has been working hard on ZDoom for quite some time and continues to do so. I could care less whether someone's "list" is longer than the other's. You give me ease of functionality, compatability and playability along with the ease of being able to edit and I'll look at it. ZDoom gives me all these features along with Hi-Rez and with the framerate cap being lifted for ZDoom...ahhhhhhhhhh! I love my "Boom" compatability with ZDoom.

I've played JDoom and it does look nice but it's not for me so it has been deleted from my hard drive. I only run ZDoom and PrBoom for my Dooming...

Cadman - Member TeamTNT

p.s. BTW...I hope JDoom continues to get better...:)

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Holy moses my friend was right about you guys loving Zdoom.

What you guys dont know about is the features,
Like textures up to 4096*4096 pixels
hi res sprites
mp3 music support
eax support
md2 support
special lights
better 3d view
better Jump than zdaemon
good air movement
model lights
anisotropic texture filthering
Stable singleplayer
detail wad support
Hi res titlepic, hudbar etc
Good option panel
And best of all we get many updates, which legacy do not, nor Zdoom

etc, there's plenty of more things to count up. its just that I Dont have all in mind.
And btw, Vavoom is not even near Jdoom when it comes to graphics or anything else, it just has some neat stuffs.


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yeah and i have tried to push skyjake to fix more bugs and such things, and to add some particular features, thanks :)

I mean its not a smart idea to go out and say "hello guys your favorite port is crap, give it a rest and download Jdoom" at a place where all like ports as zdoom,zdaemon and such ports. it would be like you coming to the doomsday community and whining about how much better zdoom is than Doomsday :)

So the best thing is to keep low and respect each other hehe :)

(too many smileys`? fuck ya!) haha j/k :)

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I think its crap the way people says ZDoom lovers in particular has to be stubborn and not accept new things, since many of the doom lovers are the same, you should see what shit i have got for saying my ideas at the newdoom.com doomsday board lol

I wanted an abillity for crouching and such, not that I am lame, just that it would be kewl and people tends to think it makes jdoom quake or halflife, but its an old idea and quite simple.
So you can see the reaction i got there.

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Just take a look at the ZDoom Scrapbook in this very forum to see about 5 percent of ZDoom capabilities.

Your list exhausted in about 10-20 items.

By the way I love JDoom graphic and little eye candy elements and it is second in my favorite list.


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kinkyfriend85 said:

Holy moses my friend was right about you guys loving Zdoom.

What you guys dont know about is the features,
Like textures up to 4096*4096 pixels
hi res sprites
mp3 music support
eax support
md2 support
special lights
better 3d view
better Jump than zdaemon
good air movement
model lights
anisotropic texture filthering
Stable singleplayer
detail wad support
Hi res titlepic, hudbar etc
Good option panel


Great. Now list the features that have nothing to do with graphics and you have a mild port with not much over Legacy. 'most advanced' is a little over the line I think.

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Use3D said:

Great. Now list the features that have nothing to do with graphics and you have a mild port with not much over Legacy. 'most advanced' is a little over the line I think.

Actually that is quite hard since if you take away the graphics then you have nothing, same goes to any program. it consists of pixels.

legacy is not near Jdoom.

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kinkyfriend85 said:

Actually that is quite hard since if you take away the graphics then you have nothing, same goes to any program.

*sigh* I knew I shouldn't have bothered.

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And just for shits and giggles list all the changelogs for zdoom and legacy too. If this is supposed to surprise me, it doesn't.

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Why isn't he pushing for BOOM compatability? Another guy even did all the coding for him. BOOM is what, 4 years old and JDOOM still hasn't even got as much editing ability as it. I asked the JDoom coder when he was gonna have features like that. He told me to fuck off, and if I wanted to use that "shit" I should go use a different port. Guess 2 and a half years later he's finally figuring out that that "shit" is pretty vital. Pretty quick here Legacy is going to be ACS compatible, IMO I think JDoom shoulda gone that route instead of creating yet another language for us modders to learn. It look sweet, but it needs way more editing features to compete with ZDoom/Legacy and it needs a simpler install and setup. With ZDoom / Legacy, you get one engine that runs everything, and maybe a launcher. JDoom is like the Windows of DOOM, it looks great, works pretty good, but it's really bloated. JDOOM could become the most advanced port, but it's got a long way to go.

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USE: KF85 is a troll. And not a particularily smart one.

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I use version .996 of JDoom (JHexen actually). It's a whole lot simpler and smaller than the newest version, and I don't care about models in the game. Also, I can edit the source code, which gives me near complete control over the game's behavior (along with ACS scripting).

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Rellik, thanks man, I noticed. His first post here being 'jdoom is the most advanced port, you losers' was convincing enough.

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Rellik said:

USE: KF85 is a troll. And not a particularily smart one.

I never said you were dumb, I have not called you dumb so why call ne so? How mature is it that you write that. Grow up.

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Ichor said:

I use version .996 of JDoom (JHexen actually). It's a whole lot simpler and smaller than the newest version, and I don't care about models in the game. Also, I can edit the source code, which gives me near complete control over the game's behavior (along with ACS scripting).

Then thats good for you, keep using that if you like it more than newest.

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