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... Scary?


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Cecillia said:

Admittently, I've been recently around little, the Moogle Cavern also has had discussion about the newest of the Doom legacy. I have two words.

Not scary. The enemies just seem... rather non-threatening. The zombie solider shots I've seen don't seem terribly impressive. This isn't because of lack of work, just the design... doesn't do it for me, personally. They look too modelled. Pretty, yes, but realistic? Their only saving grace will be if they explode nice. Even still... I think the original sprites look more imposing in comparison. To each their own, though... (I thought RE1's looked more like they had skin inflamation that zombies, too. I'm harsh. Evil.)

... I swear, if it doesn't have the classic, pink bulldog demons, I won't get it. You can't get rid of them. Yes, they're non-threatening pepto-bismal pink but they have a charm... even Doom 64 bothered to have them (albeit purple, but, meh). Bring on the evil pink demons from Hell!

My sixth sense warns me that we're dealing with a troll here, who's only trying to provoke reactions.

Nobody in their right mind would claim that the old Doom demons are more scary than Doom 3's. I have to be honest here: I was never ever ever ever scared by the original Doom demons because of looks or general behaviour - only the cyberdemon made me tremble. I haven't tried the Alpha, but the mere screenshots make my imagination go into warp speed and I can already tell that I'll be at least seriously worried about the monsters when I play the game.

But the Doom 3 demons look so damn hellish and bizzare that they could easily have come from one of my more sick nightmares - how can they not be scary? If you think the old monsters are more scary, then you need a good shrink.

And saying that you won't get the game for such a minor thing like the pinky not looking like its classic version is really lowdown and stupid if you ask me. Loose out on a kickass game experience JUST because of a minor issue you have with the design? Come on!
I am not too happy with the fact that the pinky is all robotic now, but that sure as Hell doesn't keep me from wanting this game more than anything else this side of the multiverse.

Oh and as for Zoorado not being afraid of video games: I think it's because by the word "fear", he understands something different than the rest of you.
I've never experienced true fear when playing a game, like when you're actually in personal danger of getting killed or just badly hurt (believe me, I've tried both - NOT a fun experience!), I've merely had a constant sting of what I'd classify as "nervousness" that made me hesitant or "afraid" to round corners in the game - that my friends, contrary to true fear, is a kickass experience.

Similarly, I doubt I'll feel true fear when playing Doom 3, but I sure as Hell well feel my heart pound on occasion - I'm sure.

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Heh, personally I wasn't very scared by the alpha, but then again, the framerate jumped all over the place. Well, then again, having an imp leap at you and having the game suddenly freeze induces a kind of terror of its own, such as will that shotgun blast kill the big ugly monster currently frozen on your screen, or will the game start back up with you dead? As for the original Doom, gosh, I was never much scared of it, except for the barons at the end of Episode 1, and of course the cyberdemon. Come to think of it, I get more scared of old cybie every time I see him. It just doesn't matter how many times I've splattered the sucker, all it does is reinforce the notion that a giant walking tank with a rocket launcher wants to paint the wall with my guts, and I'm in no position to object with him. Heck, I was just playing that new megawad Realworld, and I got to the end of Map16 I think it was, where there's a cyberdemon guarding the exit, and there really wasn't any way to fight him without standing right in the open, not that I had the ammo to kill him anyways, and so all I could do was run past him to the exit, and I was so scared I nearly quit right then. It's a miracle I didn't scream out loud when I finally bolted for the exit door.

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geekmarine said:

Heh, personally I wasn't very scared by the alpha, but then again, the framerate jumped all over the place. Well, then again, having an imp leap at you and having the game suddenly freeze induces a kind of terror of its own, such as will that shotgun blast kill the big ugly monster currently frozen on your screen, or will the game start back up with you dead?

get better hardware now !, man wtf are you runing it on ? a imac? no way on a modern pc the alfa is that slow :S !! k i admit the 3 fps thing hapens from time to time but :S man to the point were the game frezzes up for more than a second , and imps not scary cus they lag is laime

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Damnit Plonker, learn to spell, or atleast check your post with a grammar/spell checker. I can't read your crappy posts because they make no sense at all.

Cecillia: I'm assuming you haven't seen the new pinky, but he IS one scary bastard. If you have....well, I'll just be quiet now.

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LorD BaZTArD said:

Damnit Plonker, learn to spell, or atleast check your post with a grammar/spell checker. I can't read your crappy posts because they make no sense at all.

Cecillia: I'm assuming you haven't seen the new pinky, but he IS one scary bastard. If you have....well, I'll just be quiet now.

oh my god guys all of you stfu about my spelling i know iths not the best in the world but no one is perfect, ok

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Plonker, I will not shut up about spelling. If a post has atrocious spelling I'll ignore it, and this goes for everyone, not just you.

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I saw Half-Life 2 in action on TV earlier this morning (apparently with all the graphical options at the max), and it looks as though many areas of that will prove to be extremely atmospheric at the least, if not downright scary. Static screenshots do not pay this game justice.

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I actually played the Doom1 level "Hall Of The Damned" using Jdoom toghether with my stereoscopical glasses (i also turned out all lights). I must say that even that i have played Doom1/2 ever since, I still got immersed and scared by the atmosphere.
What a great game...
Stereoglasses really makes a game more realistic. :D

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I jumped when I ran into a monster in the doom64 tc that wasn't there in the N64 version, which I have almost memorized.
knowing that getting hit only a few times, or once will kill you makes for a more scary time. hoping you don't run into anything big... or worse yet, a shotgun dude in the far distance that you can't see.. I fear open areas when low on health.
Monsters should play dead, that would add a scare factor into the game.. walking down a hall, you see a monster that appears to be dead, so you sneak by and it jumps up and grabs you in its mouth and eats you.. yeah, that is my dream.

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Lots of recent games have had the fear factor taken out of them just because they play out like bad cartoony looking films (even the really good looking games).

System shock 2 was scary because right from when the game started it gave you the impression (ok, not a brilliant one at first, and surpassed now anyway) that you were in a real world where you could tangibly affect things around you.

The game sets you up with choice; forget about using cool item x until you happen upon another container of the chemical needed to decrypt its purpose; Or go back down to hydroponics lab to get it, where those godforsaken midwifes jump out of every corridor trying to manually adjust your digestive tract.

With alot of choice, each situation you face is not of the developers design, but your own. If you were just slapped into an impossible situation by the level designer, you wouldnt give a toss about what happened, and probably just end up frustrated. But when its your own choices that start to fail (or succeed) you, you can blame no-one but yourself; With the bothersome outside party removed, you become linked to the game, and it is through that which the game can cause all sorts of emotions to surface.

Doom 3 doesnt have to be System Shock with all its gimmicky rpg elements, but it does need to move away from that "I just know theres going to be a cutscene when I walk through this one open door, what am I going to be forced to do when it closes behind me like ALL THE OTHERS" sort of thing. If I wanted to see a movie in first person, I'd train to be an actor :p

If I was to throw a rough idea in, I would say replace all the greedy item harvesting in shock with a question of "which is the best way to go about getting out of here", and have several obvious paths all with their advantages and disadvantages (and surprises!).

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dsm said:

My sixth sense warns me that we're dealing with a troll here, who's only trying to provoke reactions.

Nah, what you have is an old forum-goers who returned. I was simply stating my personal opinion about the new Doom's monsters... and that it all =3.

It isn't that the old Doom's monsters were, on the whole, scary in themselves... it's just their design seems more imposing. More evil. More "let me chew on your innards" type of look.

3's just seem more generic to me... more cardstock zombies and demons. The originals had some distinguishing features. Some of the zombies especially look unimposing.

Or maybe I'm just hard to impress. That could be, too. Or I could be insane.

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heh, good, i'm not the only one who thought the game didn't look scary. there is a difference between a game that is scary and a game that's startling. a game that is only scary because it's dark and has enemies sneaking up on you is startling. a game that has monsters that can creep the hell out of you 500 yards away on a sunny day is scary. there is more to good atmosphere than 'dark', and things can be scary in areas far more bright (doom wasn't a dark game, but at one point still managed to scare the shit out of people).

in doom III, it looks to me like they decided to give up on trying to scare people in brightly lit rooms, so they just made everything really dark. from what i've seen, doom III looks like the 'scream' of computer games; it'll make you jump a few times, but once you see what you're fighting that's going to go away.

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I never found the zombies scary from the start.

Whether or not I will eventually classify Doom 3 as scary (System Shock 2 is the only other game I have done so), I suspect will largely depend on the use of sound, and not the pre-scripted 'jump' factor.

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chilvence said:

Doom 3 doesnt have to be System Shock with all its gimmicky rpg elements

System Shock is NOT an FPS with RPG elements, it's an RPG with FPS elements.

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Grogglogobofink said:

there is more to good atmosphere than 'dark'

I agree wholeheartedly. Just look at the Silent Hill games (well yeah, I've only played parts of the second), even the normal mansion is scary.

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There are plenty of bright areas in the Trailer! In fact, most of the scenes are set in rooms with normal lighting.

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Shaviro said:

There are plenty of bright areas in the Trailer! In fact, most of the scenes are set in rooms with normal lighting.

What are you talking about? Sure, there are highlights, but there is definitely not a single room without pitch black shadows.

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System Shock is NOT an FPS with RPG elements, it's an RPG with FPS elements.

Sure, I played it 10 times all the way through as well, but theres no need to be pedantic.

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Fredrik said:

What are you talking about? Sure, there are highlights, but there is definitely not a single room without pitch black shadows.

Yeah riiight...

There are some brightly lit rooms shown in the E3 trailer. AFAIK, no pitch black shadows are present (or will be present) in those areas.

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Zoorado said:

There are some brightly lit rooms shown in the E3 trailer. AFAIK, no pitch black shadows are present (or will be present) in those areas.

heh, take a cap of where you mean. i just watched that trailer and i saw no rooms without pitch black shadows.

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I think those may be just for the story, though....

Ah well, you never know. It may rock, or, it may crash and burn. Time will tell. In the meantime, I need sleep...

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LorD BaZTArD said:
If a post has atrocious spelling I'll ignore it, and this goes for everyone, not just you.

uhh... dose that mean you've never read any of my posts at doomworld at all? :P

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Zoorado said:

Well, I saw a few scenes where pitch black shadows aren't present. For example, this
and this

There are pitch black shadows in both of those pics. Plenty of them.

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Who cares? The rooms are bright enough. I don't care if there is a pitch black shadow under the stairs. Most of the scenes in the trailer are pretty bright anyways.

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chilvence said:

Sure, I played it 10 times all the way through as well, but theres no need to be pedantic.

It's not being pedantic. There's a big difference between an FPS with RPG elements and an FPS with RPG elements (although admittedly if the FPS has heavy RPG elements and the RPG has heavy FPS elements the line becomes blurred).

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Shaviro said:

Who cares? The rooms are bright enough. I don't care if there is a pitch black shadow under the stairs.

Why not? Those are the kinds of the shadows that something might leap out of ;P

Most of the scenes in the trailer are pretty bright anyways.

No. Except the outdoor scene, of course.

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Fredrik said:

Why not? Those are the kinds of the shadows that something might leap out of ;P

No. Except the outdoor scene, of course.

I don't know how you define a bright room in a video game. it is bright enough for me anyway.

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It is clear to me that id Software has *deliberately* made the lighting dim at best (or worst, depending on your view). I don't see a point in trying to argue against that.

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